
Hailing Natsuhi


"Give me the 'star'."

Senju Takuya raised an eyebrow. He did not expect the Third Hoshikage to make such a decision so quickly. This courage is impressive.

"Yes, Lord Hokage," the Third Hoshikage said flatteringly. "Consider the 'star' a treasure we present to Konoha."

After receiving the training scroll from Konoha, the "star" had become of little use to them. It was better to gift it to Senju Takuya while it still held value.

"Then I'll accept it," Takuya said without hesitation, placing the "star" directly into his Kamui space. Though highly radioactive and harmful to practitioners, he had the perfect secret method of the "Peacock Magic" rewarded by the system, so he had no concerns.

The gathered ninjas of Hoshigakure watched in awe as Senju Takuya utilized space-time ninjutsu effortlessly. Their admiration grew. The Hokage before them seemed less a man and more a deity.

"Now that this matter is settled, it's time for me to leave," Takuya said, turning to Natsuhi. "Natsuhi, will you come with me, or stay here?"

"Lord Hokage, I will go with you," Natsuhi replied without hesitation. Although she had grown up in Hoshigakure, the chance to follow Senju Takuya and see the outside world was too good to pass up.

"Good," Takuya said, satisfied with her answer. She was indeed smart.

As for the Third Hoshikage and his people, they had no objections. They lacked the power to stop him even if they wanted to. Moreover, if Natsuhi stayed with Senju Takuya and could occasionally influence him, it could bring glory to Hoshigakure.

"Um... Lord Hokage, please wait," the Third Hoshikage suddenly spoke as Takuya was about to leave with Natsuhi.

"What is it?" Senju Takuya asked, puzzled.

"Lord Hokage, you must be aware that Hoshigakure is surrounded by cliffs nearly a hundred meters wide, filled with a poisonous miasma. We can fly over the cliff using the 'star' and Peacock Magic. However, without the 'star', our future generations may not even be able to leave the village."

"I see. Your concerns are valid. Leave this to me," Takuya nodded. He had noticed the hundred-meter-wide cliff upon his arrival. While it posed no problem for him, it was a significant obstacle for others.

 Takuya led the way, with the Third Hoshikage and others following. The ninjas of Hoshigakure whispered among themselves.

"What do you think Lord Hokage will do to solve this problem?"

"I don't know. The cliff is so wide and filled with miasma. Building a bridge seems impossible."

"If he can't solve it, what will we do?"

"Yeah, if we lose the 'star', can we only move out of the village?"

"Stop arguing. You've seen Lord Hokage's power. If he says he can solve it, he will."

When they reached the cliff, the ninjas of Hoshigakure looked at the vast, poisonous chasm and shook their heads. Even a powerful man like Senju Takuya might struggle against such natural obstacles.

"What should we prepare, Lord Hokage?" Natsuhi asked, a hint of doubt in her voice.

"It's simple. Step back a little," Takuya said confidently.

After everyone retreated to a safe distance, Takuya clasped his hands together. "Sage Art: Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence!"

Infused with Sage Chakra, the technique was far more powerful than usual. The ground trembled, and thick trees soared into the sky, quickly covering the hundred-meter-wide cliff.

"This... This is terrifying power! Is this Wood Style?"

"It's incredible! He created such a large forest in an instant. It's terrifying."

"As expected of Lord Hokage, to do something like this."

"Yes, we won't have to move now."

The ninjas of Hoshigakure watched in awe. The scene of countless trees rising was truly miraculous. For a moment, they all looked at Senju Takuya with reverence.

"Alright. You can now connect to the outside world through here," Senju Takuya said calmly. The cliff was completely covered by the trees, forming sturdy passages. Over time, the vines would only get stronger, ensuring safe passage. The poisonous miasma was already dissipating under the influence of the forest.

"Thank you very much, Lord Hokage. From now on, Hoshigakure will follow your lead," the Third Hoshikage said firmly. He had decided to firmly align with Senju Takuya.

"Okay, I will send someone to deliver the training scroll," Takuya replied with a light smile, then left with Natsuhi. This trip had been quite rewarding.

After Senju Takuya left, the Third Hoshikage spoke loudly, "Everyone, listen! It was Lord Hokage who gave our village a new life. From today, Hoshigakure will no longer be called Star Village. From now on, we will be called Buddha Village. The statue of Guanyin is our new symbol!"

(A/N:-In Chinese mythology, Guanyin (觀音) is the goddess of mercy and considered to be the physical embodiment of compassion. She is an all-seeing, all-hearing being who is called upon by worshipers in times of uncertainty, despair, and fear.)

The other ninjas of Hoshigakure raised their hands and shouted in agreement. From today, the "star" was no longer their village's symbol. The statue of Guanyin was.


After leaving Hoshigakure, Takuya did not immediately use Kamui to return to Konoha. Instead, he chose to travel with Natsuhi, starting from the Land of Bears and making their way slowly towards Konoha. Everything Natsuhi saw along the way was novel and fascinating to her.

Growing up in the secluded Hoshigakure, Natsuhi had seen very little of the world.

"I'm so lucky to have met you, Takuya," Natsuhi said, hugging him, her eyes filled with happiness.

After spending some time together, she had become deeply enamored with Senju Takuya—both physically and mentally. He had completely captivated her with his power, humor, and handsome appearance.

If she had any complaints, it was that the "scallop frying" sessions were a bit too much for her. But she consoled herself with the thought that once they reached Konoha, her sisters could help share the burden.

Indeed, through getting to know Takuya, Natsuhi had learned about his plan to select multiple wives. She didn't object; in fact, she felt that a man like Takuya could have every woman in the ninja world and it wouldn't surprise her. Compared to him, other men were simply not on the same level.

"I didn't expect the Land of Fire to be so beautiful," Natsuhi marveled. "And the food is so delicious."

In a private room of a restaurant in a small town, Natsuhi couldn't help but sigh in contentment. Coming to the Land of Fire, she realized what true prosperity was—rows of houses, wide and clean streets, bustling crowds, and all kinds of food.

For the first time, she understood that people could live like this.

"When you get to Konoha, you'll see that this is nothing," Takuya said with a smile.

This was just a small, not particularly developed town in the Land of Fire. Konoha was the center of the entire ninja world.

"Hearing you say that makes me even more excited," Natsuhi said, a look of anticipation on her face. If this place was already so prosperous, what would Konoha be like?

Suddenly, Natsuhi's expression changed, and she started coughing. After a while, she wiped her mouth, revealing a small pool of blood on her hand.

"Coughing up blood?" Takuya frowned.

"It's nothing," Natsuhi said with a wry smile. "This is the sequelae of practicing the Peacock Magic."

With her continued practice of the Peacock Magic, her health had gradually deteriorated. She would cough up blood periodically, which was a key reason she had stolen the "star."

"Come here. Let me help you treat it," Takuya said, gesturing for her to come closer.

"Husband, there's no need. My body can't be healed by medical ninjutsu anymore. Even though I don't know how long I have left, I'm already happy to have met you in this life," Natsuhi said, smiling.

She had tried countless methods to cure the damage caused by the "star," but none had worked. If there had been a way, she wouldn't have stolen the "star."

"Don't worry, you won't die as long as I'm here," Takuya said, pulling Natsuhi into his arms.

He began to transfer vitality and Yang Release chakra into Natsuhi's body. She gasped in surprise, feeling a sudden burst of vitality. Under its influence, her body rapidly began to repair itself, and all her long-standing ailments disappeared. She felt an unprecedented sense of comfort and vitality.

After a while, Takuya stopped. "How do you feel?"

"Husband, is there anything in this world that you can't do?" Natsuhi asked, astonished. It was one thing to be powerful, but to almost bring someone back from the brink of death was truly extraordinary.

"I don't know if there's anything I can't do. But so far, nothing has been able to trouble me," Takuya said with a light smile.

"Husband, thank you so much," Natsuhi said sincerely. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Takuya had given her a second life.

"If you really want to thank me, then work hard and help me revive the Senju clan," Takuya said, smirking as he looked at her figure.

"I understand," Natsuhi said, lowering her head.

"Husband, feed me," she whispered.

With her body healed, Natsuhi became more energetic, and her capacity to endure increased significantly. This made Takuya feel particularly content both physically and mentally. The two continued their journey, warm and sweet.


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