
175 - From the ashes: Hell's embrace

Clarity suddenly returned to Cynthia's mind as she processed the words of Michael. The chill she felt on her naked skin from the parts of her mourning dress that had been torn apart almost made her brain stop.

Finding strength from the abject fear that took over her being, Cynthia wanted to struggle, to shout that she was not Helen, her mother, his wife, even though he stopped caring about the latter after putting her into the hospital.

Cynthia tried to fight back even though she was finding herself overpowered, but before any word could find its way out of her mouth, her legs were spread with a strength and determination that left no place for any illusory hope.

The next moment, Cynthia forgot about any word she had wanted to say to save herself. Her heart racing from the panic, she fought and struggled to keep her underwear. And her despair only grew further as she found the longest seconds of her life about to end with her defeat.

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