
Crisis in Padme’s Room

Later that day I found myself inside Padme's room, I had joined her to discuss her opinion

on the Separatist issue.

"Thalron, I do not believe it will come to war." She said steadfastly.

I began chuckling as I spoke. "So you do not believe the Separatist will resort to war

but you believe they attempted to assassinate you."

"War and assassination is two different principles. War means millions of deaths while assassinations is at most 4-5, you cannot compare those two against each other." Padme said.

"True, but the Separatist will declare war on the Republic, their entire propaganda motive

is the fact that the Republic is corrupt, and the Senate is wrong, how will they maintain their façade if they allow such a thing to exist?" I said and Padme shook her head.

"Their propaganda has the pure motive to discredit the Republic and the Senate. And the Separatist will die out, they cannot maintain the Outer-rim without the support

of the core." Padme said.

"I agree, you are correct. The Outer-Rim does not have the means to survive alone. But the

Separatist wants to gain the Core's support. But the Core has endless of bonuses and support in the Senate, few would ever leave. And as such their best chance is conquest." I said, and she had trouble refuting that.

"Surely there's other ways of the Outer Rim and the Core to converse and live in harmony

together?" Padme spoke sadly, Naboo is a Mid Rim Planet, and they only hold a seat

in the Core Senate due to their plasma reserves and great diplomacy. The

Nabooians are great diplomats naturally.

"There are, but the chances of that happening is low. The Core thrive in their dominance

over the Outer Rim, some parts of the Mid Rim and the Expansion Region, they'd never

voluntarily give up supremacy over the natural resources those worlds represent."

I spoke and she nodded sadly, she understood all too well how corrupt and greedy the Senate was.

"Your Grace." Robb said as he stepped up to us.

"Yes, Robb?" I responded.

"The downstairs guards inform us that the Jedi has arrived and are approaching." Robb said as Padme stood up from the sofa.

"So early? Jar-jar, go meet them." She said as she walked off to inform her maids and Typho.

I sat in the sofa as I waited for the Jedi to arrive. Now I honestly hoped Anakin acted

a bit better than he does in the movies, hopefully it'll be a mix of the movies

not properly telling the scene and maybe he changed due to his mother being safe.

Because I really, like deeply hated Anakin in the early movies. He became extremely chill

and nice in the later movie but in the first two he was kind of annoying, though

in the first movie he had the excuse of being 8.

I saw Jar-jar move towards the elevator and I heard his exited voice 10 seconds later.

"Obi? Obi!?" I heard Jar-jar exclaimed as the swooshing sound of the elevator doors opening reached my ears.

"Mesa so smilen to seein yousa!" He exclaimed again as I could hear the voice of his feet gently hopping up and down.

"Good to see you again, Jar-jar." The prompt reply of Obi-Wan Kenobi came. They then

began walking to the main area, as they reached the entrance Jar Jar spoke.

"Senator Padme, Count Thalron. Mesa palos is here! Lookie, Lookie, Lookie. Desen Jedi ariven." Jar Jar said as he introduced the Jedi.

"It's a great pleasure to see you both again, My Lady, Count Thalron." Obi Wan said as he stepped forward and I stood up.

Obi-Wan approached me first and we gave each other a proper handshake, he then did the same to Padme.

"Good to see you again, Obi-Wan, Anakin." I said as I nodded at Anakin, he nodded back

with a smile.

"It has been far too long, Master Kenobi." Padme said as her eyes drifted towards


"Ani!? My goodness you've grown." She said. And Anakin stepped forward.

As he began talking, I wondered where his rizz went, he had so great aura at 8 years old.

And now it's gone.

"So have you. Grown more beautiful… I mean." Anakin said slowly, almost insulting her.

"I-I mean.. for a Senator, I mean." He said, stumbling even more.

Padme clutched in with a chuckle and a laughter, relieving us of the tension growing, but then she made it worse.

"Ani. You'll always be that little boy I met on Tatooine." She said, and that's when I

knew I had to change the subject.

"So you're 18 now, Anakin? How's training in the force going." I said as we all begin

sitting down.

"It's going great, I'm excelling in every area." He said proudly, not forgetting to brag.

But then Obi-Wan got down to business.

"Our presence here will be invisible, My Lady. I can assure you." Obi-Wan spoke up.

"I am Captain Typho of her Majeaty'a Security Service. Queen Jamilla has been informed of your assignment." He spoke before pausing. "I am grateful for your arrival here, Master Kenobi. The situation is more dangerous than the Senator admits." He said.

"I do not need more security. I need answers. I want to know who's trying to kill me." Padme

said, she as usual hated security but loved action, don't know how those two mix.

"We are here to protect you, Senator. Not to start an investigation." Obi Wan said, knocking down her wishes.

"We will find out who's trying to kill you, Padme." Anakin said, completely overstepping his authority and ability. "I promise you." Anakin continues as Obi-Wans neck whips towards him.

"We will not exceed our mandate, My young Padawan learner." Obi-Wan said, and their argument officially began.

"I meant that in the interest of protection the Senator." He said, trying to justify his mishap.

"We will not go through this exercise again, Anakin. And you will pay attention to my lead." Obi-Wan said, clearly showing Anakin that he's in charge but Anakin can't seem to take a hint.


"Why?" Was Anakins quick response.


Obi-Wan didn't even think and automatically responded. "What?"


"Why do you think we were assigned to her if not to find the killer. Protection is a job

for local security. Not a Jedi. It's overkill Master, investigation is implied in the mandate." Anakin said.

"We will do exactly as the council has instructed." Obi-Wan said, not leaving any doubt. "And you will learn your place, Young one." Obi-Wan finished, ending the argument.

"Well, now that you two are done fussing over that. I'll inform you of my part in it." I said,

breaking the tension.

"Me and Padme are working on an important bill to the Senate, one whom will increase government spending in education. Therefore I'll be here the entire night. I have 13 Guards with me and Padme has got 5 Guards from my Royal Guards." I said as Alexander stepped forward alongside Quarsh.

"The Naboo Guards will remain in the control and ground floors, securing all entrances and

exits. We number 17 in total." Quarsh said.

"I'll have 4 guards only the balcony, 4 guards at the elevator, 5 guards in the main area

and 5 Guards with Padme and Count Thalron." Alexander said and the Jedi nodded.

"We'll join the 5 guard, but we'll stay outside the rooms as we can sense a lot in our

surroundings." Obi-Wan said.

"Sounds great. Well, we better get to it." I said as me and Padme stood up and walked to her office, where we began the work on the new bill, which would force all Republic Worlds to

use a certain percent of their total income on education.

Soon enough time passed as Padme decided to go to sleep, though I waited a few more minutes working on a few extra details.

As I left the office I heard.

"Lord Commandant Alexander and Captain Quarsh has too many men stationed here and on the floors, it would be stupid to try it with force." Obi-Wan said as he walked towards Anakin.

"Any activity up here?" Obi Wan asked as I approached the main room.

"Quiet as a tomb." I heard Anakin respond.

"I don't like just waiting for something to happen to her." Anakin said as Obi-WAN's

machine began beeping.

"What's going on?" Anakin asked again as I stepped into the chambers.

"I guess she covered the cameras?" I said amusingly as I stepped inside.

"Yes, she did." Obi Wan said as he stepped towards the room.

"What is she thinking." He mused.

"She programmed R2 to warn us if there are any intruders." Anakin said, almost like he thinks that makes a difference.

"There are many other ways to kill a Senator." Obi Wan said while sighing.

"I know, but we also want to catch the assassin, don't we Master." Anakin said, almost proud of his decision to use her as bait.

"You're using her as bait." Obi-Wan said, a bit angrily.

"I doubt Anakin made that choice. She quite like entering danger, although I do not know

if it is on purpose." I said and Anakin nodded, confirming my thoughts.

"It was her idea… don't worry. No harm will come to her. I can sense everything happening in that room." Anakin said, although I don't know if he believed that himself. But with the cockiness radiating off him he just might.

"It's too risky. Besides.. your senses aren't that attunes, my young apprentice." Obi Wan said as he looked towards the room.

"And yours are?" Anakin replied almost immediately.

"Perhaps." Was Obi-Wans curt response.

And with that I began walking towards the 4 guards outside the room. Although my senses were not even close to that of Obi-Wan and Anakin. If I stood right outside the

door then it should still work quite alright.

I could hear outlines of Obi-Wan and Anakin talking. Until I sensed something.

Something or someone was dropped onto the floor of Padme's room, and I knew what it was. Those creatures.

"Prepare yourselves, I sense something." I said as I took out my Vibroblade.

I could sense the creatures slowly getting closer and closer to Padme until they entered her bed.

"2 insects, on her bed." I said out-loud as the Royal Guards prepared to attack .





"Go!" I counted down until I kicked the door open and ran in.

I saw one of the creatures were getting too close to comfort as I jumped onto it and sliced

it into two.

However I could sense that my guards were to slow and barely managed to shock the 2nd

creature before it lunged at Padme.

However that little shock stopped the creature just enough for me to grab Padme by her shoulders and throw us both onto the ground beside the bed.

I fell first, absorbing the fall onto my back before rolling around, putting myself above

Padme, to shield her from any harm.

I could sense the second creature prepare to lunge again, but mid air Anakin arrived just in

time to slice it into two.

And as the danger

was eliminated, I noticed my position.

I was laying above Padme, I could feel her breast and breathing.

They were pretty noticeable, not only by sight but also by feeling. And her breath was slow and warm.

However, I quickly regained my posture and got off her, helped her up. And turned around. Just in time to see Obi-Wan jump out of the window.


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8 advance chapters at Patrion. 


It really helps me stay motivated by getting a few donation. And maybe if we all are lucky i get grammarly premium and we get some better grammar :) 





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