'Inner dialogue/thoughts'
"Normal dialogue"
[Diary entries]
(Word count: 1,110)
~ With Fury, in his office within S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters ~
Sitting in his office, Fury was currently organizing his thoughts and reviewing what he had learned from the third entry.
First, Luke had already made contact with Virginia Potts. While this in itself is not important, it is the idea that Tony Stark had apparently married Ms Potts and had a daughter in the future that had caught his attention.
Currently, only Tony was truly on Fury's list of important people to monitor, those around him were simply just because they were either close to him or has the capacity to pose a security risk to him, such as Ms Potts and Mr Hogan.
If what was written were to come to pass, then Fury would need to update this list and include Virginia Potts. It seemed that she was one of the catalyst for the change in Tony's behaviour that allowed him to be a superhero that was loved by the people.
Second, the report on Tony Stark's kidnapping. There were many things that were not adding up. He had read the report from Coulson and knew of the suspicions from the Captain of the Omega unit. What happened to Tony was more than just dumb luck.
It was pre-meditated.
The question is, who despises Tony hard enough to want Tony kidnapped? After a moment, Fury disregarded that question as that list was too long and spanned across people from multiple countries worldwide.
Moreover, Luke's entries did not provide any clues regarding this matter, but Fury could make some assumptions. One of them being someone of considerable status within the Military. But that still didn't help narrow down the list.
'In that case, who stands to gain the most with Tony out of the picture? Mr Stane, perhaps?' Fury pondered, but soon after ignored as he did not believe that Stane would have the capacity to do something like this.
Through the reports he had read, Stane was the one who had been like a father figure to Tony and had always had Tony's best interest in his mind. Moreover, in a financial standpoint, Stane stood nothing to gain with the kidnapping.
Stane had admitted that Tony was the brainchild of the company, and that Stane was just handling company affairs due to Tony's disinterest. Stark Industries stock price would only fall if the news of Tony's kidnapping gets out, which is sure to happen soon.
Thinking of the different possibilities, Fury could not narrow the list any further that he already could. So, he decided to table his thought on that matter and wait for Luke to slip up.
Third, Natasha and Luke's relationship in the parallel world. From Luke's entry, it was written that Natasha was not only the mentor and sister figure to Luke, but was also the one who had gotten Luke to join the Avengers.
It was also confirmed that Natasha was one of the few who had died in the line of duty. Admirably too as she did not die for the glory, but she died so that others could live. In Fury's mind, this had improved his perception of Natasha considerably.
Additionally, Fury would need to start looking into the location of Wanda and Pietro. From the diary, Fury made the assumption that by having familiar faces interact with Luke, it could help to prevent any fragility that he and Natasha had suspected Luke to have. If Luke already had a positive reaction to Natasha, then Fury needed to secure Wanda and ensure her safety.
Fourth, the different enemies that could appear in the future. Taking out his name list, fury wrote down the new names he had learned in the 'enemy' section of the list. He had also noted under Steve's name that he was still alive, and possibly frozen in ice. Fury would have to send someone to start looking into this.
The other name that worried Fury was Hydra. As the director of SHIELD, Fury knew full well what Hydra represented. It seemed that they were still around and would be fighting against Steve in the future.
Fifth, a Civil War, stemmed from those with higher authority than himself. Fury would need to work doubly hard to ensure that this would not come to pass. The purpose he had created the Avenger's for was to unite empowered individuals to protect the world, not the interests of those who had perceived power.
Lastly, and quite possibly the most worrying of all that he had learned in the recent entry, an event known as the Blip. Not much was spoken about this event, only that it had caused half of the living population in the universe to just, vanish. It was not written who caused it or when it happened.
The only thing he knew about it was that Natasha played a vital role in bringing everyone back. However, not without heavy consequences.
Ensuring that he had not missed anything else, Fury decided to contact Natasha to relay to her the updated mission parameters. "Agent Romanoff, have you seen the recent diary entry?"
Natash had been reviewing her own thoughts on the entry when Fury had called her. "Yes sir, what about it?"
Fury decided to be blunt and asked her, "How do you feel?"
Knowing what Fury was alluding to, Natasha responded solemnly. "Everyone will meet their time sir, it's not anything new. Besides, I was prepared to lose my life when I had escaped from the Red Room."
Silence filled the air until Fury broke it. "Very well, are you in a secured location?"
"Yes sir, I am in the safehouse apartment." Natasha replied.
"Good. I want you to begin the second phase of your mission and start forming the connection with Luke as soon as possible." Fury relayed.
Natasha took a moment before answering, "Has this got to do with his possible fragility and positive reactions towards my meeting him? If so, we should start looking into Wanda and her brother and where they might be. She may be a better anchor than I am."
"Indeed, I will have someone looking into it." Fury said.
"Understood sir, orders received and acknowledged." Natasha replied before Fury hung up.
'Now, there are other things that I must do.' Fury thought as he called for Agent Hill to come to his office.
- End of Chapter 19 -
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E/d note: It hurts so much having to read an MC that had the convictions to help the world, only for the MTL chapter 19 to say he doesn't. Only for the MTL 21 to say that he has. FUCKING MAKE YOUR MIND UP! DOES HE OR DOES HE NOT…
Anyways MTL 20 had nothing to do with this chapter, well not nothing. Maybe just 1%. Instead, I am going to combine some parts of MTL chapter 20 into the MTL chapter 21 and use that to write C20 of this series. MTL 20 was just between Fury and Natasha. The topics that they spoke about was of Natasha's death (which I touched lightly on in this chapter), the mindstone which then led into a conversation about sending someone to find the maximoff siblings (which was super random to include by the way since the 3rd entry did not mention anything about Wanda OR the stones. Author didn't even segway into that particular topic with a prelude like maybe connecting how since Luke reacted positiviely to Natasha, he could react positively to Wanda as well. Instead what we got is a "By the way, since I first saw the diary, I wanted to ask, what is a Mind Gem?". I will remove the mindstone part, but will most likely include the part about Wanda in C20) which then led to Fury explaining about the stones (I say explaining but all he did was just name dropped them and that's it. Won't be including this.) and lastly about how fury knew about the stone's and also revealing he had fight against aliens (though it was never elaborated on lmao, they just "I had fought against aliens" full stop. I will not be using this part in my series).
As you can tell from the way I wrote this e/d, I have given up on trying to make sense of the MTL, instead I'll just be humourlessly explaining the differences now, until of course the author does some madness.