
Secrets and Blood Wards

Realizing that they weren't going to get anything out of Dumbledore at this moment, Hermione decided to rejoin the conversation, "I can come by your office tomorrow, sir. I'll bring our calendars so we can make sure that everyone is free to meet again.

"That is a splendid idea, Miss Granger. What time would you like us to drop by tomorrow to coordinate schedules, Albus?" Professor McGonagall said triumphantly, driving the final nail into Dumbledore's proverbial coffin, rendering further attempts at dodging the issue moot.

Appearing to check his desk calendar, Dumbledore half muttered, "Five o'clock would be the best time. Now if you will excuse me, I really must get ready for my meeting."

The trio had returned to Professor McGonagall's office after their enlightening conversation with the headmaster. Once they were all seated again, Minerva set out tea and biscuits.

Harry's mind was still swirling with the details of their recent conversation with Dumbledore. He still didn't get an answer to the question that he wanted but he did get many things clarified. The issue now was to see where things went from here. He sat back in his chair and took a sip of his tea, trying to reign back in his emotions.

Hermione felt the shift in Harry's emotions when he relaxed into his chair. Looking over at him, she was pleased to see that he was calming down so quickly. Then it hit her, 'He's practicing Occlumency! That's why his voice and emotions changed!' Happy that she had figured it out she looked back up at Harry, only to see him smirking at her over his cup of tea.

His voice was back under control and had returned to the low, even, tone as he spoke up, "Finally figured it out, didn't you?"

There was a hint of pride in his voice that Hermione easily recognized and it made her insides warm. "Yes, I did. How long have you been able to do that?"

Professor McGonagall was a touch confused but the more the two teen's spoke, the more the pieces started to fit together. She decided to wait them out and enjoy her tea.

"A few days ago I started to understand it. I'm getting better at it each day. I think that in a few more months I'll be really good at it." Harry said as he reached for another biscuit.

Minerva had figured out what they were talking about. Curiously, she asked him, "Where did you learn about Occlumency, Mr. Potter?"

Harry's gaze was piercing as he looked into his professor's eyes. He didn't sense any deceit from her so he turned his attention to the room, looking for portraits.

"You won't find any portraits in my office, Mr. Potter. I am well aware of what Professor Dumbledore uses them for."

He nodded in understanding before saying, "I learned it from a book that Sirius sent me."

McGonagall was surprised, learning Occlumency from a book was very difficult and she told him so, "That is very impressive, Mr. Potter. Why would you need to learn that skill?"

She got another piercing look for her question, but something was different this time. McGonagall saw Mr. Potter's face close off as the emotionless mask from Occlumency slid into place.

"It was to keep my thoughts private. I have always suspected Professor Snape, and Headmaster Dumbledore, of knowing a bit too much when they stare into my eyes. Today just confirmed what we suspected."

Minerva knew that there was more to it than Harry was letting on, but she didn't press him for details. It was a good skill to have for any witch or wizard; she just didn't like what his reasons were for learning it.

With nothing further to talk about, Hermione and McGonagall confirmed when they would meet tomorrow to head up and corner the Headmaster.

When they were done, Harry and Hermione bid their Head of House goodbye and went out to take a walk down by the lake and to discuss what went on in the meeting away from prying eyes.


While Harry, Hermione, and Professor McGonagall were still in Professor Dumbledore's office, Severus Snape was heading down to his dungeon office. He was silently ranting in his head about Potter and his know-it-all girlfriend, Granger.

He was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he was on autopilot. His feet were carrying him on his usual path down from the Headmaster's Office to his office in the dungeons.

Years of having students scurrying away from his approach had made him complacent in their midst. He never thought that he would be attacked within the confines of Hogwarts as an adult.

That is why it was a total surprise when he felt something smash into the back of his head.

The force of the blow rendered him insensate. He was fighting to stay conscious as he fell to his knees. Turning his head slowly, he tried to spot his attacker. Instead, he was greeted with the sight of a heavy boot sailing directly towards his face.

Severus was too woozy to dodge the incoming blow. The last thing that he remembered seeing before the blow rendered him unconscious was the trim of an elegant cloak flapping near the leg of his attacker. The trim was a very familiar shade of green.

With a sickening crunch, the boot connected with the jaw of Severus Snape. Since he was at the top of a flight of stairs when he was knocked unconscious, he fell backwards. His limp body slid down the stairs, breaking a few more bones before coming to rest in a heap at the bottom.

It was a terrified first year Slytherin student that discovered a very bloody, and broken, Professor Snape ten minutes later. The sight of her head of house sent her screaming in terror back to the common room where she quickly alerted her housemates to the situation.

The assailants had left the area as soon as Snape's body began tumbling down the steps. They had been warned about the portraits and as a result, they had taken precautions to avoid being discovered. Their escape from the scene of the crime went completely unnoticed by person, portrait, or ghost.

By the time Madam Pomfrey arrived on the scene, all of Slytherin House was present and they were convinced that Harry Potter had something to do with it.

Ignoring the muttering students, Madam Pomfrey began scanning Severus for internal injuries. Relief flooded through her when she didn't find any internal bleeding. Quickly, she began checking over the rest of his injuries to make sure none of them were life threatening.

There were numerous broken bones, cuts, and contusions all over his body. Stone steps were very unforgiving.


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