
Marry Uchiha Mikoto

### Konoha Village: Uchiha Clan Compound

"Mikoto, today you will marry the Senju clan leader. After you get married, remember to serve Chief Takuya well with all your heart. Strive to give Chief Takuya some children as soon as possible."

Uchiha Chishima warned Uchiha Mikoto.

"I understand, Chief Chishima. You have repeated these words many times," Uchiha Mikoto muttered impatiently.

However, instead of being angry, Uchiha Chishima showed a flattering smile.

"Then I won't say much more. Just prepare yourself."

After Uchiha Chishima finished speaking, he turned and left the room, feeling very good. After today, he could send people to take delivery of the ten copper mines promised by Senju Takuya.

"Father!" Looking at Uchiha Chishima walking out, Uchiha Fugaku said expressionlessly.

"Fugaku, forget about Mikoto. There are plenty of girls in the Uchiha clan."

Uchiha Chishima patted Uchiha Fugaku on the shoulder.


Uchiha Fugaku bowed his head and responded, a pair of scarlet Three Tomoe Sharingan spinning wildly. Since being defeated by Senju Takuya last time, the power of Uchiha Fugaku's eyes has continued to grow. After consulting the Uchiha clan's classics, he learned that when the Uchiha clan is strongly stimulated, Sharingan can further evolve. After feeling the pain of losing a loved one, Three Tomoe Sharingan could evolve into the legendary Mangekyō Sharingan. This allowed Uchiha Fugaku to find a direction that could defeat Senju Takuya.

Pity, Uchiha Chishima did not notice anything unusual about Uchiha Fugaku.


"Mikoto, you look so beautiful today."

Uzumaki Kushina looked at Uchiha Mikoto in full dress and couldn't help but admire.

"Kushina, you were just as beautiful on your wedding day," Uchiha Mikoto smiled.

"Hahahaha...Mikoto, even if you say that, I won't be happy at all."

Seeing Uzumaki Kushina's hands on her hips, Uchiha Mikoto couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"You look like this, you are really not convincing at all."

"Kushina, from now on, we will be sisters for life. Thank you."

Uchiha Mikoto looked at Uzumaki Kushina sincerely. If it weren't for Kushina, how could she be as happy as she is now?

"This is necessary. If you want to thank me, then help me more often," Uzumaki Kushina smiled.

"Can I help you more in normal times? What's the meaning? Could it be that you are at odds with Takuya's other wives?" Uchiha Mikoto asked a little strangely.

"Of course not. I mean..."

Uzumaki Kushina leaned down and whispered a few words in Uchiha Mikoto's ear. Uchiha Mikoto's eyes widened instantly.

"Kushina, what did you say? You guys have to sleep with Takuya every night?!"

Uchiha Mikoto exclaimed in disbelief.

"Shhh!!! Keep your voice down."

Uzumaki Kushina quickly covered Uchiha Mikoto's mouth.

"Sorry...I was a little surprised by what you said."

In Uchiha Mikoto's worldview, even though Senju Takuya has many wives, they should sleep separately at night, with Takuya deciding which one to favor. But Uzumaki Kushina's words made her a little confused. Sleeping together... how embarrassing that is!

"Forget it, you will know when you are tortured to the point where you just want to beg for mercy," Uzumaki Kushina saw Uchiha Mikoto so surprised and said no more. When she realizes how powerful Takuya is in the future, she will probably understand what she said.


Witnessed by everyone in Konoha, Senju Takuya led a luxurious wedding team and picked up Uchiha Mikoto from the Uchiha compound. Uchiha Chishima also mobilized a team from the police force to see off Uchiha Mikoto. This scene let the villagers of Konoha talk. They did not expect the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan to be so harmonious.

After taking Uchiha Mikoto back to the Senju compound, Senju Takuya came to the front yard to drink with everyone. During the banquet, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was not very good. This time Senju Takuya held a wedding, and as Hokage, he gave out a lot of gifts. This is the fourth time! There may be more times in the future! Why can't you not give me an invitation? As a Hokage, he is also a disciple of Senju Tobirama. It is impossible to refuse to come to the wedding. Sarutobi Hiruzen felt very unhappy when he thought about having to pay endlessly in the future. Looking at Senju Takuya with a proud smile, Sarutobi Hiruzen encouraged Akamichi Dingzuo, Uchiha Chishima, Hyuga Hiashi, and others to start drinking with Senju Takuya, wanting to vent his frustration.

Pity, with Senju Takuya's physique, even if they took turns attacking, they ended up drunk and vomiting.


After accompanying the guests, Senju Takuya came to the backyard. Opening the door and entering the wedding room, he found Uchiha Mikoto sitting quietly by the bed.

"Mikoto, long wait," Senju Takuya smiled.


Seeing Senju Takuya's appearance, Uchiha Mikoto lowered her head shyly. When she thought about what was about to happen, her heart couldn't help but jump.

"Mikoto, are you ready?"

Senju Takuya came to the bedside and gently took Uchiha Mikoto into his arms.

"I...I can do either."

Uchiha Mikoto's face turned red as if she were about to bleed. She lowered her head and nervously pulled at the corner of her clothes. Seeing her weak and rideable appearance, Senju Takuya couldn't help but swallow. So tempting. Uchiha Mikoto was not only beautiful but also had a temperament that made him want to stop. Without any further hesitation, Senju Takuya picked up Uchiha Mikoto and threw her on the bed.


Outside the door, there was a sudden chuckle.


"Kushina is outside."

Uchiha Mikoto said shyly. She knew Uzumaki Kushina too well. This guy must have taken this opportunity to eavesdrop on purpose.

"It's fine. Today she listens to you, and tomorrow let her call you," Senju Takuya smiled. Hearing such harsh

words, Uchiha Mikoto's body became completely weak.

"You bad guy, how can you be like this...well..."


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