
ch4:the guild and eina tulle

after 10 minutes searching the guild, ray asagi finally found it and can see the adventure in and out of the guild. Ray Asagi saw the guild building that to it's suprise cause the building totally same looks like on anime he watch and while look around ray asagi the went inside the guild.

Inside the guild there were many experience adventurers gathered chatting and wait in line on que to convert the magic stone into money. Ray Asagi saw several groups of adventurers laughing talking about their journey. Well ray can say it's it's lively here.

The main building of the Guild is called the Pantheon. It is a wide space with counters for adventurers to talk with their advisors and also has an exchange area. There are also small meeting boxes where adventurers can talk one on one with their advisor without anyone else hearing them.

Aside from that, there is a library area. Most employees work on the first floor of the building while the high-ranking officials work on the second floor After looking around Ray Asagi looked for an empty counter to register as adventure and luckily he saw an elf with short brown hair with glasses at the empty counter that he recognized.

Ray Asagi clearly recognized the elf. Her name was Eina Tulle. A half elf advisor who was efficient in her duties as a guild employee.

Eina herself, an elf, always advises and worries about the condition of the protagonist, Bell. every time bell was injured after hunting in dungeon, eina would be angry and complaints at bell for not following her advice.

despite her anger, eina only worried about bell because from her experience as a guild employee.The newbie adventure she was handle always arrogant with her own strength which resulted in her own death. because of that Eina is worried and scare about Bell that might who will have the same fate as Adventure who didn't listen to her advice.

Ray Asagi clear her thought and approached Eina to ask help him register as an adventurer.

Ray then saw Eina writing a report and called eina.

"is this counter to register as an adventure?"


Eina who was writing a report then raised her head and then she see in front of her a person dressed like a knight from a certain Kingdom. In addition to his white armor as if showing nobility, his helmet that looked like a lion and white feathers made Eina stunned.

'Has Orario ever had a strong adventure like this? I've never seen him before, is he a newbie?'

not only Eina but some adventurers in the guild also glared at Arthur and whispered. That's natural because never in the history of Orario has a newbie become an adventurer wearing armor that looks expensive and powerful like that on the first day as an adventurer.

but for Ray he doesn't care too much about small things like this, things like this have become a common occurrence in the world of anime or manga. So as traverser Ray feels this is something he has already considered.

"excuse me but is this counter for registere ?" ray then ask eina again because eina still don't answer his question and stare at him

eina tulle who was too focused with her mind didn't notice that she was looking at him for too long say

"aahh !! yes yes you also can register here,by the way are you new here sir ?"

"yes I'm from a continent far away from here and I just arrived in Orario today."

"is that's so,but I'm here earlier you said you want to register as adventure right? before that,are you a knight from a certain country? looking at your equipment I can see that you are like an experienced knight."

"Yes, I am a knight but now I am just someone who is ambitious to be an adventurer and go for a journey, that's why I came to the orario to be an adventurer and explore dungeons."

"aaahh...so that's it, fine then let's start the producer first and by the way I'm the advisor from guild my name is eina tulle, nice to me you."

"I'm Arthur Pendragon nice to meet you too eina, hope we can get along"

"me to sir Arthur, so let's go for first producer to register as adventure shall we."

after filling in some documents that need to be filled in such as identification and various agreements that need to be approved.

after 15 minute the registration done smoothly.

"alright the all documents and producer that has to fill has done,now the registration is done.congratulations sir Arthur now you can regards yourself as adventure now."

"thanks eina "

"your welcome,im glad i'm able to help you sir arthur.so sir arthur has become a legitimate adventure, now what sir arthur needs to do is find a family to join too receive a blessing from god."

"I understand so eina-san, is there a family I can join for now ?"

"heerm.....i'm sorry sir Arthur but for now there are no familias trying to recruit a members. but don't worry there are also some gods or goddesses who don't have members in their familias yet, is that okay ?"

"well that's okay for me. instead of joining a famous family, I'm more interested in joining a familia that doesn't have members yet"

" is that so? Why do you think like that Arthur-sama ?".

"yes it's because for me apart from being an adventurer and going on adventures, I also dream of making my familia from not being known to a famous familia in the whole orario.its can be say like from zero to hero "

"well....I don't expect that side from you sir Arthur but of course I will give encouragement for your dream Arthur-sama."

"thanks eina I appreciate it, so is there a goddess that's not yet have family like you mentioned earlier ?"

"that's right,from my report there is a goddess who just came down from heaven a few days ago and it has been a week but this goddess still has no members to become her familia because there are rumors that's her has little problem with other goddess"

"problem ?"

"yes.....I'm here from my report that this goddess has a lot of debt and because of that there is no adventurer who wants to join her familia for fear of bearing the burden of the goddess that has a lot of debt "

"is this not a problem Arthur-sama ?"

"what is this goddess name ?"

"it's say here the goddess name goddess hestia"

"well then I don't have no problem with it,anyway that's what I hope for."

'well how lucky am I, I don't think that my plan to become the first member of hestia familia came true'

" alright if you say so Arthur-sama and here for you, this is the map where the goddess Hestia lives."

"alright thanks for you today eina-san."

"don't mind it, it's my job as a guild employee. if you have some questions that you don't understand with the orario or something related to the dungeon you can ask me anything. besides running the counter I as a guild employee also know various information which is important as an adventure, especially in the dungeon."

"If Sir Arthur doesn't mind, I can be an advisor to share information related to dungeons and so on."

if you say so, I have no reason to reject it. then im in your care eina-san"

" yes, I'm glad to help you anytime then."

"alright then I will go to find hestia goddess first eina-san, see you soon."

"alright, see you next time Arthur-sama"

after finishing the business with eina to registered as an adventurer, Arthur left the guild and started his way to the temple where the goddess Hestia resides according to the directions on the map given by Eina.

finally the participation as an adventure is finished now let's start our way to meet her.

'finally we will meet soon goddess hestia'

with that thought ray asagi or now name Arthur Pendragon started the journey to find the abode of goddess hestia

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