
Lunch at table XIII pt.2

The boy sighed, Dalia had told him about her rather daring past, but the boy still found it hard to believe that he had a one hundred and twenty-six year old woman in front of him. Before he could walk away, she continued her speech: "I was thinking that for the bonfire, I could play something on the guitar." She moved his fingers to simulate the gesture of strumming the strings, "Just so as not to hear the usual songs of the sons of Ucsor. What do you say?"

"For me it's an excellent idea..." but he didn't have time to continue before he was interrupted again.

"Maybe some songs by My Chemical Romance, or I drive them crazy with Linkin Park" Dalia's blue eyes began to shine, "I would like to hear them all singing to the tune of In The End. That would be crazy!"

One look from Shirei was enough to calm her down. Although he hadn't said a word, his gaze spoke clearly. "Let me finish, Dalia. I meant that they won't think the same way, in my opinion."

The little girl let out a laugh, "I'll change their mind then."

"I have absolutely no doubt about it."

Shirei's eyes glowed brighter than their typical purple color. Dalia smiled at her stepbrother and prepared to pray for food for lunch. Just then, a cool whisper in her ear made her jump. Marina was bent directly behind her with a wide smile.

"Well good morning! I was afraid you were really dead." She said tilting her head. There was a small moment of hesitation, then Ien's daughter added: "Can I sit here with you?"

"Yes, certainly!" Dalia made room for her.

The canteen instantly fell into complete silence. Every murmur stopped immediately and Marina found all eyes on her. The situation put her under pressure, but she was aware that the most hostile glances were coming from table seven. She placed all her hopes in Lorenzo and her roommates, who would convey her thoughts to her half-brothers in order to reassure them. She couldn't tell them the truth anyway, it was a secret mission and highly unpleasant in the girl's opinion.

"So Mari, did I miss something?" Dalia asked, resting her head on Ien's daughter's shoulder.

"Nothing, what are you talking about?"

The little girl grinned. "I want to sabotage Ucsor's children at the bonfire."

Marina remained looking at her with an almost annoyed expression. She was sure she would be hearing an unachievable idea soon. "Do you have a plan?"

"Probably start a fight in their house?" Food began to appear on the table, distracting her. There was a lot of meat. Dalia immediately grabbed one of the breaded croquettes and began chewing it. "Someone won't make it out alive, but oh well, it happens."

After a few seconds, she realized what she had done and put the food in its place. The little girl composed herself and waited for the cutlery to appear, only then did she start eating again.

"Why do you always want to get into trouble alone?" Marina rubbed her temples to avoid responding in kind. "I really don't understand you."

"Because I have an amazing best friend like you who will always support me," Cragar's daughter recited with a smile.

Shirei stood up again intending to get the drinks. Before walking away, he turned to Marina and asked, "Do you want something, Gray Matter?"

Marina was distracted by observing the difference in character between the two half-brothers. Dalia was extremely cheerful for a daughter of Cragar. It was as if he were almost trying to emit that strange negative presence that distinguished them. Shirei, by contrast, seemed to have stepped straight out of his textbooks. He was the typical demigod described in the Children of Cragar section: calm, composed, mysterious, and presumably very powerful.

Since his mind was occupied with those thoughts, it took her a few seconds to realize he was referring to her. "Grey Matter… who would that be, sorry?"

"You," he replied obviously. "Dalia told me that's what she calls you."

The little girl's mocking tongue suggested that she had told a lie on purpose. Marina was sincerely pleased to be called that way. The demigod's voice seemed to have softened as he uttered those words, and that made her happy.

"So you're finally melting! I like Gray Matter... nice nickname, Hollow. Use it often, please!" She said with a smile.

"You still haven't responded."

Marina snorted, annoyed by the classic attitude that had characterized him since that morning. He was immediately back to normal. "Simple plain water, thank you."

"Then I'll be right back."

Cragar's son walked away. Marina followed him with her gaze for a few seconds, before being distracted by Dalia: "You would be a fantastic sister-in-law."

Ien's daughter jumped immediately and ended up banging her knees on the table. She felt like she was immediately on fire, knowing that she was probably blushing with embarrassment. Her best friend burst out laughing and slammed her hand on the table, unable to contain herself. Marina glanced in Shirei's direction but, fortunately, the latter seemed too busy queuing. His gaze was directed towards the table of Corgi's children and the demigoddess couldn't help but wonder who he was watching.

Dalia smiled and Marina took the opportunity to put as many chicken nuggets in her mouth as possible, so as not to make her make any further comments.

"Miss Dalia Arcesio, you have crossed the limit!" And she continued to stuff her.

The demigoddess tried to speak, but her friend's hands made it impossible. "But... ce... av... Shi... fuc..."

"What are you doing?"

The voice belonged to Shirei. The boy had returned and was holding some cans in his hands, plus two bottles of water which he placed in front of Ien's daughter. The two friends stopped and Dalia was able to eat her chicken nuggets in peace.

"Ok um... thanks, although I think one was enough... but thanks anyway, really!"

The situation with Shirei continued to feel rather awkward on her part. She didn't know exactly how to act towards him. The demigod sat down in front of her and opened a midnight blue can to sip. Marina couldn't help but notice that he hadn't conjured any food in front of him.

"Forget him Mari! He's obsessed with that energy drink," Dalia reassured her. "What's its name, brother? Creature, Right?"


"You are right! I was wrong." Then she asked rhetorically, "Look, shall we eat?"

Marina smiled, "Of course we eat!"

But Shirei's gaze was once again on the table of Corgi's children. Sitting there, next to his brothers, was a little boy with a tablet in his hands. He jumped, distracted from his scribbling, when he felt he was being watched, and looked around to try to understand the source of that overwhelming sensation. All he could do was shrug after a few seconds and go back to calculating on his tablet. Marina sighed and, trying to ignore the presence of Cragar's son, surrendered to the sweet food conjured up by Dalia.

"If only I had some lava from the infernal river, I could stabilize the metal for the forge," the son of Corgi continued to babble, "I'll have to ask that strange guy from the thirteenth house."

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