

After finishing our meal in the cafeteria, Lise excused herself, saying she needed to get some rest . I watched her leave, feeling a mixture of relief and disappointment. The conversation we'd had earlier was still fresh in my mind, and I wasn't sure how to process it.

With nothing else to do, I wandered back to my room. The hallways were quiet, a stark contrast to the earlier excitement of the tournament. As I entered my room, I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. Deciding that a shower might help clear my head, I headed to the bathroom.

The hot water felt soothing against my skin, and I let it run over me for a long time, trying to wash away the confusion and tension. My thoughts drifted back to the dream I'd had about Lise, the intense emotions, and the conversation that followed. I found myself blushing at the memory, shaking my head to dispel the thoughts.

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