
U. Molson

Emily did not like the fact that thanks to her sleeping problem. She lied to her mother on a regular basis. But over the years, she liked to think that she had gotten very good at telling those lies. But it seemed that even with Emily's skills as a liar improving, year by year.

Her mother had still picked out that something was wrong. 

She might have not been able to put her finger on it exactly. But the older Molson woman had known that something was off.

Emily would most likely have never known that her mom suspected anything, if the older woman had not come out with it. But not only had she come out with it, she had done so when Emily least expected. 

It was Tuesday night, and the two of them were on the couch. There was some documentary about seagulls, playing on the TV, but Emily was not paying any attention to it.

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