
Chapter 210 Battle with Blood Dragon Ancestor, Chaos Origin Realm Cultivator? (5k)

Su Xing rubbed his brow, absorbing the memories in his mind.

The Blood Demon Sect… or rather, the entire Blood Demon Realm, had a simple and brutal method for creating low-level cultivators.

Within the Blood Demon Realm, there were not only cultivators.

There were also many cities and ordinary people.

Moreover, the population of ordinary people was extremely large, with more than ten billion people in a realm!

Subsequently, the Blood Demon Realm greatly encouraged procreation.

Each year, children who reached the age of ten would undergo a… battle for the path of immortality!

The so-called battle for the path of immortality actually involved those children starting to cultivate the Blood Immortal Scripture.

After cultivating for a year, a thousand people would enter a closed environment.

Ultimately… through slaughter!

The sole surviving child would be able to become a Qi Cultivation Cultivator… and could absorb the fresh blood sacrifices obtained through the killing.

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