
Chapter 190: The World's Fissure, the Angel Envoy of Slaughter? (5k~)

Su Xing saw this and still felt some anticipation in his heart.

Whether he could reach the end of the Slaughter Battlefield.

Whether he could find the cracks to other worlds, this was related to whether Su Xing could go to the Qingyun Realm!

"I hope, this time I can go even further..."

"At least, I cannot fall to those lost Legendary Demon Beasts again!"

Su Xing muttered to himself, his gaze fixed on the simulation panel.

[On the endless Slaughter Battlefield, you continue to move forward.]

[Your Divine Sense observes any movement within thirty thousand zhang around you.]

[You try to avoid those lost Demonic Beasts, avoiding unnecessary battles.]

[But the further you walk, the bigger the Red Moon above you grows, and the more you feel the negative emotions in your heart become uncontrollable.]

[Again, time passes without knowing how long, and currently, within the range of your Divine Sense, the lower-order Demonic Beasts become fewer and fewer.]

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