
Chapter 14

"Well, the goggles protect my eyes from dust and any flashes, the mask filters the air from harmful impurities and most volatile poisons, and the cloak serves as additional protection, partially concealing my chakra, preventing reading movements in taijutsu and masking any existing weapons. Naturally, most conditions are achieved through fuin applied to them.

Not to mention the almost complete impossibility of reading me through my eyes, face, or involuntary body movements, which are famous for Hyuga and Uchiha. Even quite seasoned shinobi possess such an ability.

'And how much do these things cost?' Rotaro was interested.

'I have no idea — I made them myself, but it took a lot of time to process the items and apply the seals, so it's a custom job.'

'I see.'

That's what I like about this guy — he didn't beg to have the same done for him, as many would have done in his place.

The last of our trio was already at the training ground when we approached, so after greeting her, we waited together for Kanade. However, she appeared via Shunshin just a couple of minutes later, arriving exactly at nine.

'Good morning, everyone! Without further ado, start stretching while I outline our daily schedule for the next few months,' Hyuga rushed in, not waiting for our response.

Shrugging, I began performing the usual routine adopted in the academy before the day's first physical exercises. My example was followed by my teammates.

'So, in the morning, we'll focus on your physical condition and endurance — running, squats, push-ups, and the like without using chakra,' the instructor began listing, pacing around us. 'Then a few minutes of rest and taijutsu practice, since it's the most important discipline for your survival. What's the point of knowing a bunch of techniques if you can't apply them effectively? Of course, each of you will work on your own style, but I will point out any mistakes and correct them.'

Looks like I'll have to enhance the level of training seals a bit more to feel the results.

'So, can I only use clan style?' Tsume asked.

'Exactly, I'm very familiar with it, as well as most other styles, except perhaps those used by Ryu-kun,' Hyuga nodded proudly. 'After three hours, there will be lunch, followed by at least one D-rank mission. Depending on your diligence and speed, you should be home by around five.'

'What about the other aspects of improving shinobi?' Ishi asked, fully warmed up.

'Since none of you will be released from the village for the first six months, we will gradually work on all your abilities, focusing primarily on physical capabilities and taijutsu. When I decide that you are at the level of a normal Chunin, we will move on to another aspect. But three hours of physical training will always be a given, understood?'


'In that case, we're running fifty laps around the polygons now to boost your endurance, then we'll start the exercises,' Kanade nodded and, setting a good example, took off from a standing position. 'Everyone, follow me!'

Considering the fact that she didn't slow down for a moment, periodically watching with Byakugan to ensure no one cheated using chakra, by the end of the first hour and the final lap, half the team arrived noticeably out of breath and sweating. Such a distance posed no difficulty for me, even with an increased load of seals, so I just grinned at two envious looks and one approving glance (not that it could be noticed) and shrugged.

Then followed numerous exercises to develop strength, speed, agility, and mobility, where I had to sweat a lot primarily because a few hours of sleep weren't enough for proper recovery. But judging by the condition of my teammates, I still looked pretty good by noon, while this couple was clearly on their last legs.

Of course, the intensity of the training is slightly below my usual, but Hyuga shouldn't expect ordinary students to have Uzumaki's endurance, despite all the training received in the academy. At least we can be sure that in six months, everyone in the team will be in good enough physical shape for Chunin."

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