
The Ino–Shika–Chō

The news of Senju Takuya's proposal to the Uchiha clan spread like wildfire in Konoha. "My goodness... The Senju clan is actually going to marry a girl from the Uchiha clan?!"

"I can't believe it! With the relationship between Senju and Uchiha, I never thought the Uchiha patriarch would agree to Takuya's request!"

"It's not that surprising when you hear about the dowry. Ten copper mines!"

"Ten copper mines?! That's incredible!"

"Senju Takuya really knows how to make a statement. Using ten copper mines as a dowry is just beyond imagination!"

The streets of Konoha buzzed with discussions about Takuya Senju. Whether it was the marriage between the Senju and Uchiha clans or the substantial dowry, it was all enough to shock everyone.

Even the major ninja clans of Konoha were taken aback when they heard the news. Ten copper mines represented an immense fortune. Many ninjas began to entertain the same thought: If they also married into the Senju clan, they could receive significant benefits.

Even the Hyuga clan, known for their strict policies against intermarriage with other clans, found themselves tempted. Although the conservatives ultimately decided against it, the fact that the idea was seriously considered showed the impact of Takuya's actions.

Takuya Senju was pleased with this outcome. In his wife-picking plan, almost all his applicants were civilian ninjas without any background. But now, seeing the huge benefits the Uchiha clan received, various ninja clans in Konoha couldn't help but extend their olive branches to the Senju clan.

By entangling his interests with those of the various families in Konoha, Takuya was positioning himself strategically. In the future, when he led a movement against the rule of Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura, the question of who was the rightful authority in Konoha would become a significant point of contention.

With this alliance, the Senju clan's resurgence seemed inevitable, and Takuya was ready to capitalize on every opportunity.

Senju clan Land.

Inside the luxurious reception hall.

Nara Shikaku, Akimichi Choza, and Yamanaka Inoichi sat in the hall, looking a little anxious.

"Shikaku, do you think this matter can be accomplished?"

"We've been waiting for so long. Why hasn't Takuya Senju come out yet?"

"Are you sure about this?"

Akimichi Choza looked at Nara Shikaku and asked.

"Don't worry."

"You are all clan heads, don't be so jittery."

Nara Shikaku said lightly.

"But I'm a little hungry now."

Akimichi Choza said with some grievance.

"Just hold on a little longer."

"What a bother…"

Nara Shikaku muttered in a low voice.

"Hahahaha… Sorry to keep everyone waiting."

Just as they were talking, Takuya Senju's hearty laughter echoed through the hall.

"Patriarch Takuya."

Seeing Senju Takuya enter, Nara Shikaku, Akimichi Choza, and Yamanaka Inoichi all stood up politely.

"I see the three clan heads have arrived together. Is there something urgent?"

Takuya Senju got straight to the point.

"That's right, Patriarch Takuya. We were deeply moved when we heard about your plan to revive the Senju clan."

"We also admire your ingenuity in devising such a method."

"Our Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka clans have always been steadfast allies of the Senju clan."

"So today, we've come to discuss the matter of selecting wives for you."

"We wish to contribute to the revival of the Senju."

Yamanaka Inoichi said with a smile.

Hearing his words, Senju Takuya nodded in understanding. It seemed the moves he had made were starting to pay off. These ninja clans, who had been observing from the sidelines, finally couldn't resist after seeing the immense benefits the Uchiha clan had obtained. Indeed, only interests are the best catalyst.

"So that's how it is."

"That's very considerate of you."

Senju Takuya laughed.

"It's the least we can do."

"I just hope the women we've selected meet your approval."

Yamanaka Inoichi clapped his hands, and soon, three attractive and strong kunoichi walked in.

"Lord Takuya, these are the finest our clans have to offer."

"Not only are they beautiful, but their strength is also exceptional."

"They will surely be able to produce excellent heirs for the Senju clan."

Nara Shikaku introduced with a hint of reluctance. These were three elite Jonin! For a major ninja clan like the Ino-Shika-Cho, this was a significant sacrifice. However, to gain favor with Takuya Senju, this sacrifice was necessary.

"I've seen Takuya-sama!"

The three kunoichi saluted Takuya Senju respectfully and introduced themselves.

Looking at the three beauties in front of him, Takuya Senju nodded in satisfaction. Three beautiful Jonin were rare, especially for the Akimichi clan. Finding a hot woman among them was not easy.

"Alright, then our marriage is decided."

Senju Takuya spoke.

Seeing that Senju Takuya was satisfied, Nara Shikaku and the others quietly breathed a sigh of relief. This marriage alliance seemed promising.

"You've all put in a lot of effort."

"In that case, the Senju clan should reciprocate."

Takuya Senju knew the purpose of their visit and generously offered the three clans some benefits. The Nara clan, known for their medicinal herbs, would cooperate with Senju Pharmaceuticals. The Akimichi clan would collaborate in agriculture. As for the Yamanaka clan, Takuya promised to work with them on perfumes and cosmetics.

While giving up some benefits, it was a worthwhile trade to secure the support of these clans.

"For the significant contribution you've made to the revival of the Senju clan, know that the Senju clan will stand by you in times of need."

Takuya Senju promised.

Hearing this, Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Inoichi, and Akimichi Choza were delighted. They were already satisfied with the business collaborations, and Takuya Senju's promise was an unexpected bonus. The promise from one of Konoha's most powerful clans was invaluable.

Finally, they agreed on a date for the marriage. Unlike with the Uchiha clan, Takuya Senju set the date for a week later, planning to marry all three kunoichi at once.

Nara Shikaku and the others had no objections. They valued practical results over ceremonial grandeur, unlike the Uchiha clan.

After some discussion, Nara Shikaku, Akimichi Choza, and Yamanaka Inoichi left happily with a satisfactory outcome. While they didn't receive enormous benefits like the ten copper mines given to the Uchiha, the business collaborations alone promised substantial profits.


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