
Punishment for Corner

Hermione had no argument, she looked to Ron for support, but it turned he was by the stairs and telling the twins to levitate him up to the girls room. They did but once Ron got to a certain right he was thrown back and landed on the floor right next to the twins feet.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" He stood up

"Maybe there are wards" Ginny suggested "they probably stop all boys from going up"

"Alright guys?" Harry came back down and handed Ginny her notes before sitting down next to her

"How'd you do that?!" Hermione's interrogation began "you shouldn't have been able to even walk up the stairs?! How long have you known you can do that? Do you come up to the stairs when we me and the other girls are gone?!"

"Hey Ginny" Harry looked into his book and ignored Hermione "who set off the ward?"

"Ron" Ginny answered "the twins tried to levitate him up but didn't about the ward so he ended up getting thrown back down"

"How'd you get up there?" George asked

"Come on Harry" Fred nudged him a little

"Tell your honorary brothers"

"We won't tell a soul"

"Sorry lads" Harry smirked "trade secret, besides I'm the only one who can do it"

"How'd you do it?" Hermione snatched the book out of his hand "tell me"

"Nah" Harry snatched it back "you could probably work it out"

"Fine then" Hermione huffed "I'm going to go and tell McGonagall"

"Go ahead bookworm" Harry replied "I already told her I could, I had to promise I wouldn't go up there and do anything 'inappropriate'" Ginny blushed "but she knows, and no she doesn't know how I did it" Hermione ran out of the common room, furious at not knowing.

"Now that she's gone tell us how you did it" Ron spoke quietly

"I told you" Harry replied "I'm not telling you guys and even if I did it wouldn't matter because I'm the only one can do it"

"I bet you told Ginny"

"Of course I told Ginny" Harry replied, Ginny smiled and the two continued their work resulting in a grumbling Ron leaving the common room and the twins snickering. The next day they had Defense class with Professor Lupin, today they were studying boggarts.

Ron's fear was a giant spider, Hermione's fear was Professor McGonagall telling her she had failed all her exams and would be kicked out of school. Needless to say the class was doing their best not to laugh, then came Malfoys turn. He walked up to the boggart, and it transformed. The class didn't know how to react when his boggart turned into Harry; Malfoy looked embarrassed and ran out of the class.

Harry and Ginny saw each other laying in blood, Ginny turned her boggart into Hermione begging for a book which earned a few laughs while Harry turned his into Malfoy wetting himself whilst wearing a shirt that said 'daddy's boy', and caused enough laughter to actually defeat the boggart. As soon as the lesson had finished Harry wrote a letter to tell Sirius about what happened in class, Sirus had made him promise to tell him whenever something hilarious like that happened.

The two were soon walking down the hallway when they saw Peeves being chased by Filch, the two loved Peeves, as the heir to Hogwarts Harry was the one person Peeves had to obey. Peeves loved the two because Harry told him he could do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't bother Harry, Ginny, Neville or the twins. The latter even helped Peeves with pranks, who in turn helped them with pranks. Peeves would also keep Filch away from them as a thank you for putting a good word in with the bloody baron.

The other ghosts also obeyed Harry, however he instructed them to pretend he was a normal student and don't reveal his secrets but also tell him anything important that they learn. He also had to instruct the same thing to the elves, portraits and suits of armors.

Harry and Ginny had made their way to the headmaster's office; Dumbledore had called them, presumably to discuss Corner. They entered and found Dumbledore sitting in his chair, with Flitwick sitting in one of his right and Snape sitting on one on his left. The two sat down in their own chairs and the meeting began.

"Harry, Ginny" Dumbledore started "I've called you here to discuss the punishment of Mr Corner, Professor Flitwick is here as his head of house and Professor Snape as the one responsible for catching him. They both insisted you be here to discuss he's punishment, as he's actions affected you both, Professor McGonagall couldn't be here as she's stuck teaching a class but will probably talk to the two of you later. I was hoping you two would agree with me in letting him off with a warning."

"Absolutely not!" Ginny replied "the prat shoved me against a wall and tried to kiss me without my consent despite knowing I have a boyfriend. If all he gets is a warning and a few points, do you really think that he'll never do it again".


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