
Chapter 203 Doctor Zhou's Letter

He couldn't see them himself, so he invited the visitors into the house, where Gu Youyou provided consultation from behind a curtain.

After a busy day, she could finally rest in the evening.

Gu Youyou changed into her own clothes, gently wiped away the beads of sweat, and prepared to return to her own small courtyard.

"Sister Youyou!"

Qin Changlin called out to her from the backyard.

Gu Youyou turned around and saw Qin Changlin holding a box in his hands, his face haggard!

"Sister Youyou, this is what Master left for you," he said.

Gu Youyou was taken aback, not expecting Doctor Zhou to leave anything for her, and quickly took the box to examine it.

The box was made of high-quality zitan wood, a rare and valuable material that seemed excessive for a doctor from a small clinic like Xiaoqingshui Town to possess.

She suspected that some of the answers to her questions might lie within this box.

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