
Chapter 373: Klein's Dream Message?

Chapter 373: Klein's Dream Message?

The three major churches acted swiftly. Upon learning that King George Augustus III might be hiding his identity as an extraordinary individual, they quickly convened and decided to send representatives to the palace. A high-ranking archbishop personally inspected George Augustus III.

The conclusion was that George Augustus III was just an ordinary person, not a powerful extraordinary being.

Suppressing his anger, George Augustus III politely saw off the representatives of the three churches. However, his eyes flashed with a mix of malice and fury.

"Investigate! Find out who is targeting me from the shadows!" George Augustus III ordered his subordinates, barely containing his rage.

Although he had narrowly escaped this time, the spread of such news would once again trample on his prestige as a king under the feet of the three major churches.

His prestige, his kingdom, was destined to be nothing more than a backdrop for the three major churches, a puppet! Only by successfully ascending to Sequence 0 as the Black Emperor and becoming a true god could he stand on equal footing with the three major churches.

"No need to waste manpower on the investigation. This was orchestrated by Bernadette. She already knows about your plan to become the Black Emperor and has started to thwart you."

A figure suddenly appeared in the palace, half-hidden in the shadows to George Augustus III's right.

"Such a secret matter, even the three major churches aren't sure about it. How did Bernadette find out?" George Augustus III frowned slightly.

"Heh, she is a follower of the Stars," the figure said with a light laugh. "Roselle once fiercely pursued the path of the Black Emperor. As his child, Bernadette naturally knows the secrets of the Black Emperor's path."

"The Stars..." George Augustus III muttered several times, snorting angrily.

"Prepare well. If you miss this opportunity, you will never advance another step."

George Augustus III nodded silently, recalling another matter. "Are the people of the Aurora Order confirmed not to participate this time? They withdrew last time during the Great Smog incident, and now they have broken their promise again. It's infuriating."

"This should be a good thing for you. Those lunatics would easily draw unnecessary attention to you."

George Augustus III said nothing more, only gazing at the starry sky above, where a kingdom of his own would rise.


After finishing his conversation with Bernadette, Klein returned to his residence. On a nearly filled origami crane, he carefully wrote a small line.

"Next time I see Will, I must ask him to exchange this for a new crane, preferably a string of them, so I don't have to write only brief messages each time." Klein murmured to himself before lying down and falling asleep.

Not long after, Will appeared in his dream, yawning and holding a small brown teddy bear.

"Really, you always choose to find me just as I'm about to sleep. Don't you know how to respect the elderly and the young? I am both, you know!" Will grumbled, glancing at Klein. "So, what's it about this time?"

"I want you to send a dream message to Leonard."

This was a solution Klein had pondered for a long time. He was about to deal with George Augustus III and had no time to protect Melissa in secret. Leonard was the best person for the job.

"Sending a dream message is easy, but you should know that Leonard has something special inside him. It might notice something."

"If it can't be concealed, that's fine. Let Leonard know I'm still alive; it will be easier to ask for his help in the future."

Klein wasn't too concerned about this issue. His staged death was merely a temporary measure.

Even if Leonard found out, he could claim he was gravely injured and recovering elsewhere.

After all, the incident at Bansi Port likely left him as the sole survivor.

"Alright then." Will's eyes narrowed as if he remembered something amusing.

Klein noticed Will's mischievous thoughts and warned, "Be careful, don't go overboard."

"Don't worry, no one is better at sending dream messages than me." Will smiled broadly.


Around three or four in the morning, Leonard, who was sound asleep, suddenly had a dream.

In the dream, the world was an ocean, shrouded in a gray mist with low visibility.

He vaguely saw a port ahead and instinctively floated toward it.

But before he could get close, lightning struck from the sky, with thunderous roars echoing. Purple, white, and red lightning bolts engulfed everything ahead.

He squinted his eyes against the blinding light.

When the thunder subsided, the port ahead had turned to ashes, with only some lingering smoke.

Curious, Leonard floated toward the destroyed port. The surrounding temperature grew colder, making him shiver.

The cold wind around him seemed to carry the sound of someone crying.

As he approached the port, he saw the spirits of the dead, queuing and floating in the same direction.

Suddenly, a bloodied figure missing an arm and a leg, with disheveled hair and covered in blood, emerged from the sea.

It appeared right in front of him, just a meter away.

Leonard's breath quickened, and his eyes widened, feeling his heart skip a beat before pounding rapidly.

He tried to calm himself, repeatedly telling himself it was just a dream.

"Leonard, I died so miserably, so miserably..."

A familiar voice, filled with resentment and sorrow, came from the mouth of the incomplete corpse before him.

It repeated "so miserably" over and over, causing frost to spread over the sea.

Leonard carefully identified the voice, uncertainly asking, "You, are you Klein?"

"It's me, it's me, Leonard. I died so miserably, so miserably..."

The figure claiming to be Klein parted its disheveled hair, revealing empty, black eye sockets.


Leonard instinctively stepped back, nearly falling onto the sea.

"Klein, is it really you? Are you sending me a dream message?"

Klein's hollow eyes stared at Leonard until he felt a chill down his spine. Suddenly, Klein's remaining hand grabbed his neck.

As Leonard watched in horror, Klein's mouth split into a bloody grin, stretching to his ears.

"Take care of Benson and Melissa for me!"


Leonard woke up from the dream with a start, almost falling out of bed.

"Thank goodness it was a dream..."

Leonard touched his neck, relieved to find it intact, and looked around with lingering fear.

Fortunately, Klein hadn't followed him out of the dream.

Reflecting on the dream's content, Leonard shivered. It had been terrifying.

He had never imagined that Klein, after death, could be so frightening.

Especially those empty eye sockets and the bloody grin.

Sitting on the bed for a while, Leonard finally recovered from the nightmare.

He got up, lit a candle, and poured himself several glasses of cold water, drinking them one after another to calm down.

Feeling the sweat on his back, Leonard smiled wryly. "Klein, why was your dream message so scary? If you scare me to death, who will take care of your brother and sister?"

He took a set of dry clothes and headed to the washroom.

Soaking in warm water, he finally exhaled, his brows furrowed.

Klein had been dead for months, and this was the first dream message, for his family.

Were they in trouble recently?

The more Leonard thought about it, the more worried he became. He had been busy with the Red Gloves team and hadn't checked on Benson and Melissa.

With the situation in Backlund becoming increasingly chaotic, it was possible they were in danger.

Was that why Klein sent the dream message?

If something happened to them, how could he face Klein?

Leonard looked at the washroom window. Outside, the first light of dawn was breaking.

He decided to visit Benson and Melissa's place and instruct the local police to protect them.

"Wait, how could Klein send me a dream message after his death?"

Leonard suddenly realized that in the extraordinary world, sending dream messages was unusual.

Only the living should be able to send dream messages.

If Klein was dead, with no lingering spirit, how could he send a dream message?

Moreover, being near Saint Samuel Cathedral, any lingering spirit would be purified by the priests.

Klein had died at sea. Could he have traveled all the way from the sea to Backlund to send a dream message?

Klein wasn't that powerful when he was alive.

Leonard pondered for a long time, unable to understand with his limited extraordinary knowledge.

He only knew the dream felt real, as if it had truly happened, especially the final plea: "Take care of Benson and Melissa!"

It was like a curse, deeply imprinted in his mind.

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