
~|confession #14 - when the reality ends and fiction begins|~

"My reality is no less than a fictional story so why not use it to entertain people and make some money out of it?!" ~ Dr. Sang Tian *typing and typing*


After ending her shift, Sang Tian gathered her case files and belongings and packed them up. The day was quite eventful for her considering the mess that her life had become always on her mind. She had spent the early hours of her day worrying about her situation with Fang Haoran.

Then there was the cojoined twins case that she was going to assist with next was taking an emotional toll on her. Being around the two baby girls and their parents, and seeing them interact was just too overwhelming for her. The case involved high risks, one mistake and they will be signing the death warrant of either or both the babies.

It would shatter her heart to pieces if either of the baby girls failed to survive.

Professional problems aside, her personal life was even more of a mess. She still had not received a reply from Fang Haoran, the rumors at the hospital were still making rounds, and the latest one that she heard made her the culprit and Alina the victim.

Apparently, someone was of the opinion that Sang Tian had seduced Director Jiang Chen and was now his mistress for who Director Jiang Chen was divorcing his wife. Though not many people believed, there were only a few soiled apples in the bunch, it hurt that people would think so lowly of her.

Nevertheless, Sang Tian continued to do her job and ignored the rumors. After all, this is what people do, they talk and they make up things. Soon these rumors will die down and everything will be back to normal.

Apart from this, her meeting with Gu Nan Zhou was a cause of worry as well. He, just like her family was also of the opinion that she and Fang Haoran were in a relationship. But unlike her family, he did not look like that he believed that she was his brother's girlfriend. 

After chatting with him at the observation deck, Sang Tian found him staring at her multiple times during her entire shift. It was as if he was keeping an eye on her and that made her extremely self-conscious.

She felt drained; emotionally, mentally, and physically as well. All she wanted right now was to soak herself in a warm, scented bath. There was this new bath bomb that she had purchased, maybe she will put it to use tonight.

Zipping up her bag pack, Sang Tian hung it over her shoulders and made her way out of the hospital. Making her way out of the general surgeons' lounge, Sang Tian took the elevator and pressed the ground floor button. The elevator stopped at the 5th floor and to her luck, stepped in the elevator Li Si Han.

Sang Tian unlocked her cell phone and pretended to do something on it to avoid any kind of interaction with her ex. He did not seem to share her thoughts as the moment the elevator doors closed, he tried to initiate a conversation with her.

"Sang Tian." he began. Her name sounded like a sacred prayer as it escaped his lips. But she paid no attention to it.

He stepped closer, too close, and placed his hand on her arm as he said, "I just wanted to -"

And ding! The elevator stopped once again. This time on the 3rd floor as as the doors opened, Sang Tian's gaze met that on Gu Nan Zhou's.

Oh, dear lord!

Could this be any more awkward?

Gu Nan Zhou stared at her and Li Si Han taking in the image that they made in front of him. She looked as if she was backed into a corner while Li Si Han being in her private space made it look as if he was the one who pushed her in the corner.

The elevator doors were closing and Gu Nan Zhou had not stepped inside yet. But just as the doors were about to close completely, Gu Nan Zhou stuck his foot in between causing the doors to open again.

Instead of standing in the rest of the available space in the elevator, Gu Nan Zhou decided that the best position was in the middle of the other two occupants. He pushed himself between Sang Tian and Li Si Han, pushing the other man to the side as he greeted Sang Tian with a smile and said, "Hey! You leaving now?" he asked.

"Yeah." smiled Sang Tian, feeling a little bit awkward, "You too?"

"Yeah." he responded while Li Si Han just watched the two of them interact, "Should I drop you off somewhere?" offered Gu Nan Zhou.

Before Sang Tian could reply, Li Si Han was the one to say, "She doesn't need anybody to drop her off. She has her car and is perfectly able to drive herself to her home." there was a bite to his tone.

Gu Nan Zhou remained unfazed and when Sang Tian was about to tell Li Si Han that he had no right to speak in her stead, Gu Nan Zhou responded first, "I know that doctor. I was just being polite." he said while looking directly into Li Si Han's eyes.

The two men had some kind of stare down thing going on for a few seconds that ended when the elevator reached the ground floor. The doors opened with a ding sound followed by the automated voice announcing their arrival at the ground floor.

Before either of them could step out of the elevator, Gu Nan Zhou quickly turned towards her and asked, "Also, I was hoping that if you didn't have dinner yet so can you accompany me to the nearby restaurant for a quick bite?"

This time Sang Tian was able to respond before either of the men could interrupt, "Thanks but no." smiled Sang Tian as she and Gu Nan Zhou walked out together with Li Si Han trailing behind them.

"I have already placed an order and it will be there within minutes after I reach home." she was saying the truth. A genuine smile adorning her lips, Sang Tian added, "Maybe next time?"

"Alright." smiled Gu Nan Zhou. The two of them walked outside talking about their day while Li Si Han stayed behind watching the two go with a somber expression on his face.


Later that night, after finishing up her dinner and having a relaxing bath, Sang Tian sat down on her bed with her laptop placed in her lap. She had been so stressed for the past few weeks and had not been able to successfully let it all out.

To channel her frustration and stress productively, Sang Tian decided to write up a plan for her next novel. She was going to use her circumstances and the situations that she had been through for this novel.

She had already revealed the basic plot to her family when she told them about how she and Fang Haoran met and then fell in love. Sang Tian decided that she was going to use that plot for her new novel.

Sang Tian decided to base the female lead's character on herself but instead of making her a doctor, she decided to make her a fashion designer. A profession that she wanted to choose when she was a young teenager.

As Sang Tian typed the basic plot of her new story in a summarized way, she kept on saying every word that she wrote.

"The female lead owned her own company and her name, her brand was amongst the top five. For the background story, she is going to be sweet and kind but also ferocious when required. She will fall in love with her new employee. The employee is a fashion photographer who is nothing special. He just got lucky as the female lead had no choice but to hire him for the job."

"After being in a relationship for about a few months, the photographer would cheat on her fashion designer female lead. When she finds out, she will fire the photographer from his job and secretly use her contacts to have him beaten up." writing this, Sang Tian laughed in the villain style as she was getting more and more excited with each word that she wrote.

"Afterwards, the heartbroken fashion designer would then go to the bar where she will meet this stranger who will comfort her. One thing will lead to another and the two of them will end up spending the night together! Hahahahaha." she actually wrote the last word in the document as well and planned on writing a steamy scene about that.

"Now, the next morning the female lead wakes up alone. She doesn't remember how her lover looked because she was so drunk and upset. The only thing left of him in her possession is a simple leather bracelet." her smile widened and so did her eyes and the story started shaping up.

"She goes back home and tries to forget about the man deciding that it was only a one-time thing and that it won't happen again. She will try her best to get back into her normal routine and look for a new photographer to hire." continued Sang Tian.

"She will end up hiring this charming man who is really good at his job. They will be out on a shoot when the female lead's ex would come to trouble her but this new photographer would protect her." this scene was inspired by what had happened back at the hospital, in the elevator.

"Noice!" smirked Sang Tian.

"The female lead is thankful and appreciates the photographer's help. They become friends and soon they will be attracted towards each other romantically. But then spicing things up will be the fact that the female lead is now pregnant and the baby daddy is the man she had a one night stand with about 2 and a half months ago. Her monthly cycle had always been kinda irregular so she didn't notice." Sang Tian giggled as she thought about the twist that she was going to put in next.

"Spicing things more will be this new guy, a businessman who wants to have a deal with her company. When this businessman and the female lead meet, she feels that he is familiar while the businessman acts quite weird around her. As it turns out, he is the guy she spent the night with! Holy shit, yaass!" laughed Sang Tian.

"Now she has two choices, the new photographer guy who is sweet, kind, charming, and likes her. The second one is the businessman, who is mysterious, broody, sharp, ruthless, and also her baby's father." wrote Sang Tian.

"Who will you choose, girl?" Sang Tian muttered to herself.

This one is kinda a filler, but only the second half of it.

I hope you are enjoying readin the story so far!



itsShonalicreators' thoughts
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