
Future Expansion

"This will be a part of my 11-year building stage, whereas I will build 4 Imperator-Class Star Destroyers, 8 Valiant-Class Star Destroyer, and my personal star destroyer as main ships. Additionally, I will acquire or build 16 Gladiator-Class Star Destroyers and 10 Munificent-Class Star Destroyers as medium ships, 40 Cumulus Class Corsairs, and lastly, 80 DP20s, 42 CR90 Corvettes, 150 Carrack Class Light Cruisers. and many other support ships." I said with a slight smile. This navy was enough to fight off an entire Republic Fleet.


However, that was fucking costly. Just the building of these ships alone would cost 3 631 000 000 credits, 3 billion credits. And it would cost about 363 100 000 credits each year to maintain them. But the truly terrifying prospect was the crew.


Only 1 Imperator would require a whooping 37 085 crewmen. More than our entire navy together. 4 of them would take 148 340 crewmen. Larger than our entire military by far.


A single Valiant-Class Star Destroyer requires a crew of 15,000 and could hold 5000 passengers. 120,000 Naval crewmen for those 8. 


The Gladiator was lighter and only needed 1255 crewmembers and 16 of them required 20 080 crewmen.


The 10 Munificents each required 1200 crewmen and 10 of them needed 12 000 crewmen.


Each Cumulus needed 90, so a small amount of 3600 crewmen.


Each DP20 needed 91 crew, and 80 of them required 7280, while not small it wasn't large either.


The 42 CR90's required a total of 6930 at maximum capacity.


And lastly, each Carrack required 1092 men, a much bigger requirement than the other support ships. However this was essentially a starfighter with the Cumulus's firepower so it would be worth it, but still a total of 163 800 crewmen. Holy fucking shit.


And in total it would be 181 610 crewmen for the support ships, 32 080 for the small capital ships, and lastly a whooping 268 340 crewmen for the 12 large capital ships, a whooping 482 thousand crewmen. ( 482 030 )


Now, the sheer cost of recruiting 472,030 naval crewmen is just mind-numbing.


Let's start with the equipment. Every single Naval Crewman requires 700 credits in their Commando Pistols, and 200 in crewmen uniform. 330 421 000 credits. Enough to buy 2 Imperators. And 94 406 000 in naval clothes.


That's a total of 424 827 000 for a total, excluding the replacements of uniforms, pistols, and everything. Now they also require 1000 credits a month. So in 11 years I have to pay 482 030 000 every single month and a whooping 5 784 360 000 credits every year, over 5 billion. Just let that sink in.


I also need to get a shit ton of fighters.


Imperator-Star Destroyers = 96 V-wings, 288 total

Valiant-Star Destroyer = 240 V-wings, 60 H-6 Bombers, 1920 V-wings, 480 H-6 Bombers.

Gladiator-Star Destroyer = 36 V-wings, 576 V-wings total.

Munificent-Star Frigate = 30 V-wings, 300 V-wings total.

Cumulus-Class Corsairs = 10 V-wings, 400 V-wings total.

Carrack-Class Cruiser = 2 V-wings, 300 V-wings total.

CR-90 Corvette = 2 V-wings, 84 V-wings total.

DP20 Frigates = No Starfighters.


With this, I need to buy 3 868 V-wings and 480 H-6 Bombers. However, sometimes we need to replace the bombers on ships so about 1000 H-6 Bombers.


That is 4 868 Pilots, but we need about 7868 for our current reserves, So 6 868 new pilots, each requiring 700 in commando pistols and 4000 in their pilot suit. Which is expensive.


32 279 600 credits in total. And they require 1000 every month, so 7 868 000 every month, or 94 416 000 every single year. If we put that with the Navy pay it comes out to 5 878 776 000 credits every single year.


Now let us move on to soldiers.


In terms of soldiers on ships then we need a lot.


Imperator-Star Destroyers = 15 000 soliders, 45 000 total.

Valiant-Class Star Destroyers = 5000 soliders, 40 000 total.

Gladiator-Star Destroyer = 1000 soliders, 16 000 total.

Munficent-Star Frigate = 5000 soliders, 50 000 total

Cumulus Class Corsairs = 250 soliders, 10 000 total.

Carrack-Class Cruiser = 140 soliders, 21 000 total.

CR-90 Corvette = 200 soliders, 8400 total.

DP20 Frigates = 5 soliders, 400 total.


That is a total of 190 800 soldiers. Each requires 1500 in their main blaster, 700 in their Commando Pistols, and 3000 in normal armor.


286 200 000 credits in their main blaster rifle the A310 Blaster Rifle.


133 560 000 credits in their secondary blaster, the Commando Pistol.


Lastly 572 400 000 credits in their armor, a total of 922 160 000 credits in their equipment.


And for their pay, the pay is for 190 800 new troops which comes out to a total of 190 800 000 a month and 2 289 600 000 a year, alongside the old 50 000 men's pay which is 50 000 000 a month and 600 000 000 a year, it is a total of 2 889 600 000 credits.


If we add that to the naval pay which is 5 878 776 000, it comes out to a total of 8 768 376 000, which is a bit under half of what we make in total, before taxes and government spending.


Which in all honesty is just fucking bombastic.


However, I also plan on recruiting an additional 159 200 to serve at outposts, military defenses, and just reserve.


We do the same again, 1500 in blaster rifles, 700 in commando pistols, and 3000 in military gear, a total of 5200 in expenses which is a total of 827 840 000 credits. Together with the other initial military expenses which is 922 160 000, we come out to the total of 1 750 000 000 credits in initial army expenses. The monthly expenses of these are 159 200 000 and yearly expenses at 1 910 400 000, or a total army expenses in 10 years at 400 000 000 monthly and 4 800 000 000 credits every single year.


Adding that to the Naval pay of is 5 878 776 000 then we suddenly got 10 678 776 000 every single fucking year.


Now let's find out the initial costs of everything. The army armor comes out to a total of 2 080 000 000 and the Naval equipment comes out to, 32 279 600 in pilots and 330 421 000 in Naval equipment, which is 362 700 600. So Military and Navy equipment comes out to a total of 2 442 700 600.


Now we have to add that to the naval crafts cost, which comes out to 3 631 000 000. And a total of both is a whooping 6 073700 600, no light cost at all. However, it shames in comparison to militaries such as the Republic, Empire, New Republic, and First Order.


But it is still a lot.


Now let us look at yearly recruiting. To accomplish our goal we need to recruit a set amount every single year. In total, we need 350,000 soldiers, 462 030 naval crewmen, and 6 868 pilots, or 468 898 naval men.


Firstly the 350,000 soldiers, to accomplish this we split it into 11 years. So we need to recruit 32,000 soldiers every single year, which should be doable.


We also need to recruit 50,000 naval crewmen every single year. Which again should also be technically doable as we have 25 million humans or something on the planet.


Now let's discuss the yearly pay for soldiers.


This year it will be 600 000 000 credits for 50,000 men.


Next year it will be 984 000 000 for 82 000 men.


In the third year, it will be 1 368 000 000 for 114 000 men.


4th year It will be 1 752 000 000 for 146 000 men.


5th year it will be 2 136 000 000 for 178 000 men.


6th year it will be 2 520 000 000 credits for 210 000 men.


7th year it will be 2 904 000 000 credits for 242 000 men.


8th year it will be 3 288 000 000 credits for 274 000 men.


9th year it will be 3 720 000 000 credits for 310 000 men.


10th year it will be 4 104 000 000 credits for 342 000 men.


11th year it will be 4 200 000 000 credits for 350 000 men.


Now the naval crewmen.


1st year it will be 120 000 000 credits for 10,000 men.


2nd year it will be 720,000,000 credits for 60,000 men.


3rd year it will be 1 320 000 000 credits for 110 000 men.


4th year it will be 1 920 000 000 credits for 160 000 men.


5th year it will be 2 520 000 000 credits for 210 000 men


6th year it will be 3 120 000 000 credits for 260 000 men.


7th year it will be 3 720 000 000 credits for 310 000


8th year it will be 4 320 000 000 credits for 360 000.


9th year it will be 4 920 000 000 credits for 410 000.


10th year it will be 5 520 000 000 credits for 460 000.


11th year it will be 5 665 360 000 credits for 472 030.


Sure I wouldn't be the strongest world or man in the world at that time. But maybe the top 5 or even the top 3?


But it all depends on the economy. My 10-year plan is simple. In 3 years, have all the Vratix under me at that time they should have grown to about 100 million.


If I get all those under my command, the bacta creation comes out to a staggering 3 600 000 000 000. Over 3 trillion liters and 12 000 000 000 bacta units. Each of whom will sell for 3000 which comes out to a staggering 36 trillion credits. This is not something to underestimate. I could fund the entire CIS and Republic army at the same time.


Well, I couldn't even get close to funding the Republic. Its true size and scale were so large and majestic that it was probably in the quadrillions. But the Republic Army itself didn't cost much due to the cost-free clones and few naval crafts. But I suspect the Republic needs to spend over 80% of its total economy just to barely survive. And 19% to prosper. They probably have less than 1% of a military budget. Which would usually go to relief food and stuff.


Well, the plan was still quite good, however, it wasn't my only business plan. I planned to create something similar to Damask holding for myself. My future knowledge would be perfect. Investing in Kuat, Rendill, and Techno Union would gain me extreme profits.


However, I also planned on creating Veridian MedTech. I will slowly transfer the bacta holdings and position into this corporation and make it directly under the control of the Veridian family. Or more essentially me.


If I ever lost power under a revolution or the senate interfered I would lose my Bacta profits. It would be much smarter to add them under Veridian so the Thyferran government would rely on us.


I planned to control and invest in the medical supply known as Kolto, which was made on the planet of Maanan. There are about 500 million Selkath on Maanan currently.


However, the Selkath lived under the surface with little to no connection to the outside world. The planet and the Selkath have been completely forgotten and they are not even a part of the Republic anymore. Even though they didn't technically leave they are not paying taxes nor do they have a seat in the Galactic Republic.


The Selkath are therefore a perfect species for me to once again enslave or use to get medical supplies.


The Kolto can be used in similar ways to the bacta. I estimate that each tank can be sold for about 1000 credits, but each tank includes 600 liters. However, I would use it in other ways. Bacta was a heavy and dense material, it was therefore perfect for tanks. But it proved to have fewer quick solutions.


I, therefore, planned to create Kolto injections. Each injection will take about 0.5 liters and it will significantly improve the rate of healing and subside the pain. I can sell 20 injections for 100 credits. So 100 credits per 10 liters, which is a good deal.


However, Kolto as a substance is harder to get. It can only be hand-plucked from the surface by the Selkath species or harvested through large harvest tubes alongside the Hrakert Rift.


There was no Corporation with clear superiority in the medical market. Well, not for long. I planned to buy my way through the entire thing. I already have tens of companies producing different products that I am going to buy. Many of them are from the Old Republic era barely surviving by improving their products but never introducing new stuff due to being borderline bankrupt.


Some companies are owned by large droid creators or others. And they can be transferred to me. Others are well-placed placed that might need a few trillions of credits. I have an enormous budget of 10 trillion credits to make this a thing.


To truly understand the sheer possibilities of these 10 trillion credits are simple. The 25,000 ISD-1 and ISD-2 the Empire owned at its prime. Comes out to a total of 3,750 billion. A bit under 4 trillion. I could buy double the amount of the Empire's ISDs.


While that was large it didn't compare to certain entities.


The Banking Clan had hundreds of trillions if not quadrillions in their vaults until the Clone Wars. The Techno Union sells 100 trillion worth of ships each year. The Trade Federation gets 20 trillion by only controlling outer rim worlds and another 80-160 trillion in their trade.


These gigantic corporations could fun 2 armies warring each other. That is how magnificently the Republic has failed in denying monopoly. Not that I won't take advantage of it though.


Well, this would take a long time and a lot of work to complete. And I'll need capable financial advisors and CEO's. Hmmm…. Who to recruit.


(give me advice in DM's or comments or anywhere)



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8 advance chapters at Patrion. 


It really helps me stay motivated by getting a few donation. And maybe if we all are lucky i get grammarly premium and we get some better grammar :) 

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