
The First Person To Publicly Choose His Wife, Yakushi

"Understood, Takuya-sama. I will prepare everything accordingly."

With a bow, Yakushi Nono left Senju Takuya's presence, her mind whirling with a mixture of relief and disbelief. She had not expected the process to be so straightforward, nor had she anticipated such an abrupt transition into a significant chapter of her life.

Back at the orphanage, the children greeted her with joy, oblivious to the life-changing decision she had just made. As she looked at their happy faces, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. The funds she would receive from her marriage into the Senju clan would secure the orphanage's future, ensuring that the children she cared for would have a safe and comfortable upbringing.

Meanwhile, in the Senju clan's land, Uzumaki Kushina was busy making arrangements for the upcoming wedding. She was determined to make it a grand affair, reflecting both the prestige of the Senju clan and the importance of Takuya's mission to revive the family. The entire clan was abuzz with activity, as preparations were made for the ceremony and the celebrations that would follow.

Three days passed quickly. The Senju clan's estate was decorated with an array of flowers and banners, creating an atmosphere of festivity and excitement. Guests from various parts of Konoha, including notable figures and allies of the Senju clan, gathered to witness the union.

Senju Takuya, dressed in traditional wedding attire, stood proudly at the altar. As Yakushi Nono walked down the aisle, escorted by the children from the orphanage, a sense of fulfillment washed over him. This marriage was not just a personal milestone but a crucial step in his plan to revive the Senju clan.

The ceremony proceeded smoothly, with vows exchanged under the watchful eyes of the attendees. When the officiant finally declared them husband and wife, a cheer erupted from the crowd. The celebration that followed was filled with music, laughter, and an abundance of food, showcasing the prosperity and generosity of the Senju clan.

As the night drew to a close, Takuya and Nono found a moment of peace amidst the festivities. They stood together, overlooking the bustling courtyard filled with joyous faces.

"Takuya-sama," Nono began, her voice soft but steady, "I am grateful for this opportunity. I will do my best to support the Senju clan and fulfill my duties."

Takuya smiled, a rare warmth in his eyes. "Nono, you are now part of the Senju family. Together, we will rebuild and ensure a bright future for our clan."

The future was indeed uncertain, but with allies like Nono and the unwavering support of individuals like Kushina, Senju Takuya felt confident. This marriage was just the beginning of his ambitious plan to restore the Senju clan to its former glory. And as they stood together, united by both purpose and circumstance, a new chapter in the history of the Senju clan began to unfold.

Three months later.

Senju Takuya's residence.

Yakushi Nono was bustling around the courtyard, her gentle demeanor bringing a sense of peace to the children playing nearby. She had seamlessly integrated into the Senju household, and her presence had already begun to make a difference.

Takuya watched her from a distance, appreciating her dedication and kindness. His plan was progressing smoothly. He had been gradually building alliances, strengthening the Senju clan's influence within Konoha. The presence of Nono and her background with the orphanage provided an unexpected but welcome boost to his efforts, as it garnered public goodwill and support.

Meanwhile, in the shadows of Konoha, not everyone was pleased with Takuya's progress.

"Hokage-sama," Shimura Danzo spoke with a hint of frustration, "Takuya's influence is growing. The Senju clan is gaining strength, and we cannot allow this to continue unchecked."

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, sat behind his desk, deep in thought. "Danzo, we must tread carefully. The Senju clan is still an integral part of Konoha's history and strength. Direct confrontation could destabilize the village."

"Then what do you propose?" Danzo pressed, his impatience evident.

"We continue to monitor Takuya. His ambitions may overreach, and when they do, we will be ready to act," Sarutobi replied calmly. "For now, ensure that he does not gain too much power too quickly."

Danzo nodded reluctantly, though his mind was already devising schemes to curb Takuya's influence.

Back at the Senju compound, Takuya was aware of the political undercurrents swirling around him. He knew that Sarutobi and Danzo viewed him with suspicion, if not outright hostility. But he also knew that he had to stay one step ahead if he was to succeed in his mission.

That evening, after the children had gone to bed, Takuya and Nono sat together in the garden, enjoying the calm of the night.

"Takuya-sama, I have been thinking," Nono began hesitantly, "about ways we can further help the children in the orphanage and support our clan's growth."

Takuya looked at her, intrigued. "Go on."

"There are many skilled but unrecognized individuals in Konoha, those who could benefit from proper training and support. If we can provide them with opportunities, they might become loyal allies of the Senju clan," she explained.

Takuya considered her words. It was a sound idea, one that could expand their influence subtly while also benefiting the village. "You're right, Nono. We should start identifying and training potential allies. Your insight is invaluable."

Nono smiled, pleased to contribute meaningfully to Takuya's plans. Together, they began to outline a strategy to support and integrate these individuals, strengthening the Senju clan from the ground up.

As he looked out over the bustling Senju compound, Takuya felt a deep sense of satisfaction. The Senju clan was on its way to reclaiming its former glory, and he would ensure that nothing stood in their way.


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