
Chapter 290 Scared and Confused


"If you don't have any, that's fine, I was just asking." Mrs. Wu saw she was in a difficult position and quickly backpedaled, mentally kicking herself for even daring to ask for something so precious.

"No, it's not that, sister-in-law, I do have some jam left, just not much. Last fall, I was pregnant with our Pangpang, so I didn't really go up the mountain much, and I didn't pick many wild grapes. Also, you might not believe it, but the amount of grapes needed for just a small dish of jam is quite substantial, so I only made three jars this year.

Today alone, these little rascals have already finished off one jar, leaving me with just two. I had thought about sharing some with you so that you could bring it home for your kids to enjoy, but with so little left, it's tricky deciding who to give it to and who not to. That's why I hesitated to mention it.

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