
Chapter Seventy-Two

Raven Rock. DC Wasteland.

More than one secure bunker was being broken into on this day. Far from Vault 79 Colonel Gwynenya 'Gwen' Ionael was overseeing the end of the Enclave an organisation that Lord Captain Thrax had decided that he wanted removed. He didn't need to explain his reasons just his command was enough for Ionael. She knew that while she could not conquer this world and bring into the Imperium if she successfully lead the guard in its efforts to make this planet, which was a brother to Holy Terra, back under proper human control that she would one step closer to reaching the rank of Lady General. She'd been promoted to Colonel at least partly for helping to bring a world of savages into compliance and this spoils of this campaign promised to be even greater than the last.

Her musings came to an end as the door blocking the way into the Enclave base was forced open by the efforts of the Enginseers. This base was well secured and once the Priests of Mars had properly blessed all the technology within it would make a fine base of operations for the 2nd Thrax regiment. The Imperial Guard had a lot of work to do while on this world and it would go much smoother if the Imperium had its own base of operations on this world.

"First squad!" she shouted out "Advance!".

The Stormtroopers she'd just sent into battle had not been part of the 2nd Thrax for a long time, having been assigned to her command after being transferred from a troop transport that had docked at the forge-world's star port for repairs. She was glad for them as the men and women of lesser training would have fallen back due to losses or panicked. The Stormtroopers ignored those who were cut down by green bolts of energy and kept advancing, clearing the way for more troops at a high cost.

Raven Rock had suffered loses when the Lone Wanderer had escape the base, so the military installation was not defended by many fighting men rather there were a number of automated defences to overcome that the Ad-Mech couldn't simply override as they could not appeal to the machine spirits of those weapons. So that meant the base would have to be taken the hard way.

"Second squad!" she shouted out "Advance!".

More Stormtroopers moved into the enemy base. Laser and plasma weapons didn't generate the same level of noise as autoguns, but even over the background noise of the tank engines she could hear the fighting. As it began to die down, either because all the troopers were dead or because they'd run of people and things to shoot at, the Colonel noticed some disturbance over the vox channels before someone spoke to her.

"Do excuse me" said a friendly sounding voice that came over the vox rather unexpectedly.

The Colonel decided not to send in the third squad in just yet.

"Who is this?" she demanded to know.

Her vox channel should be secure.

"This is President John Henry Eden" said the calm male voice "I'm sorry to inform you that I can not allow you to seize the base or take me as a prisoner".

The Colonel smirked under her rebreather, which she'd put on in case the Enclave used some sort of gas attack when defending their HQ.

"I don't think you have a choice in the matter, Mr President" she replied.

The voice soon spoke again.

"I had hoped that we would be able to come to a mutual understanding" said the Enclave leader "Yet it is clear that you mean to capture myself and this instillation. Which I can not allow, as such I have no choice other than to destroy myself and the base".

The Colonel had not been expecting this. A surrender or a defiant last stand made much more sense than the Enclave simply killing themselves.

"If you give yourself up I promise mercy" said Gwynenya.

The humans of this world were ignorant heathens rather than vile heretics or lawless renegades. Their souls could be saved if they were willing to accept the Emperor into their hearts. Surely this John Henry Eden must understand that the Imperium was the only hope that humanity had to reclaim this world?

"I have no choice" the President told her "I am programmed to avoid enemy capture at any cost".

Before the high ranking Guard officer could ponder over John Henry Eden's choice of words the enemy base began to explode as it buried itself.

"Pull back" the Colonel ordered.

Once it was over the Guard had only lost a couple of squads of stormtroops, and that would have been worth it to seize the base, only they'd gained nothing.

"Looks like we'll need to find somewhere else to set up Gwynenya decided.

They had other options.

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