
Chapter 119 Finally got some clues

Listening to Andy give examples one by one on the similarities between the Patronus Charm and the Obscurus, Hermione's little brain clicked with it a little bit: you're making a lot of sense.

"And Headmaster Dumbledore's Patronus."

Andy said in a serious tone, "Normal Patronus are silver-white and are normal animals. While Headmaster Dumbledore's Patronus is a spectral-coloured phoenix."

"A magical creature?" Hermione looked surprised.

Andy nodded, "Headmaster Dumbledore's special patronus is not a secret in the magical world. Haven't we read the papers that Headmaster Dumbledore published when he was young before? He studied Obscurus when he was young."

"So from what point are you going to start your research?"

Hermione became interested as well, "Casting a Patronus Charm requires recalling happy memories ... You could try starting with the emotional side."

Andy shrugged and said with a helpless look on his face, "I tried that, and that doesn't work at all. If it was really that simple, the Patronus Charm wouldn't be the way it is now."

"You have a point." Hermione nodded.

If casting a Patronus Charm using different emotions could cause the Patronus to mutate, then the Patronus Charm would have long been perfected by the predecessors in the magic world.

Hermione pondered for a while, pulling her hair in some distress, "What should we do then?"

Andy waved his wand and the cat Patronus flew in front of Hermione and flipped its chubby body, "We can only try it slowly."

"So cute!"

Hermione gazed at the silver-white fat cat in front of her and said in a somewhat yearning tone, "I wonder what kind of animal my Patronus will be."

Andy looked up at Hermione, "Maybe a rabbit ... ouch!"

Hermione stepped on Andy's foot in no good humour and just wanted to open her mouth to say something, but as if she thought of something, she just pursed her lips and didn't say anything, her eyes glaring fiercely at Andy.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before."

Andy rubbed the little witch's head, "It's kinda cute."

Hermione smacked Andy's hand away in anger and gave Andy a blank look, then picked up her book and covered her face, pretending that nothing had happened.

"Hello, Hermione?" Andy kept up the chatter.

"Leave me alone, I'm reading," Hermione said without looking up.

Andy flicked his wand, and the fat cat Patronus appeared in front of Hermione's eyes through the book.

Hermione: "..."

"If you have nothing better to do, read the book yourself."

Hermione glared at Andy and said, "If you can't, practice your magic."

Oh well, she riled up.

"I'm not planning on practising."

Andy decisively changed the topic, "Hermione, how do you think Headmaster Dumbledore's Patronus changed?"

"The phoenix?"

Hermione thought for a moment and shook her head, "I don't know ... but I guess there's a place where you might be able to find the answer."

"The Restricted Section!"

Andy thought of it as well, and could only say somewhat helplessly, "Too bad we're already on our break."

Since the last time he had read 'Secrets of the Darkest Art' in the Headmaster's Office, Andy had not been too brave to confront Dumbledore, so much so that he didn't even dare to go to the restricted section anymore.

Andy didn't think he had done anything wrong, what was wrong with loving to learn? Right?

It's just that Dumbledore ...

Anyway, Andy felt a little guilty.

"When next semester starts, you can ask Professor Flitwick for a signature for the restricted section."

Hermione suggested, "You've already finished your second and third years on your own anyway, and Professor Flitwick likes you so much. As long as you don't read books related to dark magic, the professor will probably agree."

Andy: "..."

Hearing Hermione's words, Andy wanted to give himself a big slap.

It was true that people who were used to taking shortcuts often forgot how the right path should be taken.   

Andy was so used to sneaking into the restricted section that he naturally ignored the fact that he could ask the professor for a signature.


Andy sighed, "I can only wait until next semester."

I hate that I wasted two months for nothing.

Andy waved his wand and the fat cat Patronus automatically dispersed.

After learning the Patronus Charm, Andy also tried casting the spell using other emotions. It was just that all of them failed, except for the happy memories.

Hermione suddenly asked, "Andy, what kind of memory was in your mind when you cast the Patronus Charm."

Of course, it was the memory of realizing that I had travelled to the wizarding world.

That was the memory Andy recalled when he successfully cast the spell for the first time.

"The memory of being with my family," Andy said.

This was not a lie.

To test the Patronus Charm, Andy had tried many memories, and 'being with family' was just one of them, and the spell had been cast successfully.

The current family, as well as the family from his previous life, Andy had tried them all.

"The joy of being with family, it's the love that comes from kinship."

Hermione analysed thoughtfully, "When you get home, you should cast it next to your loved ones, it might have a different effect."

Andy thought about it with some dismay in his heart.

If it was that simple, there wouldn't be so few wizards in the magical world who could use the Patronus Charm.

But Hermione's words did remind Andy of one thing.

When Dumbledore was young, he should have had a very painful memory.

Then he linked it with Dumbledore's current character ...

A drastic change in mentality?

"Thanks, I'll give it a try," Andy said.

Hermione held up the book in her hand, signalling that she was going to read it.

Andy spread his hands, signalling to make yourself at home.

The compartment went quiet.

Andy tested the Patronus Charm a few more times, and as the magic became more proficient, many of the 'not particularly happy' memories could be used to cast the spell successfully.

Just from the power of the magic, the power of the Patronus Charm cast from different memories was not the same.

The Patronus Charm could be said to be the most intuitive demonstration of the impact of emotions on the power of magic.

Andy closed his eyes and contemplated.

'Happy Memories ...'

Actually, Hermione's words just now reminded Andy of one more thing.

The so-called happy memories ... were actually not simply just about happiness.

For example, being with family would derive family love.

Happiness was just the surface, what was hidden underneath the happiness was something that could make you happy.

'So...the memories used to cast the Patronus Charm itself contain a lot of positive emotions.'

'Just not extreme ones!'

Moreover, there must have been many people who had made similar attempts before this, only for them all to fail.

'Well ... the birth of Obscurus, in addition to the extreme negative emotions, more importantly, it is actually from the unstable magic power within the wizard child.'

Andy pondered in his heart ... the painful memories of Dumbledore's teenage years made his emotions so extreme that the condition of 'unstable magic power' would occur?


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