
Chapter 1

'This was just supposed to be a routine rescue mission.' Shinobu thought as she slowly opened her eyes. Through her blurry vision, she could hardly discern where she was, only realizing that she was naked, save for her fundoshi underwear, and dangling in the air with rope tied around her hands and waist to keep her from breaking free.

'Where am I…w-what happened? All I remember is trekking through an abandoned village and then-' Suddenly the back of her head started to throb painfully and recognized why she was having problems remembering how she got into this precarious predicament.

Trying to get a better understanding of her surroundings, Shinobu looked around and saw old, dilapidated wood paneling on the floor with bamboo mats barely masking how timeworn it was. The sound of water trickling outside and the smell of steam helped her to discover, or at least hypothesize, that she was currently entrapped inside the decrepit hot springs inn that this abandoned village was once known for.

She tried to break free from her bonds by wriggling around but was unable to fight back against the tight binding. Something else seemed to be sapping her strength, or at least fogging her concentration enough that she couldn't focus properly.

It was then that her hearing seemed to come back in full that she heard something rather off-putting. Moaning. While that itself wasn't strange, it was the voice that was moaning, a rather recognizable voice, one that she was tasked with rescuing and the reason for her current problem, that made her blood run cold.

Slowly, Shinobu turned her head and felt her heart plunge at what her eyes were perceiving. Just behind her was the sight of Mitsuri Kanroji, the Love pillar, vulgarly whimpering as she rode what looked to be a demon's cock, rolling her hips along the monster's giant crotch as its throbbing phallus plunged deeper into her squelching pussy lips.

Though she was high above the ground and quite a bit away from the demon, Shinobu could still sense the maelstrom of power that surrounded the creature. Unkempt azure hair flowed down and curled at the end of his gray-skinned head. The demon's build was enough to put Gyomei to shame, one that made the tiny Mitsuri look like a child compared to its monstrous height.

Still, the monster's dark scarlet eyes stayed glued to the pink-haired Hashira, watching with predatory glee as her massive rack jiggled in front of his face, while his elongated tongue toyed with her erect nipples. The sight alone was enough to make Shinobu nearly vomit from how sick she felt at watching one of her closest allies become the toy of a disgusting demon such as the creature before her.

Her gags seemed to have garnered the attention of the demon in question, as one of his eyes moved to gaze at her, and his mouth stretched into a devilish grin that made her stomach churn.

"Well well, it seems our little poisonous vixen as awoken from her slumber. Look, my sweet, introduce yourself to your friend, or rather your former ally I suppose. As I very much doubt she would welcome you back with open arms after seeing you jump on my cock, moaning and squealing like a crude whore." He laughed with a voice that made Shinobu's blood boil, while his fanged teeth grated against themselves which only further caused her to cringe in disgust.

Mitsuri, still convulsing from her consecutive orgasms, managed to slightly tilt her head backwards and depravedly smiled at Shinobu. "You came…Masaru said you would. Look, Shinobu, look at how beautiful he is! Look at how much we're in love~!" Wildly, with her friend's eyes glued onto her sweaty form, she gyrated her hips faster that caused her giant tits to flop around even harder than before.

"A demon…you're having sex…with a demon! Mitsuri, can't you see what you're doing?! How could you…how could you turn your back upon us!?" Shinobu let out an ireful screech as she stared heatedly down at the traitorous Love Hashira. Though somewhere in her vengeful heart, there was a piece that knew that Mitsuri wasn't in her right mind, it still didn't change the fact that she was forced to watch as someone she cared for and trusted was literally in bed with the enemy.

Pouting, Mitsuri could only respond, "Eh, who cares if he's a demon? I'm simply following the philosophy of the Love Pillar. Anyone, no matter how they look or what or who they are deserve love! To be wanted! To be desired! To be protected! To be loved!" She then pressed her body down onto the demon's chest, pushing her soft and pillowy cleavage onto his chiseled pecs, and moved her pink lips close to his. "I love you, Masaru~. Please keep fucking me until my pussy is full of all your liquid, warm love!" Lovingly, the pink-haired Hashira then kissed the demon, zealously rolling her small tongue against his larger one, as they deepened their embrace.

"Heh, you'll make a fine wife, once I breed you with my progeny, Mitsuri. Let us show your old friend what future lies in store for her and her lovely body." Masaru made sure to look straight into Shinobu's eyes as he said this and saw the fear and anger burning behind her lilac eyes. This only made him harder inside Mitsuri, causing her to squeal happily at him growing even more. His huge hulking hands grabbed ahold of her curvaceous cheeks, squeezing and molding them to his liking, while she bounced up and down his cock. Still making out with his human sow, the demon took pleasure in watching her fall ever deeper into her new immorality, which seemed to suit her far better than the righteous path of the Hashira, at least in his opinion.

'There's nothing sweeter than corrupting a weak human into becoming your faithful slave. That at least we share in common, Muzan.' Masaru thought to himself, pulling the tiny Mitsuri down even harder onto his crotch. Having had enough of laying on his back, he grabbed ahold of the Love Hashira's petitely toned waist and lifted her up off the ground, and repeatedly began thrusting into her. This in turn made the young woman screech even louder, nearly deafening his heightened hearing by how loud she was being.

"That's it, girl, embrace your hidden lust! This is who you are and who you will forever be: a demon breeder! Just like all the other women in this pathetic village, this is your destiny!" Masaru then broke his gaze with Mitsuri to look up at the squirming Shinobu, sneering delightfully at her fruitless struggles. "As it yours, Shinobu Kocho. Now watch as your ally becomes impregnated by my noble seed!" Speeding up his rampant humping, the colossal demon let out a hulking roar as he unloaded his cum straight into Mitsuri's hungry womb, filling it to the brim until it oozed streams of his thick semen.

Masaru grunted, feeling her ribbed walls feverishly stroking his pulsating erection, clearly desiring more of his sperm to cover her insides. "Want more? Very well, take all you can handle, Mitsuri." He then enveloped his lips around the pink-haired girl's, coiling his monstrous tongue against hers, while he continued slamming his hips against her body. As more of his semen splurged deep into Mitsuri's uterus, he watched as she writhed as she climaxed again and again, helpless to keep herself from shuddering wildly. Once the final spurt was done, Masaru released his hold upon her and dropped her onto the bamboo mats, letting her squirm and moan on the floor.

His cock never lost its erectness as he observed Mitsuri's slit seep out more of his semen, staining the mat below with a puddle of his cum. "Very good, my slave. It's not every day a human can satisfy me enough for me to unload that much of my precious seed. Consider this a gift for tricking your friend into coming here without the help of the other Hashira." Masaru looked up to see the seething that Shinobu was giving him.

"Do try to not be so angry with Mitsuri, as she was simply doing as she was told. At first she was just like you, furious and determined not to break, but now look at her. See her for who she is now: my loyal pet."

Masaru then snapped his fingers, hailing a brown-skinned and voluptuous woman with crimson-red hair that was bundled up into a ponytail, clad in nothing but pale mundane robes.

The clothing itself hardly covered any of her skin, leaving half of her nipples in plain view, as well as the bottom of her ass cheeks. Just from looking upon her, He then pointed to the hanging Shinobu, ordering the young woman, "Take her to the springs to bathe as her reek is an assault on my senses. I'd rather not fuck her raw when she smells so revolting." He watched as the woman did as she was told, nodding to him, before she pulled a nearby handle that caused the Insect Pillar to fall to the ground. Fruitlessly, Shinobu tried to break free from her bonds but found her body paralyzed from the neck down.

"Ahh, it seems that the poison has finally taken effect. Tis a special concoction of mine that's taken me years to perfect." Masaru informed her as he walked towards her limp body, grinding his heel against the back of her head. "I made sure that you ingested quite a bit of it while you slept. After all, the last thing I need is for you to escape and wreak havoc on my precious harem." Tenderly, he scraped his long, sharp fingernails against the underside of the red-haired woman's chin, eliciting a small smile from her. "Back in this village's prime, it was a treasure trove for beautiful maidens for me to play with as I pleased. Now nearly half of my harem subsists of women from other nearby villages, aside from Akari and a few others."

"We live to serve, my liege." Akari replied, bowing her head low enough to kiss the very tip of Masaru's penis. "Along with our lord's immaculate cock." She then uttered a ribald squeal as a sudden spank echoed throughout the room. "Mmm, master, harder please~."

"There will be time enough for that another time. For now, simply do as I ask and cleanse this Hashira whore before I take her body for myself." Masaru finished by putting more pressure on Shinobu's head, making her grunt slightly, before removing his foot. "In the meantime, order some of the others to take Mitsuri back to her room and clean her up. I'll be using her again once I'm done with this one."

Akari frowned from her master's words. "And what about me? It's been ages since you've visited me or the others ever since these stupid demon slayers came along. My womb has been aching for your seed," she said as her hand slowly rubbed over her crotch and whimpered.

"You'll be bred when I say the time is right, not before." Masaru uttered darkly, giving the scarlet-haired woman a glare that would make even Muzan himself think twice. Seeing Akari tremble in fear, he reached forward and brushed a few of her red locks away from her face. "Is that clear?" He asked, waiting until she nodded her head before finishing, "Then go do as I asked. Now." It didn't take long after that for Akari to call a few more women to assist her in pulling away the tied up Shinobu, along with the unconscious Mitsuri, out of the room and away from him.

'Sometimes I forget how annoyingly incompetent humans can be. I wonder if I was that stupid when I was one of them? Hmph, I doubt even Muzan remembers, not that I would ever ask that arrogant bastard anything. No matter, the time where I bowed to him freely like all the other Upper Moons is past. Now is the time to craft my own dynasty: a powerful line that will one day rule over these lands with an iron fist.' A menacing sneer formed across Masaru's lips as he cackled to himself and took a seat, awaiting his future conquest until she was properly readied for him to inseminate.

Masaru's Chambers - A few hours later

Shinobu, now smelling of lilacs and jasmine fragrance, was shivering as she was given no clothes after her bath and was relegated to remaining naked. Not only was she trembling because of the cold. No, she was also seething with rage after being told by the many women here of how they came to remain inside Masaru's harem. What the girls revealed to her, as she was forcibly bathed by them, was that many years ago the demon came to their village and promised them safety from other dangerous demons. The only thing he asked in exchange for this "altruism" was for the hands of their daughters when they came of proper age to serve him.

At first, the parents had rightfully refused such an outrageous request, but soon after that failed negotiation there were constant nights of demon attacks that took the lives of many prominent and beloved villagers, including the village chief himself who died bravely as he defended his home from the monstrous invaders. After watching so many loved ones perish, the remaining villagers went back to Masaru with their tails tucked between their legs and pleaded with him for his protection against the onslaught of demons and accepted the deal.

"And soon, you'll realize that remaining here is far better than fighting fruitlessly against creatures of the night."

That was what Akari had told her, seemingly without any hint of contempt or sadness laced in her voice. Right now however, the noises she was making were far more obscene and foulmouthed, yelling obscenity after obscenity, as Masaru pounded her naked body against the wall. She wasn't the only one that Shinobu had been forced to watch the demon fuck and inseminate however, as there was an abundance of sweaty, nude maidens exhaustedly laying on the floor, Mitsuri included in that pile, with their pussies distended by the copious amount of cum oozing out of them.

The smutty sight alone was enough to make Shinobu's skin crawl with disgust but found herself unable to turn away from how rough and unrelenting Masaru was in his style of fucking. 'It must be a side effect of the drugs. Yes…that is what it must be.' She quietly gulped as the monster in front of her shot his last stodgy load inside Akari and pulled himself out of her, allowing her limp body to slide down the wall, slumping to the floor and crumpled unremarkably into the same pose as all the other women that surrounded her. As Shinobu's lilac-colored eyes stared at the way Akari's mouth broke into a lecherously vulgar grin, another strange feeling caused her body to involuntarily shiver.

Before she could question what it was, Shinobu's petite body was suddenly grabbed from behind and hoisted upwards into the air. Her lithe legs felt his powerful arms that would put tree trunks to shame wrap around the back of them as he locked his mighty fingers against the nape of her neck. Though she wasn't able to fully fight back because of the drug coursing through her system, the Insect Hashira at least dug her sharp nails deep into the skin of his elbows in an attempt to somehow hurt the demonic beast. All she got was a condescending laugh for her troubles as he rubbed his girthy pulsing cock up and down her slit. Shinobu's eyes widened at the size of the phallus, now seeing it up close and wondering how a small woman like Mitsuri had been able to take such a gargantuan member.

"Heh, falling in love with my cock already, Shinobu? And here I thought you were going to put up more of a fight." Masaru chuckled, mocking the human in his arms as he continued teasing her pussy lips with his cock.

"S-Shut up! Like I would ever fall in love with such a revolting creature like you!"

"Oh you will, my sweet. You might think that you'll be able to hold on to your resolve, believing in your ability to counteract the toxins of my drug, and keep your mind from breaking. But allow me to correct such pathetic misconceptions. Your body is like all the other maidens I've conquered: fragile, weak, and above all, human. Whatever hope you have of winning, it will not come to pass. After tonight, you will be my wife, like all the rest, and will continue to be bred until my heirs are as powerful as I. So enjoy these fleeting moments of your sane mine before it crumbles into yet another corrupted mind for me to use as I please. Take heart in knowing at least that I will give your body otherworldly pleasures that no other human man could have ever given you." Masaru grinned malevolently, awaiting Shinobu to open her mouth to shout back at him with another poisonous barb, before forcing his cock deep inside her slit.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUAH!" Shinobu let out a guttural scream, awaking several of the unconscious maidens, as the searing pain of taking such a monstrous dick inside of her spread throughout her body. At first it was just the tip that had spread her folds, while her ribbed insides immediately began coiling themselves around it for some odd reason, as if they had been waiting eagerly for the demon's cock to burrow its way inside her. Inch by inch, Masaru's erection slid deeper into her, making her grunt in a mixture of aching and pleasure, until it was finally fully lodged inside her pussy. She had to bite her lip to keep herself in check, not wanting the demon to know how much she was enjoying this.

"Mmm, such a tight fit! Truly a Hashira pussy is one fit for a demon lord! You're far tighter than Mitsuri, but not nearly as enjoyable."

Shinobu didn't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment, but still found herself glaring at Mitsuri anyways, who was rubbing away the sleep from her eyes at this very moment. They made eye contact for a brief time and the Love Hashira gave her an affectionate smile, a token of fondness that Shinobu had been gifted many times in the past. But instead of feeling that same warm feeling of devotion, it had been replaced with a much colder emotion. One that made her give the kind Mitsuri a snarling look of seething fury that could make a lion lose its courage.

"Heehee, aww, it looks like Shinobu's jealous that I'm Masaru's favorite! Don't worry, Nobu, I can help make you a better lay after tonight. We can even practice on each other if you like!" Mitsuri said as she got up, stumbling lightly to her feet, and cooed at feeling the steady stream of semen ooze out of her pussy and puddle at her feet. "Mmm~ so warm…" She whispered, touching her slit and grabbed a few strands of the warm cum with her fingers, bringing them to her mouth and quickly lapped them up with her ravenous tongue. "Let's really hope I get pregnant this time, hubbie~! I can't wait to bare all your children and I just know that we'll make a dynasty worthy of a perfect creature like you."

Shinobu grunted in surprise, feeling Masaru's cock twitch and grow inside of her from Mitsuri's words, which only made her angrier for some odd reason. "I'm not jealous you-HRPMH," A muffled groan echoed from Shinobu as the demon's lips enveloped her own, forcibly kissing her while his monstrous tongue toyed with hers. It swirled around the insides of her mouth, dominating her tongue as she tried in vain to fight back. As his prodigious palms groped away at her modest bosom, Mitsuri came to assist her demonic overlord and also began fondling Shinobu's breasts. At the same time while Mitsuri's larger cleavage accidentally brushed up against hers, which once more infuriated her.

"You too look so adorable making out like that! I want to join too~!" Mitsuri called out before thrusting her tongue forward, joining their kiss to make it into a three-way one. Due to her difference in height when it came to Masaru, she had to hop onto the tips of her toes in order to properly kiss both Shinobu and her future demonic husband. "Oh, Shinobu, you're shaking like crazy! Are you cumming already? Heehee, even though you look so angry, I can tell that deep down you're happy being used like this." Lowering her lips down towards Shinobu's erect nipples, Mitsuri lightly nipped one of them with her teeth, causing Shinobu to squeal from the excess stimulation.

Though she wanted to deny it, Shinobu was indeed orgasming constantly, due mostly because of the relentless thrusting of the demon behind her. With each climax, her pussy compulsorily became tighter and tighter, increasing the vice-like hold around Masaru's colossal cock. Her body was being attacked on both ends of her body, squirming against the soft and hard forms of both Mitsuri and Masaru together. The Insect Hashira tried her best to release a pent-up scream that would encapsulate all the fury that was burning deep inside of her, yet all she could manage was bits of incoherent garble while spittle dripped from her open maw.

'My body feels like it's on fire…but still it feels so good! Why is this happening? How? Becoming a breeding mare for some disgusting demon? Is this truly my destiny? Why…why…why can't I stop cumming?!' Shinobu gritted her teeth to hold back her moans, trying with all her might to not give the demon any more sick satisfaction. But it was obvious to Masaru what her intentions were to do, thus why he began relentlessly tickling her lips with his tongue. Her mouth twitched, wanting desperately to embrace his lips with her own, but her mind would not break though her body had already fallen.

"Mmm! Quite the surprise, but I will not stop your advances, Akari." Masaru suddenly spoke, turning his head to see Akari shakily on her knees with her face planted between his ass and her tongue stuffed deep inside his rectum. From the wall where she had been slumped over, a slimy trail of cum and her own juices led to where she currently was, rimming her beloved husband as he corrupted yet another young woman. "And here I thought you'd be unconscious for the remainder of the night. Has jealousy taken over your body, I wonder? Afraid for me to take another wife to sire more heirs?" Her bristling stare was all the answer he needed, making him chuckle from the obvious envy smoldering beneath the surface.

"I stuff you full of my seed, as you so aptly begged for, and you still covet more than you deserve. Hmph, very well then, I will allow it just this time." Masaru removed one of the hands that had been wrapped around Shinobu's neck, using it to push against the back of Akari's head and force her tongue deeper into his sphincter. Afterwards, he quickly moved it back towards the Insect Pillar's neck, while picking up his humps as he did so. Loud meaty claps echoed within the room, mixed in with the lecherous kissing between Shinobu and Mitsuri and Akari's desirous licking, that made a cacophony of lewd noises.

No longer was Shinobu fighting against him, instead hanging limply against his body, as he used her to his leisure. "Hrgh, you continue to tighten yourself, Shinobu. Has my cock finally broken your cunt? Your mind? I suppose it matter little, so long as you finally understand your new place: to be bred and only to be bred." Slithering his tongue back down towards hers, Masaru embraced hers with his own, listening to her slutty moans as he fucked her relentlessly. "You'll make a perfect wife to add to my collection," He whispered, feeling her body shivering against his with wicked anticipation. "Allow this to be the first taste of your womb tasting my seed!"

With a loud roar, Masaru thrusted into her one final time and unleashed a gushing torrent of semen inside his new concubine's cunt. He grunted under the constricting pressure against her ribbed walls, desperately wriggling against his pulsating erection, as he pumped her womb full of his sperm. His sneering grin grew larger as he heard Shinobu's mewling become more and more debased and degraded, knowing then that he had fully conquered both her body and her mind. Still, her lips never left his, continuing to kiss him quite passionately as he despoiled her uterus with his cum, as dozens of strands trickled out of her pussy lips from how much he orgasmed into her.

Shinobu knew then and there that her old life as a demon slayer was over. Tears pooled at the edges of her eyes, apologizing to her dead sister that their vengeance would never be fulfilled. Even as she cried however, Shinobu never once broke her kiss with her new master, while Mitsuri continued suckling on her petite tits. Looking at all the other unconscious women, with semen leaking from all their distended pussies, she knew that this would be her future from now on. To be filled with Masaru's demonic seed and bred over and over until they created a dynasty worthy of Muzan's own. Though dread should have been the emotion to feel, Shinobu only felt dirty, perverted excitement at what her new lot in life would be.

"Hey, Shinobu, are you still mad at me for lying to you?" Mitsuri whispered into her ear, licking it playfully as she kept fondling her small breasts.

Shinobu could only offer her a weak glare, though it lacked the same sort of venom it had hours earlier. "I hope you know that, from now on, if any of our old allies see what we've become, death is the only answer they'll give for our crimes, including Obanai."

Mitsuri barely registered her old flame's name, shrugging it off as she responded, "Meh, I don't care. I have a new love now, one that'll protect me if anybody tries threatening me, and I'll do the same if any of the Hashira try to kill my beloved hubbie! All I need is love…and his wonderful cock to fill me with his liquid love whenever I get super horny~!" She reached down and lovingly stroked Masaru's shaft, which was still lodged deep inside of Shinobu's cunt. "I love you, Masaru," Mitsuri said, blowing him and his cock a tender kiss.

Masaru grinned in reply, pulling himself free of Shinobu's constrictive cunt, and listened to the exorbitant amount of cum that came pouring out. "As you should, Mitsuri, per your duty as my wife. Now then, be a dear and clean my cock with your mouth, hmm? I see a few others starting to awaken and I'll need to fill them once more to properly impregnate them, yours included."

Mitsuri happily giggled as she hopped in the air, clapping her hands joyously, and quickly got to her knees in front of Masaru's still-throbbing erection. Moving closely to it, she sniffed it and could smell Shinobu's juices mixed in with Masaru's cum. Tiny trickles of drool escaped the edge of her mouth as she pressed her lips against his tip, kissing it provocatively many times, while she slid her tongue along the side of his shaft. "Your cock smells so manly, Masaru~! It's making my head spin from how good it is," she said before swallowing his penis inside her mouth and began bobbing her head, ingesting every bit of semen that was still stuck to his shaft as she could.

Meanwhile, Masaru continued making out with a much more submissive Shinobu, as Akari's tongue still swirled inside his asshole. 'Humans are so pathetic. Such weak wills that are easily crushed by ones far more powerful than them. Hmph, no wonder Muzan has such contempt for feeble creatures, only using them for food and entertainment. I suppose I'm no different, though my view of how to entertain myself involves far more sex than perhaps him. Even now my power grows as I impregnate more and more women, and with two powerful Hashira to inseminate with my seed my future dynasty will have no equal.' Further deepening his kiss with Shinobu, a low cackle of superiority emanated from him as his concubines continued to service him, and his cock throbbed inside of Mitsuri's mouth. And as he listened to their immoral moans of pleasure, Masaru found himself eager to soak each of his maiden's wombs with more of his potent seed before the sunrise.

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