
Chapter 11: Part 2 - Entering The Rave

= Luna POV =

 Luna arrived at the venue a quarter to 11 PM. Judy and Anna were already there, chatting outside as they had arrived ten minutes earlier. Judy waved Luna over and showed him their wristbands.

"We found out that you gotta register and pay online, so here, scan this QR code and register, then you can get your re-entry wrist bans as well" Judy explained and showed her phone with the QR code.

Luna took out his phone and scanned it. After paying $20 for the entrance fee, he went down the short flight of stairs which led to the Rave space and showed it to the bouncer at the door, who double-checked it with their registration list. A scrawny guy with huge classes and a red beanie appeared from a side door with wristbands.

"Lunaftha?" He asked and Luna waved. The guy snapped the wristband onto his arm and disappeared the same way he came from.

Jud and Anna had followed him down " That was fast!" Anna said as Luna showed them he got his wristband.

"The Rave is happening at the hall straight down the corridor and down the flight of stairs. Look for a sign that says "Boiler room" and turn down that corridor. You'll start hearing music immediately, follow it until you get to the event space" The bouncer explained and opened the door for us.

The corridor beyond the door was a dimly lit concrete corridor with piles running all along the floor and the ceilings. This looked like an old factory, even though the exterior had looked like shop houses.

The three of them headed to the door right at the end of the long corridor, and once they pushed that open, they noticed a large red sign that said "Boiler Room" on the far end of the room. The space that had opened up beyond the door looked like it used to have heavy machinery, as there were large patches of the area which were a different colour as if something huge had sat there for a long time before it was removed.

They walked towards the sign and started to hear music in the distance. Pushing open the door which had the sign "Boiler Room" hanging over it, the music got louder. There was yet another long corridor to go down, however, this one had doors all along the walls, so the three of them kept walking until they got closer and closer to the door that had music pretty much booming from behind it.

Pushing open that door, lead to the most amazing sight Luna had seen in such a long time. The space was huge, like a theatre. There were spotlights set up and the stage was elevated high above the crowd. Luna could see people standing on the stage, music mixing and beats thumping loudly through the speakers.

There were a lot of people already at the scene. Several Pop-up bars were serving out drinks and finger food at the far end of the space, and people were already grooving to the beat with their cocktails.

"This is pretty amazing," Judy said to all of them as they entered. The feeling of all of their stress and anxiety about school, work and family issues seemed to just melt away under the neon lights and the sick beats. It was awe-inspiring.

Just then, there was a stop to the music and the current DJ cleared his voice.

"Alright everybody, let's get the party started. Raise your glasses for our one and only, Ryan!" The DJ said and everyone started cheering.

Like a vision, Ryan stepped up to the front. He gave the crowd and thumbs up, and after putting on his earphones, he started the music up again, and boy was it amazing. 



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Shout out to my Patreon Supporters:

1) AirborneDragon

2) Alex Smith

These lovely people are the reason why I can keep writing these stories, and keep providing them free on many online platforms! Want to join them in keeping these stories by keeping this cat alive? 

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