
Chapter 262: The Second Attack in Front of the Lavatory

"Hm!" Andy nodded non-committally.

Harry and Ron ... did seem a bit weird.

How should I put it ...

Andy recalled the scene when he had just met with the two.

It was just a few words of pleasantries and the two seemed normal. But just as Hermione said, Andy also had a strange feeling that he couldn't describe.

Imperius Curse?

Harry and Ron were under the control of an Imperius Curse?

"That's impossible!" Andy shook his head.

Ron is okay, but Harry ... who can control Harry with an Imperius Curse under Dumbledore's nose?

"What's impossible?" Hermione asked curiously.

"I just thought of the Imperius Curse."

Andy spread his hands, "But I should have guessed wrong. With Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Snape keeping an eye on Harry, that person shouldn't have a chance to lay a finger on Harry."

Hermione nodded and said, "I've read in the books that the most advanced Imperius Curse can't be discerned by even the most familiar person."

If it was Voldemort's Horcrux who had cast the Imperius Curse on Harry, then Harry should have looked just like his normal self.

"Then I don't know."

Andy said indifferently, "Forget it, it's better to let Headmaster Dumbledore have a headache with this kind of thing! Maybe the two of them just fought."

Hermione raised an eyebrow and said, "Those two didn't look like they were quarrelling."


"What do they look like then?" Andy asked suddenly.

"Like ...," Hermione froze and then jerked her head around to look at Andy.

From the first day they came to Hogwarts, Harry and Ron were an inseparable pair of best friends. The two of them slept together, ate together, went to class together, and played games together.

The two of them were as good as one.

"Andy, I know what's wrong."

In this instant, Hermione was like being possessed by a certain Death Elementary student (Conan), "The way Weasley is looking at Potter is not right! It was a, a ..."

Andy added, "A look of prey?"

"Exactly! It's a look of looking at prey."

Hermione looked at Andy with a straight face, "Andy, Weasley is the one who was controlled by the dark magic item. We need to tell the professor about this!"

"Uh ..."

Andy spotted the blind spot, "Hermione, don't you think that Ron's being a little too obvious?"

"Obvious about what?" The young witch was a little anxious, she was losing her cool now.

"Ron's behaviour, of course."

Andy said, "Think about it, more than ten days have passed since the attack. During this time, Ron's behaviour has been normal. It was only yesterday that you suddenly realized that something wasn't quite right with the state of Harry and Ron ..."

"No matter how I think about it, I think it's a trap!"

Andy had felt something was weird before, but only now, did Andy finally understand where this weird feeling came from.

The weirdness wasn't in the way Ron was looking at Harry.

Rather, it was the fact that this matter had been discovered by Hermione.

It was a conspiracy!

"Are you saying that Weasley did it on purpose for others to notice?"

The young witch was smart, she quickly grasped Andy's meaning, "Andy, I think you're right. If Weasley had a problem, there's no way he wouldn't have been exposed until today."

Andy laughed lightly, "Voldemort probably couldn't wait!"

Dumbledore would never allow Voldemort's Horcrux to leave Hogwarts. So ... the Christmas holiday was a point in time that both sides tacitly agreed as the last day.

Before the Christmas holiday came, Dumbledore would definitely initiate his move. It would even be a large-scale search of the dormitories without regard for the privacy of the young wizard.

Because of this, whatever Voldemort's Horcrux wanted to do, he would have to do it before the Christmas holiday.

"A Imperius Curse? Or something else?" Hermione guessed.

Andy straightened his shoulders, "That depends, on what Voldemort really wants to gain ..."


After informing Snape of Ron's abnormality, Andy put the matter behind him.

If even the professor couldn't solve it, then he, a second-year wizard, would be even more incapable of solving it.

With that energy, he might as well learn a few more spells.

In the evening, Andy and Hermione walked out of the library and prepared to go to the Great Hall for dinner.


Just after walking through a corridor, Andy overheard a high-decibel scream that spread throughout the entire floor.

Andy and Hermione looked at each other and quickly ran in the direction the sound came from.

At the entrance of the abandoned girls' lavatory, a girl wearing a Ravenclaw wizard's robe was lying in the middle of the stagnant water all over the floor. Her hair was strewn about, and her pale face was devoid of the slightest bit of blood.

In front of the girl, Harry and Ron stood with bewildered faces, and there was a crowd of people watching on the periphery.

Andy glanced at Ron first.

By this time, Ron had already returned to normal, no other emotions could be seen on his face other than bewilderment and shock.

As for Harry ... he seemed a little angry.

Andy set his eyes on the girl who had been attacked.

A third-year Ravenclaw student, Cho Chang's roommate, Andy had seen her a few times, but he wasn't too familiar with her.

"What are you guys gathering here for?" Professor McGonagall's voice came from behind them, as her office was on the first floor.

The small wizards automatically made a path.

Professor McGonagall stepped forward and the first thing she saw was the Ravenclaw girl collapsed in stagnant water.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Professor McGonagall's heartbeat slowed down by half a beat as she asked with a shocked look on her face, "Who was the first to spot her?"

The onlookers simultaneously set their eyes on Harry and Ron.

Professor McGonagall glanced at the two of them before darting over to the Ravenclaw girl. First, she checked the girl's breathing, before doing some emergency treatment with her wand.

"Thank goodness!" Professor McGonagall sighed in relief.

This child, like Justine who was attacked before, had a large amount of her life force sucked out of her by dark magic.

But similarly, they were both still alive.

The school's hospital wing was also on the first floor, and Madame Pomfrey, who had heard the noise, strode over as well.

"Oh, Merlin!"

Startled, Madam Pomfrey replaced Professor McGonagall and checked up on the girl.

"Mr. Collins ..." Professor McGonagall suddenly looked at Andy.

"Professor McGonagall?" Andy was a bit distressed.

What's wrong? Why did you suddenly call me out?

Andy was puzzled when he heard Professor McGonagall ask, "Did you find anything unusual when you came?"

In Professor McGonagall's opinion, Andy Collins was a very smart young wizard who might be able to make some distinct discoveries.

Andy smiled and glanced at Harry and Ron without a trace.

Ron's expression was a little odd, and Harry had an anxious look on his face - as if he wanted to say something.

Something funny going on!

Andy didn't rush to comment, but looked directly at Harry, "Harry, what do you want to say?"


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