
Harry's Revelation

"I'm fine thanks" Harry responded, in reality he was actually quite uncomfortable and it wasn't because he got slapped by a hippogriff, the girls hands were cold. And what kind of lunatic touches another person without permission?

"That's good" She smiled wider, she removed her hand but started batting her eyelashes

"Yeah my wonderful girlfriend over here took me to the hospital wing." Harry emphasised 'girlfriend', hoping she'd get the hint. Ginny thought it was adorable how he was putting this much effort into it, in her position she would have simply told her to get lost, but Harry felt like he should at least try and be nice considering he knew what it was like to be the subject of rumours. Unfortunately this might be one time where the rumours were true.

"That's nice" she brushed it off "good luck at the quidditch match tomorrow, not that you need it. Hey maybe one day you could come and give me some tips"

"Unfortunately I'm pretty busy" Harry internally sighed, Ginny was amused, she knew that if Cho didn't go soon then the good old honest Harry would have to deal with her. "and the rest of my time is spent with Ginny"

"Well I'm always here if you need me, see you tomorrow" Cho left, not before lightly squeezing Harrys arm. Harry turned to see Ginny trying to hide her smile behind her hands

"You know I might just get with her to annoy you" Harry joked

"No you wouldn't" Ginny spoke confidently

"No I wouldn't" Harry mock frowned

"One bit of good news is your too scary for anyone to call you whipped"

"Whipped am i?" Harry spoke in mock fury

"Totally" Ginny smiled, she was going to continue when Harry had flicked some of his ice cream at her face, he fortunately managed to run before she could retaliate. She chased after him but didn't manage to keep up, next thing she knew she found herself in an empty corridor. Then, none other than Micheal Corner walks up to her.

'Of course' she thought sarcastically 'he'd naturally be the only the only person in an empty corridor at the same time as me, whoever is currently writing the story to my life is getting a little lazy'.

"Hi Ginny" He spoke

"Hi Micheal" Ginny sighed

"Where's Harry?" He asked with a hopeful look

"I'm just off to see him now" She lied "so if you'll excuse me I'll be off" For Corner however that wasn't acceptable, he grabbed her by the arms and pushed her against the wall. He was looking at her, a lot, like way too much and the worst part was he wasn't just looking at her face. He was bit too focused on her to notice that Harry and Professor Snape had appeared behind him. They chose to remain quiet and Harry gave Ginny the 'play along look', so naturally she obliged

"What do you want?" She asked in a neutral tone

"I want you" Corner said in a voice that he probably thought was seductive

"Yes I can see that" Ginny replied "but unfortunately for you I am with Harry, and very happy thank you very much"

"Come on" Micheal groaned "you know girls only want to be with him because his famous and rich and powerful, you don't want people thinking you're one of those girls do you? I'm not as rich or strong o famous but I am just as much of a man as him" He leaned closer

"Sorry Corner" Ginny responded "but I knew Harry way before school, we've always been best friends and when I became his girlfriend it wasn't because he was rich or famous or powerful, it was because he was nice and kind and he cared for me. He also took my feelings into account, he wouldn't push me against a wall without making sure I was comfortable with it. The fact that he's all those things and hot is just a bonus"

"I'm better looking than him" Micheal argued

"No you're not" Ginny agreed "he has better hair, his body's better and I could look into his eyes all day."

"You're just saying that because he's the only guy you've ever been with" Corner leaned in closer, Ginny ducked her head down just in case, she also raised her knee quite high. Just in case. Micheal stumbled back and fell to the floor. That's when he realised that Harry and Snape were standing behind him the whole time

"Well sir" Harry spoke to Snape "I'm divided between being proud of my girlfriend and angry at him, how about you deal with the second part. I'd do it but I'd likely kill him"

"Regrettably I cannot allow that" Snape grabbed Corner and yanked him to his feet "Corner that'll be fifty points from Ravenclaw and you shall come with me to discuss your punishment with your head of house. If it was up to me you'd be expelled, however I can assure you that whatever punishment you receive will seem like nothing compared to what Potter would have done to you if I was not here" Snape dragged him away, which was a funny sight as Micheal could barely walk but Snape showed no intent to slow down"

"Harry" Ginny said "what would you have done to him if you got angry?" Harry stepped closer to her

"Let's just say you'd have a lot of blood everywhere" Harry sighed before erecting a few privacy wards "Gin, there's something I feel that you should know. I told you how the Horcrux Voldermort put inside me was destroyed, but it still let me keep his parsletounge ability and when it was destroyed I got everything else. Not his powers, but all of his memories and feelings up until when he tried to kill me. And they've affected me, for example I'm realistic about people and I enjoy a good fight, but I don't know if I got that part from Voldermort. I know that some people like Malfoy need to be scared into behaving and others need to be permanently stopped.

When I've been doing all these years was getting over Voldermorts anger, not my own. Mine for the longest time was stored away, waiting to be dealt with. But whenever 'I' do get angry you help me, that's why I'm rarely angry. In full honesty I've realised something, I've seen Voldermort and his dark side and Dumbledore with his light side. I realised, I'm neither. I'm not light or dark , I'm somewhere in between. Grey if you will, it's who I am; I'll probably hurt someone sooner or later. Maybe even kill some people but I'll do it to people who deserve it. I figured you should know"

"What do you mean?" Ginny, she'd be with him no matter what but she needed to know

"Well say if someone joins the death eaters but hadn't done anything yet" Harry explained " he could probably be dealt with some scaring or maybe a little bit of pain. But say if someone used the killing curse, you need to intend to kill someone; you need to want to do it and enjoy it. Maybe the first time they're salvageable, maybe, but if someone keeps doing it then they shouldn't be kept around to hurt more people.

If the adults went about it like this from the start then I could probably still be living with my parents, I love you but this is the way I'm going to go about it. I don't expect you to want to do it or even like it but I need you to let me do it. Please!" Ginny engulfed him in a bone breaking hug, the two stayed like that for several minutes

"I'll never abandon you Harry" Ginny whispered "I'll love you no matter what"


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