
Chapter 191 New Round of Simulation, Introduction to Gathering Spirit Flower and Dao of Arrays! (Seeking Monthly Pass~)_2

[After ensuring the simulation time could be maintained for 25 years, you began to plant the Gathering Spirit Flowers with all your might.]

[In the seventh year, the second batch of Gathering Spirit Flowers finally matured, and you harvested another 2,000 mature plants, as well as 2,500 seeds.]

[During these two years, you devoted all your energy to cultivating Gathering Spirit Flowers, with no time for cultivation or other tasks.]

[That same year, you sowed another 2,000 Gathering Spirit Flower seeds and took care of 2,000 plants, which was your limit.]

[You worked from dawn to dusk every day, 12 hours a day, but you found joy in it and didn't feel the slightest bit tired.]

[Like this, two more years passed...]

[In the ninth year, you once again harvested 2,000 mature Gathering Spirit Flowers, along with 2,500 seeds.]

[That same year, you chose to sow 1,500 Gathering Spirit Flower seeds, so you would have exactly 7,000 mature plants.]

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