
Chapter 13: The Scenic Route

Anneliese POV

Ravyn stared dubiously at the glossy fabric in Anneliese's arms. "Do I really need that for a visit to Jude's home? It seems a little much."

Rolling her eyes, Anneliese Chalice Cresta said, "And who's the most fashionable witch in Evenhide and Wildefell circles? Trust me, Ravyn. I've managed to get my mate to go shopping repeatedly without a disaster. Besides, Evenhide's pride and honor are at stake. Your regular witch robes just won't do–and even my mother agrees. You are like another mother to me, you know."

She was ready to add that her mate Patch thought the lavender dress robe patterned with gold flowers would make Ravyn the talk of the Silverpaw Pack. Like all the Cresta men, Patch adored Ravyn.

She marched over to the bed and laid the fancy robe in Ravyn's suitcase. "You're supposed to be going to Wildefell right afterwards–you'll need something suitable."

"You don't need to do this–you've got two little ones to look after."

Anneliese laughed. "And cousins to keep them distracted."

"Well, I can always go to Madam Blass if I need formal wear," Ravyn said.

Sometimes, Anneliese thought, Ravyn didn't seem to grasp that she was royalty now in addition to being a renowned witch. Lilia had the same adjustment problems. Even as the most powerful Luna in the Shifter Federation, Lilia sometimes acted like she worked in the shop and lived in the apartment above with her mother. Anneliese loved them both for that.

She smirked. "Where do you think I had this tailored, just for you, and brought it back from the last trip Patch and I took there? I've been waiting for the right time to give it to you. And did I mention Mother agrees?"

"You did, and you know very well what you're doing when you do."

"I am Edna and Graydon's child and I do know how to persuade people," Anneliese declared.

It felt almost inevitable that she'd be best friends with Lilia. Both carried on the legacy of ancient witch families–and together they split their time between the witch and the shifter world, mated to the Cresta brothers.

Ravyn laughed fondly. "You're worse about it than either of your parents."

"Mother would raise holy h*ll if you suggested she'd gone soft," Anneliese scoffed, adding a comfortable nightgown from the exclusive shop by Coco Blass for Wildefell–or in case Jude's castle was as drafty as usual.

Would Jude try to keep Ravyn warm?

She swatted away the thought, which normally would get her mind churning with schemes to send Ravyn and Jude to some opera performance–although Lilia's father and Jude's pack seemed more effective at throwing them together than any opera singer. Hopefully not too much–Jude was stubbornly insisting on getting his strictly business arrangement. That, too, would normally make her scheme harder.

But she couldn't imagine a romantic adventure involving the second mother who put up such a fuss about a new robe and who taught Lilia and Anneliese that magic really cannot fix a terrible haircut you give your best friend when you're a teenager. Try as she might, she just couldn't make herself go there.

"Now, what else do we need to pack?" she asked.

* * * * *

Ravyn POV


With a tall hat shading her from the sun, Ravyn rode on Jude's back. She sipped water in a large brass bottle while she gazed out at the passing landscape full of light. She decided to go naked this time, since the weather was agreeable. Jude's personal security, who had been with him in New Moon City, followed at a distance.

The eastern part of Evenhide territory was full of green as well as the meandering Beaversor River, which snaked through waving tall grasses, tundra, and forests primeval from the southern border with Lugdunum all the way to the Evenhide-Silverpaw border. A stretch of the river marked the boundary between the two kingdoms–they would reach the border by nightfall. Jude followed the river, the most scenic way to travel to his homeland.

Small boats bobbed up and down on the river as fishermen cast their nets and also shifted from human to wolf form to dive into the water, then surface with wriggling fish in their mouths. Small pups skipped stones into the river, and here and there, a trader sailed to the next village or outpost.

Ravyn scratched behind Jude's ears, aware that he'd kept up a steady pace and undoubtedly could use some fresh water. For the first time in hours, he veered off course and trotted to the water's edge where the peaceful flow of the river beckoned her. His security also headed to the river to drink water.

Climbing down, she sat on the riverbank and stuck her feet in the water, moaning in bliss. It took her back to childhood and trips with her parents when they hunted for crystals. She'd continued the family tradition with Lilia before that night when Daxius didn't come home, and she'd made herself resume those trips because young Lilia yelled, fed up, that they never did anything fun anymore.

A slurping sound interrupted her reverie and she looked over at Jude, lapping up water as if he wanted to drink the whole river.

She scratched behind his ears. "Next time you're thirsty, don't wait! Actually, you need to drink water before you realize you're thirsty, because by then, it's too late."

The next thing she knew, he was wading in human form into the river. He plunged beneath the surface and popped out again, throwing his head back. Water cascaded down his powerful, lean body, dripping from his wet hair, and her mouth went dry.

Turning to her, he extended his strong hand. "Join me?"

In a mock serious tone, she said, "I thought you wanted to make the border by nightfall."

"A refreshing dip won't take much time." He splashed around, looking far more carefree than a few nights ago. "But if you're not interested ..."

Challenge made. Challenge accepted. And that water looked inviting–it felt like silk.

She gasped when she plunged into the river's icy depths. "Goddess Brigid, that's COLD."

The guards all applauded her getting into the water, accepting the Alpha's challenge.

Jude's gaze was filled with warmth–or maybe heat. "Too cold for you?"

"Not if I float." She let her feet rise up until she floated on the lazy river. It felt so calm and serene. When was the last time she'd done this?

Oh yes. Several months ago, she floated on the lake outside Sinsworth House, with the lake serpents cavorting around her. She'd been teaching the Sinsworth and Cresta children to swim–you could never start too early.

Jude splashed her and she floated away from him, kicking her legs and feeling freer than she had in ages.

She knew this wasn't a pleasure trip. But on the other hand, she needed to learn about Jude ... and she'd discovered more about him in the last few days than she had in three years. Including the secret playful side to this tough, battle-tested, commanding Alpha. He and Emer had always laughed easily together, so clearly, she'd known how to inspire his more lighthearted moments ...

Jude swam up beside her, his gray-and-black hair glistening in the sun. "How do you do that?"

"Float? It's simple!"

He grinned. "Maybe I'm doing it wrong. Why don't you show me how?"

And she found herself coaxing him to float and holding onto his hand just to make sure he kept at it and didn't get discouraged.

They spent so much time at the river they didn't make it to the border by nightfall, and by the time she fell into bed in an inn close to the river, she was too tired to care about the delay.

* * * * *

Jude POV

The scent of wolves from his own pack across the river signaled that he was home. Since the river was particularly deep here, Jude stepped out onto a small wooden landing and rang a bell. Moments later, a grizzled, gray-haired ferryman steered a raft toward them. Jude grinned. "Well, I thought you'd have retired by now."

Alonzo, the ferryman, pointed his pole at Jude. "Alpha, I was here when your father ruled and probably when your grandfather did. I'll be here when your son leads the pack." His gaze flicked to Ravyn. "Ferrying all the Alpha's guests across."

A huge smile spread across her face. "Now, that's dedication."

Just like that, the crusty ferryman fell under Ravyn's spell, and if he'd been in wolf form, his tail would have wagged. He reached out a hand to help her onto the raft. Jude and his guards exchanged proud glances.

Once everyone was safely aboard, Jude enjoyed the brief trip across the rushing river to the opposite bank where the sentries stood watch and saluted him. "Alpha, welcome home," several of them chorused.

Assisting Ravyn as they stepped down from the raft, Jude smiled at the sentries. "Thank you. It's good to be home. Has everything been quiet?"

The lead sentry, a strapping female shifter named Tali, grimaced. "We've had some pests."

Jude's gaze sharpened as he scanned the bank in both directions, then looked back at Tali. "The Dark Goddess' followers?"

She shook her head, her long braids brushing her skin. "Rogues. Not Hades' rogues, but regular ones."

Ravyn interjected. "A nuisance, but nothing like the Dark Goddess' deluded followers."

Tali nodded, a smile tugging her face. "You speak as if you know."

Jude couldn't resist puffing out his chest. "This is Ravyn Rolfe–who I'm bringing home."

Tali's blue eyes glowed with recognition. "The Evenhide Pack Mother? Our future Luna? Now our two packs will be even closer! Together, Silverpaw's strength and Evenhide's courage will make all our foes tremble–and we have Crimsontail might as well!"

All the sentries howled.

Arcturus joined them and Jude had to silence his wolf. He'd blundered, but good.

Ravyn whistled to get their attention. "No, no, my friends. I'm flattered, but you misunderstand. I'm here to help Alpha Jude FIND his Luna–by learning more about your pack."

Tali switched to a neutral expression, but Jude saw disappointment in her eyes, and the other sentries growled, equally dismayed.

"Jude, shall we go?" Ravyn asked, looking flustered. "We were supposed to be at your castle by tonight."

She strode ahead quickly and Jude exchanged glances with his guards. He put on his Alpha face as he smiled at the sentries. "She appreciates the compliment–and I'm the one who's flattered. Ravyn is far too good for even an Alpha."

Merciful Moon Goddess, what was he saying?

Tali nodded respectfully. "Sorry, sir. It's just that the two of you looked so right together and she seemed like ... like Luna Emer the way she behaved."

Not trusting himself to speak, Jude nodded and went on his way, following Ravyn. Hurrying to catch up with her, he gripped her arm. "Did they upset you?"

"You said you were bringing me home." Her tone was mild, but there was an undercurrent he couldn't decipher. "What else were they supposed to think?"

"Are you insulted?"

She bristled. "Of course not! To be your Luna would be ... well, any woman would be lucky. But you misled them."

He sighed. "Haven't you ever misspoken? Has Ravyn Rolfe always been perfect?"

"Apparently not. I was fairly flawed or he wouldn't have left me."

"Self-pity doesn't suit you."


Fenrir's guts, what was wrong with him today? He just kept digging a hole with his tongue.

"Ravyn, I–"

She rotated her body and fired a blazing light arrow at the thick bushes. A second later, his son Bram burst out from the bushes. "SHE'S going to be your Luna? You're replacing Mother with an Evenhide witch? Well, I won't allow it! How can you do this to our family?"

Bram is a confused person, isn't he? Do you sympathize with him?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AmandaMaddencreators' thoughts
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