
Chapter 168: The Squib’s Right to Cast Spells Can Only Be Obtained Through War

"Ian, you just asked what we should do? My answer is actually quite simple," Lockhart looked at the nine Squibs in front of him with a serious expression and spoke deliberately.


"Although it is impossible for a pure-blood family to completely eliminate the meditation method, they will definitely have a monopoly on it. The final result is that ordinary Squibs will always be Squibs, while Squibs from pure-blood families can become wizards. The Squib's right to cast spells is absolutely impossible to obtain through negotiation. Only through fighting, through war, can we defeat the pure-blood families and make them recognize the reality."

"Only then can Squibs truly gain the right to cast magic and become wizards."

Hearing this, some Squibs asked Lockhart with a somewhat frightened tone, "Professor, can we really defeat the pure-blood families?"

"Of course," Lockhart said decisively. "I believe that we will win the final victory."

"Not only because of the meditation method but also because I created a new magic system at the same time."

Having said this, Lockhart added meaningfully, "I, Gilderoy Lockhart, never fight an unprepared battle."

"Pure-blood families are very strong, but I, your mentor, am not weak either."

However, most of the Squibs' attention was not here; they were very curious about the new magic system Lockhart mentioned. He had mentioned the new wizard just now, and now he mentioned the new magic system. All this made them feel a little dizzy, as if the amount of information in today's conversation was too much.

Remy couldn't help but ask, "Professor, what is the new magic system you just mentioned? Is this the certainty that we can defeat the pure-blood families?"

Hearing that Remy had taken the initiative to assume that the pure-blood families were the enemy, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, he explained, "The new wizard I am talking about is not just a casual comment."

"The reason why I mentioned new wizards is that the most important criterion is the new magic system."

"The new magic system is different from the magic systems you have seen before. Its learning threshold is lower, and when paired with meditation, the effect is even better. As long as you work hard, your strength can improve quickly. In the wizarding world, the right to speak is in the hands of the strong. As long as you are stronger, pure-blood families are not a problem."

At the end of the sentence, Lockhart spoke loudly.

After Ian and the other Squibs heard this, their expressions showed excitement, as if they had seen the pure-blood families kneeling at their feet to show their submission when they became stronger in the future.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Lockhart knew the time had come. So he asked, "The risks that we may face in the future have been explained to you."

"Now, tell me. Are you willing to be my students?"

Lockhart's voice had barely fallen when Ian immediately shouted, "Yes, Professor Lockhart, I am willing to be your student."

Ian's voice seemed to press an open button, and all the Squibs shouted loudly, "Professor Lockhart, I am willing! I am willing to be your student!"

Lockhart looked at everyone's expressions and nodded with satisfaction. These people were all carefully selected by him. Although he dare not say that they are all like Ian without a father and mother, their connection with their families is very weak.

And their mentality is not weak. If he cultivates them well, their strength will definitely improve.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is definitely not a Holy Mother.

Thinking of this, the corners of Lockhart's lips curled up.

Then, he said to everyone, "I am very happy that you are willing to become my students. Now, line up in a row. In order to facilitate the new magic teaching, I will cast a spell on you."

As he spoke, as if thinking of something, Lockhart added, "Ian, you are at the front."

After Ian heard this, he stood opposite Lockhart very excitedly. The rest of the Squibs looked at Ian with envy in their eyes but stood behind Ian in order.

Looking at the excited Ian, Lockhart took out a wand in a very ritualistic manner and handed it to him. He gently patted Ian on the shoulder and said gently, "Ian Norton, I, Gilderoy Lockhart, will be your mentor in the future, helping you become a wizard and teaching you magical knowledge. And you, for the rest of your life, will contribute every bit of your strength to the great cause of the new wizard."

"Ian Norton, do you accept?"

"I do!" Ian shouted without any hesitation. At this moment, he held the magic wand in his hand, and his eyes were in a trance, as if he saw a pale golden light emanating from his mentor's side, which made him feel full of excitement.

Lockhart, on the other hand, picked up his wand and gently touched Ian's arm. Instantly, Ian felt his arm feel slightly hot. Looking down, he found a light golden circular pattern on his arm. On the edge of the circular pattern, a golden dragon swam slowly around the text in the middle. The text in the middle of the pattern read:

Make Wizards Great Again!

Seeing this sentence made Ian's heart surge with passion.

Immediately afterward, he heard his mentor Lockhart say, "Ian, this magic brand—if you focus your attention or mental energy on the pattern in the future—you can get some of the information contained in it. At the same time, after you become a wizard, you can use magical power to communicate simply with me and your fellow students. This magic brand will be proof of the relationship between you and me and also a symbol of the new wizard. If you are in danger, call out the magic brand, and your companions around you will come to your rescue."

After hearing his mentor's introduction, Ian touched the golden dragon pattern on his arm with great care, nodded, and said, "Okay, mentor, I understand."

After Lockhart heard this, a faint smile appeared on his face. His right hand gently touched his left shoulder, and he said in a deep voice, "Make Wizards Great Again!"

Seeing this, Ian immediately understood. He reached out his right hand to touch his left shoulder, slightly bowed his head to Lockhart, and shouted loudly, "Make Wizards Great Again!"

This made the Squibs behind see this scene, and their expressions became more and more excited. They all looked forward to their mentor putting a magic mark on their arms.

Then Ian stepped aside, and the next Squib stood in front of Lockhart.

It was still the same process: give the wand, tap on the shoulder, imprint the golden dragon pattern, introduce it carefully, and finally:

Make Wizards Great Again!

Every time his right hand touched his right shoulder, every time he lowered his head slightly, and every time he shouted the slogan, it was a ritualistic process.

Ian and the other Squibs on the side were more and more impressed by this slogan.

Soon, Lockhart had imprinted a golden dragon symbol on all the Squibs.

In fact, this magical brand that looks like a golden dragon is black magic that Lockhart exchanged with Salazar Slytherin.

Lockhart was also inspired by Voldemort's Death Eater mark. After a brief chat with Slytherin, he exchanged some knowledge of runes for similar magic. He optimized it based on the knowledge he had mastered, and it became the current Golden Dragon Magic Brand.

Then, Lockhart looked at the people standing aside and said gently, "Okay, now everyone, follow my previous instructions. Focus on the brand and get the gifts I have prepared for everyone..."

After hearing what Teacher Lockhart said, they all nodded, concentrating on the golden dragon pattern on their arms and the words in the middle.

Soon, Ian and the others felt dizzy, and then a large number of words appeared in their minds.

Star Meditation!


[Up to 50+ Chapter available and 10 chapter Weakly Update at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]


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