
126. Dorm Life (2)

Eric and Rune's dorm life seemed to be giving them a little hard time as they had to do the work they didn't even know existed.

"What is this?" Eric asked pointing at the scrub as they stood in the kitchen preparing to cook.

"That is a scrub, you use it to wash dishes." Viella explained.

"Wash dishes?"

"Yes, but that comes after you cook and eat so, come here and help us out."

"You have to peel the potatoes like this." Sylvia explained Rune as he stood beside her.

"Make sure you only peel the outer skin or there won't be much to eat." Rowan said Rune nodded as he started peeling.

"Eek! This fish is alive!" Eric shouted as the fish thrashed at his touch.

"Whoa! Fresh fish!" The kids cheered.

"We got them fresh from the stream!" Cyrus announced.

"Fresh from the stream?" Rune gasped.

"Would you like to learn how to clean and cook the fish?" Sylvia asked Rune.

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