
Chapter One Hundred And Eighty-Five

The Ritz-Carlton. Washington D.C.

"Well this is rather nice," Dany commented as we were shown to our somewhat impressive suite "It must be expensive to rent".

Even by the standards of a Rogue Trader these rooms were pleasant enough to stay in, but I doubted that I'd see much of them given how many people wanted to see me. According to my information, and I'd been given more detailed data upon arriving here, I'd be meeting the CEOs of several major businesses who must have something to do with Stargate Operations or more likely the construction of those X-302 fighters or Earth's limited number of starships.

There would also be some military types who would try to barter for a supply of power cells for laser weapons. Nothing new to me as I'd met with such types when doing business with the Systems Alliance back in the ME universe. The USA Air Force and other branches of their armed forces would want to stockpile the cells and to acquire the best model of laser weapons I was selling so as to keep an edge over the other nations, even ones they were supposed to be allied with.

This would be fine with me as long as they were willing to provide me with what I wanted in exchange. American dollars were worthless to me so it was a good thing that they had other ways of paying for my products.

"Yes, Ma'am. The US government spares no expense for its VIP visitors" we were told.

That at least was true. By the looks of things some branch of the government had gone to the trouble of securing the entire hotel just so I could have dinner this evening with some other VIPs. American taxpayers dollars at work, helping to make secret deals with people from other worlds and dimensions so as to defend the planet from alien threats that millions of Americans would most likely refuse to even believe existed.

"Again, thank you, Major. At what time should we be ready for dinner?" Dany asked.

She already knew this, she was just making small talk.

"I will be here at 20,00 hours to escort the both of you, the dinner begins later, but you should have a chance to meet and greet everyone" Major Davis replied as he stood near the door to the suite's main room. "Have a pleasant evening, sir, ma'am"

With that he walked away and while we seemed to be alone I assumed that the room was bugged. No doubt some spy types were watching us even now through cameras and listening to what we had to say via hidden microphones.

"Widow, secure the room" I ordered.

The temple trained assassin would know what to look for, and as soon as she was done I would start preparing myself for what I suspected would be a very long dinner, but first an Internet search. It took all of three seconds to hack the hotel's wifi, which was more advanced than I'd been expecting, and then I was online.

Very soon I found pages for the Warhammer 40k and Fallout franchises. While the Fallout franchise did exist in this universe, a sign that this world was indeed worth not bombing back into the stone age, the Imperial made versions of power armour and laser weapons looked rather different than their native counterparts due to the materials used in their construction and small changes to the design. Imperial made versions of the Fallout weapons were better protected and more durable, they also had Imperial symbols stamped onto them.

One day Mass Effect would be out, which meant I was going to have to be very careful when making deals with Earth as they could be allowed to know that I had tech from so many different worlds. Plus my wives and consorts would get very confused if they saw any counterparts in fiction.

"I'm going to get some rest" I told my wife and bodyguards.

Within hours I'd be using my psyker powers a lot so I would need to be focused and have plenty of energy.

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