
Chapter 135

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Charles Xavier, taken by Apocalypse, opened his eyes and awoke. As soon as he woke up, he looked around and found himself in a dimly lit living room.

At the same time, he also saw Apocalypse and the boy Todd nearby.

Holding his head, Professor X murmured, "Such incredible power..."

When Apocalypse controlled him, he felt the immense power within Apocalypse, a power that left him unable to resist.

"What have you done to me?"

Instinctively, Professor X tried to use his abilities but failed, feeling his psychic powers rendered ineffective.

Apocalypse looked down at him and explained, "I can block you from entering others' minds."

"This is a talent I acquired over tens of thousands of years of reincarnation..."

He paused, looking at Professor X with admiration.

"However, the ability to perceive others' thoughts and control them is your talent."

This ability to sense and control the minds of many amazed and intrigued Apocalypse. It was precisely what he lacked.

With this ability, he could control everyone in the world!

Moreover, he wouldn't need a device like Cerebro. Professor X's abilities could be perfectly integrated into him.

Or rather, their potential was sufficient, but they hadn't fully realized it. Apocalypse, skilled in enhancing others' abilities, would naturally bring out this potential in himself.

Looking down at Professor X, Apocalypse said slowly, "I want you to convey my message to everyone in the world. Tell them that Apocalypse has returned and that this world will be turned to ruins!"

"This is my punishment to humanity, from En Sabah Nur!"

His voice was cold, showing little compassion for the humans who had once betrayed him.

Apocalypse squatted down, staring directly into Professor X's eyes. "Now, relay my message."

Professor X frowned, unwilling, and said, "Even if I wanted to, without Cerebro, I can't simultaneously enter so many minds."

Hearing this, Apocalypse shook his head, amused. "You don't need any machine to amplify your abilities. I can help you."

What? Professor X found this hard to believe.

Apocalypse's eyes turned white, signaling the activation of his powers.

At the same time, Professor X felt a power infusing his body, unlocking his psychic abilities, making them stronger than ever before.

Only when using Cerebro had he felt this strong, able to easily connect with every mind in the world.

After a brief attempt, realizing he couldn't resist this ancient mutant's power and that Apocalypse could cut off this enhanced state at any moment, Professor X had no choice but to comply.

He also had his own plan, hoping to use this opportunity to warn others about Apocalypse and prepare them for the coming threat.

In the next second, with his cooperation, Apocalypse's words were transmitted to every mind on the planet.

"Listen, everyone in this world..."

As the words fell, people around the world were startled, instinctively looking around in disbelief.

"What's happening?"

"Who is speaking?"

Due to the telepathic communication, there were no language barriers, so everyone heard Professor X's words. Even the deaf could hear.

At S.H.I.E.L.D., Director Nick Fury's expression grew grave. At Stark Tower, Tony Stark paused his work on a new suit.

In the midst of countless people's confusion, Professor X's message continued.

"This is my warning to all of you, humans and mutants alike."

"You have lost your way, but I have returned, and the final judgment is at hand."

"All your buildings, your towers, will fall, and a new era will begin..."

"For your future, you no longer have a choice!"

The voice echoed in the ears of nearly everyone in the world.


Walking on the street, Syd Castell frowned.

He noticed the odd expressions of people around him and vaguely sensed a mental wave enveloping the area.

Subconsciously, he connected with this mental wave, and he heard Professor X's words.

Thinking quickly, Syd realized what was happening.


From his memory, only Apocalypse's situation matched this scenario.

"But wasn't Apocalypse's story supposed to happen after 'Days of Future Past'?" Syd felt something was off.

Then he understood: Apocalypse had always been there, regardless of the timeline. The difference was whether someone disturbed him, causing him to awaken.

"This could be troublesome..." Syd frowned.

His intuition told him he and Apocalypse wouldn't coexist peacefully.

Whether or not he interfered, Apocalypse would likely seek him out.

If he were an ordinary or slightly powerful mutant, they might coexist peacefully, but...

Syd doubted Apocalypse would ignore an Omega-level mutant appearing before him.

It was as absurd as ignoring a hundred-dollar bill lying on the ground.

"With his body-snatching ability, if he had the chance, he'd definitely trouble me."

"Even if we temporarily coexist, if I become vulnerable, he'd surely act."

"After all, an Omega mutant before him, ready to be taken, would tempt anyone."

Syd murmured to himself.

Not just Apocalypse, anyone would be tempted. Clearly, peaceful coexistence was unlikely.

While pondering, Syd sensed something and tensed.

As he connected to the mental wave, both Professor X and Apocalypse sensed him.

Given the strength of Syd's mental power, he stood out like an elephant among ants, impossible to ignore.

(End of Chapter)

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