
Chapter 25 Something New

  ~ JESSE ~

  "So, what did he make you come here for?" I muttered, taking a handful of grapes and popping one into my mouth sullenly. It was surprisingly sweet.

  "He hasn't made me do anything," Rake replied.

  I looked at him skeptically as I ate a couple more grapes. They were actually really good. Then I saw berries in a bowl next to them and chose one of those too, eating it-then having to awkwardly catch the juice before it dripped down my chin. Rake smiled. I stifled embarrassment, but waited for him to actually answer the question.

  Rake sighed and folded his arms. "He asked me to come talk to you, to see if I could help."

  "Help with what?"

  "Understanding that he isn't, perhaps, exactly what you think?" he said carefully.

  I sat back in my chair shaking my head as I picked up a little toothpick thingy from a cup, then speared a square of cheese and an olive from the buffet on the tray. I chewed it and swallowed and Rake didn't add anymore.

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