
Dragon Debate

Snape was walking around the classroom, when he got to Mr Weasley and Miss Granger. He noticed on the desk next to them was Malfoy, Malfoy was the one Slytherin he just could not like at all. The boy was stupid enough despite all the warnings and evidence to agitate Potter twice. The first time he nearly got killed by Potter, the second by a Hippogriff then Potter. The boy's only good quality was coming from a rich and 'well-respected family', it was a wonder how anyone could picture this boy as Slytherin material.

Before he had seen him he thought Harry was arrogant, but he knew Malfoy was without doubt the definition of a 'talentless, arrogant show-off'. As for Weasley and Granger he wouldn't bother insulting them, he'd be here all day.

"Granger" Snape spoke and the class paid attention "your potion is…barley passable"

"What do you mean 'barley passable'?!" she demanded

"What I mean is the colour tone is off along with the smell and the thickness. Also just in case it is unclear I'm taking ten points away for your attitude. Now Weasley" Snape eyed his potion "your potion is supposed to be yellow, not black. I have no idea why I'm doing this but I'm giving you a choice, drink this potion and pray to whatever deity you worship with the hopes that they'll help you survive or settle with a fail. I should warn you that I don't care which but if you choose the first one then I'd like you to sign a form saying you don't hold me responsible"

"The second one" Ron grumbled, Harry wondered if he chose that option because he didn't want to drink the potion or because he couldn't be bothered to fill in the form.

"Shame" Snape didn't even miss a beat; he then looked at Malfoy "Mr Malfoy you were supposed to turn it clockwise not anticlockwise, you were also supposed to put in two mice brains, not one." Snape then moved onto his favourite students.

"Mr Longbottom, well done, if you still intend to seek out a career as a healer than I recommend you keep this up and if possible see if Madam Pomfrey is willing to assist you. She knows all about her potions and I can assure you she'd be a great help"

"Thank you sir" Neville blushed

"Miss Weasley, I must congratulate you, your potion is perfect. As is Mr Potters"

"Thank you sir" Ginny smiled "I was going to let you know that we had run out of red flowers but Harry insisted that adding an extra two seeds would be fine"

"Did he?" Snape raised an eyebrow "well I must say that Potter was right, you three can take ten points each and the rest of you will be writing an essay on the potion you have just made, or in some cases attempted to make and you will discuss what the usage of seeds to counteract the lack of red flowers."

Next was transfiguration, the terrible three followed in just after the terrific trio. Today's lesson was entirely theoretical; Harry and Ginny naturally were at the top with Neville and Hermione barley behind them. It was always a coin flips between Malfoy and Ronald for the worst results, today it was Malfoy as he answered nearly every question he was asked with a wrong answer. Ronald got at least two correct.

Later Hermione and Ron entered the common room their detention was over, they came in to find all of people in the common room crowded around something. They saw Ginny above all the heads, she was sat cross legged on a cushion and appeared to be floating. The twins were counting






"Forty" Hermione and Ron walked closer and through the crowd so they could see what was going on. Once they got to the middle they found that Ginny wasn't floating but she was actually being held up. Harry was doing a handstand and using his feet to hold Ginny.

"Fifty-five" The twins continued





"SIXTY!" They both exclaimed and the common room began screaming and cheering before the twins grabbed Ginny and helped her get back on the floor, Harry returned to using his legs instead of his arms. He held his arms out as if to soak in the praise.

"What was that?!" Hermione screamed, the whole room went silent

"We got bored" Ginny explained "we started talking, one thing lead to another and somehow Seamus and Dean ended up betting that Harry couldn't do a handstand and hold me up at the same time. Me and the twins then betted that he could and he could do it for a minute at least. That remind me, pay up lads" Dean and Seamus grumbled before handing some money over to Ginny and the twins

"And thank you too" Ginny kissed Harry on the cheek. Before more could be said Harrys baby dragon flew down the stairs and landed on his shoulder, his snake then slithered down the stairs and climbed up him until it rested around his left arm,.

"Are you lot seriously okay with that?" Ron gestured to Harry, upon seeing the looks that the rest of the common room was giving him he continued "he's got a bloody dragon in here! It's a horntail, do you lot know how dangerous those are?!"

"We trust Harry" Neville spoke up "he said it wouldn't harm us and it hasn't, it even let a couple of us stroke him"

"Ron I'm sure Charlie told you how intelligent dragons are" Ginny sighed "PJ sees Harry as a parent and Harry rather likes the rest of the common room,, so naturally PJ likes them as well."

"PJ?" Hermione asked

"It's his name" Harry explained before chuckling at how prideful the little dragon looked "besides any damage he can do can be repaired and it's only temporary."

"It's still dangerous" Ron insisted "and what about the snake then? You're a parslemouth!"

"Emerald is venomous, I admit, but I gave him specific orders not to bite anyone. Again, no one else seems to care and yes I am a parslemouth. I first found out when I was eight and I brought him, his one of my closest friends"

"Whatever, everyone knows that only dark wizards can speak parslemouth"

"You think Harrys a dark wizard?!" Neville and everyone else looked at him as if he grew a third head "please tell me you're joking?"

"No" Ron shouted "look at all the stuff he can do"

"Maybe he's just better than you and you're jealous" Ginny interrupted

"No I'm not" Ron roared "but even you can't deny he's dangerous, we all saw him try and kill Malfoy in second year, he was about to kill him again this year and now he strolls up with a dragon and a snake. And he's always with you, if you're not there then he always tries to find you. He's obsessed, there's no way he can't be dark"


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