
Hunched Old Woman

Sid, still in his Werewolf transformation, turned towards the few stragglers who had evaded the initial attack.

He let out another howl, this one lower and more menacing, sending the last of the wolves into a panicked retreat.

They turned tail and fled into the forest, their howls of fear echoing as they vanished into the underbrush.

With a swift swipe of his claws, he slit the last remaining wolf's throat, leaving their bodies lying around the truck.

He stood over the creature, panting heavily, his heightened senses still alert for any sign of other threats.

The forest was silent once more, except for the sound of his heavy breathing.

Mai quickly assessed the situation, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any more potential dangers.

When she was satisfied that they had cleared the immediate threat, she gave a curt nod. "Good work, everyone. Let's regroup and make sure no one's injured."

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