
Chapter 1

As King Viserys Targaryen sat solemnly at the head of the Small Council table in the year 112 AC, his thoughts were consumed by the tragic events of the past few days—the devastating loss of his beloved wife, Queen Aemma, and their newborn child, Prince Baelon. The weight of grief hung heavy upon his shoulders as he struggled to come to terms with the profound loss that had befallen his family.

Around him, the members of his Small Council engaged in discussions about the pressing matters facing the realm. Their voices seemed to fade into the background as Viserys wrestled with his own emotions, his heart heavy with sorrow and regret.

Yet, even in the midst of his grief, Viserys knew that the realm depended on him to provide leadership and direction. With a heavy heart, he forced himself to focus on the task at hand, listening intently as his advisors debated the way forward.

As the discussions continued, Viserys found solace in the counsel of his trusted advisors, drawing strength from their unwavering support. Together, they explored strategies to navigate the challenges that lay ahead, seeking to honor the memory of Queen Aemma and Prince Baelon by ensuring the continued stability and prosperity of the realm.

Though the pain of his loss would never fully fade, Viserys resolved to honor their memory by dedicating himself to the welfare of the Seven Kingdoms. And as the discussions stretched into the night, he remained steadfast in his determination to lead the realm through the darkness, guided by the legacy of House Targaryen and the love he still carried in his heart for those he had lost.

As King Viserys Targaryen listened to his Hand, Otto Hightower, deliver the disturbing news about his brother Damon's behavior, his anger flared to life like a wildfire. The mention of Damon's toast to his late nephew Baelon, naming him as the "Heir for a Day," struck Viserys to the core, igniting a fury unlike any he had felt before.

Viserys clenched his fists, his jaw tightening with barely restrained rage as he absorbed the implications of Damon's actions. To mock the memory of his beloved son, to treat the line of succession with such disrespect—it was an affront that Viserys could not abide.

His voice trembling with fury, Viserys rose from his seat at the Small Council table, his eyes blazing with righteous indignation. "This insult cannot go unanswered," he declared, his words cutting through the air like a blade. "Damon's actions have brought shame upon House Targaryen, and he shall answer for his treachery."

With a steely resolve, Viserys turned to his advisors, his tone leaving no room for dissent. "Summon my brother Damon to court immediately," he commanded. "He will answer for his crimes, and justice will be swift and severe."

As the echoes of his proclamation reverberated through the chamber, Viserys vowed to uphold the honor of his house and the memory of his son, no matter the cost. And as he braced himself for the confrontation that lay ahead, his rage burned hotter than ever before, fueling his determination to mete out justice to those who dared to defy the rightful rule of House Targaryen.

In the grandeur of the throne room, the air thick with the weight of history and power, King Viserys Targaryen sat upon the Iron Throne, his regal presence commanding the attention of all who entered. His gaze, sharp as Valyrian steel, swept over the vast chamber, every inch a king in his rightful domain.

Suddenly, the main doors at the far end of the hall swung open with a resounding creak, drawing the attention of all present. A figure strode confidently into the room, the arrogance practically radiating from him like a tangible aura. It was Prince Daemon Targaryen, Viserys' own brother, his smirk twisting into a knowing grin as he locked eyes with the king.

Viserys felt a surge of fury rise within him at the sight of Daemon's smug expression, his blood boiling beneath his skin. How dare his brother show such insolence in the very heart of their power?

Seated upon the throne, the pointed blades sticking out like a fearsome crown, Viserys watched with barely contained rage as Daemon approached, each step a deliberate taunt. The nonchalant demeanor of his brother only served to stoke the flames of Viserys' anger, a seething inferno threatening to consume him whole.

As Daemon drew nearer, his smirk widening with each passing moment, Viserys struggled to maintain his composure. His grip tightened on the armrests of the throne, his knuckles turning white with the effort of restraint.

But beneath the mask of regal poise, Viserys' fury burned bright as dragonfire, ready to erupt at any moment. For in that fateful instant, the rift between brothers widened, a chasm of resentment and betrayal that threatened to tear apart the very fabric of their family's legacy.

"You cut the image of the conqueror, brother," Daemon remarked.

As Daemon's casual remark echoed through the throne room, Viserys felt a surge of frustration coursing through him. His brother's words struck a nerve, igniting a simmering anger that threatened to boil over at any moment.

"Did you say it?" Viserys' voice was low, his tone heavy with barely contained rage. He fixed his gaze upon Daemon, searching for any hint of truth in his brother's eyes, desperately hoping that the accusation was nothing more than a cruel jest.

Daemon halted just at the foot of the throne, his expression a mask of unconcern and confusion. "I don't know what you mean," he replied casually, his tone betraying none of the turmoil raging within Viserys' heart.

Viserys' words sliced through the tension like a blade, his voice resonating with raw anger as he demanded his brother's obedience. "You will address me as 'Your Grace,' or I will have my Kingsguard cut out your tongue," he commanded, his tone dripping with the weight of his authority. "'The Heir for a Day', Did you say it?"

His brother's gaze faltered, a fleeting moment of recognition flashing across his features before he averted his eyes, refusing to meet Viserys' piercing stare. The air crackled with anticipation as Daemon struggled to find his voice, his response hesitant and devoid of the authority he usually carried.

"We must all mourn in our own way, Your Grace," he finally replied, his words a feeble attempt to deflect Viserys' accusations. But beneath the surface, Viserys could sense the undercurrent of guilt and evasion, fueling the flames of his righteous anger.

Viserys' frustration boiled over, his words dripping with venom as he unleashed the full force of his anger upon his brother. "My family has just been destroyed," he hissed, each syllable laced with bitterness. "Instead of being by my side, or Rhaenyra's..., you chose to celebrate your own rise! Laughing with your whores and lickspittles!"

The throne room seemed to reverberate with Viserys' fury, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air. His voice thundered through the chamber as he bellowed, "You have no allies at court but me! I have only ever defended you! Yet everything I've ever given you, you've thrown back in my face! Why couldn't you do your duty?"

Daemon's retort cut through the tension like a knife, his words ringing with long-suppressed resentments. "You've only ever tried to send me away," he spat, his voice edged with bitterness. "To the Vale, to the City Watch, anywhere but by your side. Four years you've been king, and not once have you asked me to be your Hand!"

Viserys winced at the truth in Daemon's words, the weight of his brother's accusations pressing down upon him like a heavy burden. Guilt gnawed at his conscience as he recalled the times he had attempted to distance Daemon from the seat of power, fearing the consequences of his brother's volatile temperament.

But even as Viserys struggled to find a response, Daemon's words took a sharper turn, a reminder of another absence that weighed heavily upon their family. "And what of Jae?" Daemon continued, his voice dripping with bitterness. "Our brother, exiled to Essos by our grandfather's decree, all because he dared to rage against the old king after the death of both our father, who died of a burst belly, and mother, who lost the will to live a week later."

The mention of Jaehaerys, or Jae as they called him, cast a shadow over the already fraught conversation, a reminder of the fractures that divided their family. Viserys felt a pang of sorrow at the memory of his youngest brother's exile, a consequence of the turmoil that had gripped their household in the wake of their parents' tragic deaths.

But even as Viserys grappled with his own failings, he could not ignore the bitter reality of Daemon's shortcomings. "You have never done your duty, or been respectful," Viserys retorted, his frustration bubbling to the surface. "Your damn pride got in the way. So why should I give you the Handship, something you aren't prepared for?"

Daemon's plea for brotherhood stirred something deep within Viserys' heart, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume them both. "Because I'm your brother," Daemon pleaded, his voice filled with longing. "And the blood of the dragon runs thick."

Viserys' response was laced with bitterness, his tone cutting through the air like a sharpened blade. "That's rich coming from you, brother," he retorted, his voice tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

The weight of their shared history hung heavy in the air, the echoes of past grievances reverberating between them like a silent accusation. Viserys could feel the tension mounting with each passing moment, the divide between them widening with every word spoken.

"I've only ever spoken the truth, and I see Otto Hightower for what he is," Daemon defended, his voice firm with conviction.

Viserys' rebuttal was swift and resolute. "Otto is an unwavering and loyal Hand!" he declared, his words echoing with the certainty of his belief.

The tension in the room crackled with intensity as the brothers stood locked in their opposing viewpoints. Viserys could feel the weight of his brother's accusations pressing down upon him, challenging the very foundation of his rule.

"Otto Hightower is a Cunt. A second son who stands to inherit nothing he doesn't seize for himself," Daemon's words cut through the air like a sharp blade, his voice dripping with disdain.

Viserys' jaw clenched tightly at his brother's harsh assessment, the insult striking a nerve deep within him. Yet, even as anger flared within him, he remained determined to defend Otto's honor.

"Regardless of his birthright, Otto has proven himself time and time again," Viserys retorted, his voice firm with conviction. "He serves the realm with unwavering loyalty and dedication, qualities that are far more valuable than any inherited title."

"He doesn't protect you," his brother's accusation hung heavy in the air, his tone laced with bitterness. "I would."

Viserys felt a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through him at Daemon's words. The accusation stung, a reminder of the vulnerabilities that lurked beneath the surface of his rule. And yet, beneath the anger and resentment, he sensed a flicker of genuine concern in his brother's words.

"What are you speaking of? From what?" Viserys questioned, genuine confusion clouding his features as he sought clarity from his brother's cryptic words.

"Yourself," his brother replied, his tone dripping with disdain. Viserys felt a surge of disbelief wash over him at the audacity of Daemon's accusation. The gall of the man to speak to him in such a manner.

"You're a weak king, Viserys," Daemon continued, his voice laced with mockery as he delivered the harsh truth. "And the council of leeches knows it. They all prey on you for their own ends."

Viserys felt a cold knot forming in the pit of his stomach at his brother's words. The accusation struck at the core of his insecurities, a painful reminder of the challenges that had plagued his reign. And yet, even as doubt gnawed at his confidence, he refused to yield to his brother's taunts.

Viserys' voice cut through the tension like a blade, each word dripping with icy resolve. "I have decided to name a new heir," he declared, the weight of his decision breaking the silence that hung heavy in the air.

"I am your heir," his brother protested, his voice tinged with confusion and disbelief. But Viserys knew that the bonds of kinship had been irreparably shattered by his brother's betrayal.

"Not anymore," Viserys retorted, his tone unwavering. "You are to return to Runestone and your lady wife at once. And you are to do so without quarrel. Let's see if you still can do your duty. That is an order by your King," he commanded, his words carrying the weight of his authority as he ordered his brother away.

As the weight of Viserys' decree settled over them, the brothers stood locked in a silent standoff, the rift between them widening with each passing moment.

As his brother moved forward, the Kingsguards sprang into action, unsheathing their swords with practiced precision to block his access. The gleam of Ser Ryam Redwyne's white blade caught the flickering torchlight, casting a dramatic shadow across the hall. Daemon's expression flickered between shock and disdain as he regarded the formidable barrier before him.

"Your Grace," his brother spoke lowly, his voice heavy with resignation as he lowered his head in a respectful bow before turning to depart from the main hall. Viserys watched him go, the weight of his decision heavy upon his heart.

As the tension of the moment began to dissipate, Viserys leaned back into his chair and closed his eyes, exhaustion washing over him like a tidal wave. His heart was heavy with pain, but his resolve remained unyielding. For in that moment, he knew that the path forward would be fraught with challenges and hardships, but he was determined to see it through to the end.

In the hushed confines of the Small Council Chamber, the members gathered to discuss the pressing matters that lay before them. The flickering torches cast dancing shadows upon the faces of those assembled, lending an air of solemnity to the proceedings.

As the conversation turned to the topic of Prince Jaehaerys's exile, Lord Lyonel Strong, the Master of Laws, cleared his throat, his voice breaking the silence like a thunderclap in the stillness of the chamber.

"My lords and ladies," he began, his tone measured and grave, "it is time that we address the issue of Prince Jaehaerys's exile. It has been many years since he was banished to Essos, and I believe the time has come for us to consider recalling him to Westeros."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the chamber as the Council members exchanged cautious glances, weighing the implications of Lord Strong's proposal.

Viserys, seated at the head of the table, furrowed his brow in contemplation. The memory of his youngest brother's banishment weighed heavily upon his heart, a constant reminder of the rift that had torn their family asunder.

"And what of the circumstances of his exile?" Otto Hightower interjected, his voice tinged with skepticism. "Are we to forget the reasons that led to his departure so hastily?"

Lord Strong nodded solemnly, acknowledging the validity of Otto's concerns. "Indeed, Lord Hightower," he replied, his gaze unwavering. "But we must also consider the passage of time and the possibility of redemption. Jaehaerys is of royal blood, and it is our duty to offer him the chance to return to his homeland."

Viserys listened intently to the debate that ensued, his mind wrestling with the complexities of the decision that lay before them. Guilt gnawed at his conscience as he pondered the fate of his exiled brother, torn between the obligations of duty and the bonds of kinship.

As the Council deliberated on the merits of Lord Strong's suggestion, Viserys found himself grappling with the weight of his own remorse. For in that moment, he knew that the time had come to confront the ghosts of the past and seek redemption for the sins that had torn their family apart.

With a heavy heart and a sense of resignation, Viserys silenced Otto's protests, his voice firm yet tinged with sorrow. "I understand your concerns, Lord Hightower, but I believe it is time to reconsider Prince Jaehaerys's exile," he said, his tone carrying the weight of his decision.

Otto's brow furrowed in consternation, his gaze flickering with apprehension. "Your Grace, we mustn't forget the circumstances that led to his banishment," he urged, his voice laced with caution.

Viserys nodded solemnly, acknowledging the validity of Otto's concerns. "Indeed, Lord Hightower, but we cannot allow past grievances to dictate our future actions," he replied, his tone measured yet resolute.

Lord Lyonel Strong, the Master of Laws, interjected, his voice carrying a note of conviction. "I agree with His Grace. Prince Jaehaerys deserves the chance to return home and prove himself worthy of redemption," he stated, his gaze unwavering.

The other members of the Council murmured their agreement, their expressions reflecting a mix of apprehension and hope.

Viserys sighed heavily, the weight of his decision settling like a leaden cloak upon his shoulders. "Very well," he conceded, his voice tinged with regret. "Send a message to Prince Jaehaerys in Essos, recalling from exile."

As the Council adjourned and the members began to file out of the chamber, Viserys remained seated at the table, his mind consumed by thoughts of his exiled brother. Guilt gnawed at him, a relentless reminder of the rift that had torn their family apart.

But even amidst the turmoil that threatened to consume him, Viserys clung to a glimmer of hope. For in the possibility of Jaehaerys's return lay the chance for reconciliation and healing, a path forward guided by the promise of redemption. And though the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and uncertainty, Viserys was determined to see it through to the end, for the sake of his family and the future of their dynasty.

As Jaehaerys Targaryen stood atop the hill, the vast expanse of the Dothraki Sea stretched out before him like a sea of grass rippling in the wind. His black and red armor gleamed in the sunlight, a testament to his lineage and his determination to reclaim his birthright.

Beside him, Dragon's Wrath, his Valyrian Steel Sword, rested in its scabbard, a silent promise of the bloodshed to come. Behind him, his 'Dragon's Legion' stood at the ready, an army of former slaves he had trained and molded into formidable warriors.

Across the plain, the Dothraki horde gathered, their war cries echoing across the grasslands like a thunderous storm. Jaehaerys could feel the tension in the air, the anticipation of battle hanging heavy upon them all.

As Jaehaerys stood at the forefront of his army, the ground beneath him trembled with anticipation. Suddenly, from the heavens above, a mighty roar echoed across the Dothraki Sea, shaking the very earth beneath their feet.

With a deafening thunder, Gaelithox, once known as the Cannibal, descended from the clouds, his massive form casting a shadow over the battlefield. His scales gleamed like polished obsidian in the sunlight, and his fiery eyes burned with an otherworldly intensity.

As he landed before Jaehaerys, the ground quaked beneath his weight, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The Dothraki horde faltered, their steeds rearing in fear at the sight of the fearsome dragon before them.

But Jaehaerys stood resolute, his gaze meeting Gaelithox's with unwavering determination. For in that moment, he knew that the dragon was not his enemy, but his ally in the battle that lay ahead.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Jaehaerys raised his sword high, the Valyrian Steel blade gleaming in the sunlight. And as Gaelithox let out another deafening roar, the Dragon's legion surged forward, ready to face their enemies with courage and determination.

For together, with dragon and man united in purpose, they would carve their own destiny upon the canvas of history, and write a new chapter in the annals of destiny.


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