
Snape's Fury

Pansy saw the look upon Granger's face and began to pull her wand back out of her robes. Before her wand could clear her sleeve, she saw the tip of Granger's wand glow for a second before her world exploded in pain.

Hermione stabbed her wand at Pansy, hot fury over-charging her spell. The Bone Breaking Hex connected with Pansy's leg with a sickening snap that led to a shriek of pain from the foolish Slytherin student.

Sweeping her steely gaze across the remainder of the assembled crowd, Hermione snapped, "Does anyone else want to take a shot at us?"

Receiving no response, she turned to check on Harry, only to find him already standing off to the side and with his wand pointed directly at the gathered crowd.

Pansy's shrieks had drawn the attention of a passing professor, one Severus Snape. He stepped into the midst of the chaos and surveyed the scene. Potter and Granger both had their wands drawn and pointing at the group of students surrounding Pansy Parkinson.

Looking directly at Harry and Hermione he said "Wands away. Turning to face the group by Pansy, he said, "What is going on here?" He casually waved his wand and conjured bandages that wrapped themselves around Pansy's injured leg.

When no one felt brave enough to answer, Snape turned his attention back to Potter and Granger. "Detention tonight, for fighting in the halls and twenty points from Gryffindor."

Before Snape could continue with his tirade against them, Hermione turned away from him and said to Harry, "Let's get you up to the Hospital Wing. I'm sure that your wrist is broken."

Angrily, Snape said, "Where do you think that you are going? Twenty more points for walking away from a teacher. Now get back here."

"Hermione replied in a voice that was calm and collected, "No. Please feel free to have Professor McGonagall meet us in the Hospital Wing since you don't seem inclined to provide Harry with any medical care."

Harry noticed that Professor Snape was having a very hard time controlling his temper. Deciding to see if he could take advantage of the situation, he asked, "Are you going to take any points and assign a detention to Parkinson for attacking me from behind?"

When he finished speaking, he looked directly into Professor Snape's eyes. He knew that if Snape were a Legilimens, this would be a temptation that he could not pass up. There gazes locked, and after a couple of seconds, Harry felt the probe begin. 'Gotcha!' he thought happily before pulling his wand and shouting, "Get out of my mind you Greasy Git!"

His voice low, and dangerous, Severus said, "Detention, Potter. Be in my office at seven tonight."

Politely, Harry replied, "No thank you, sir. I'm afraid that I'll be unavailable this evening."

Students were openly gaping at the scene unfolding in front of them. No one had ever stood up to Professor Snape before. Their mutterings was getting louder as they whispered back and forth to each other about what Harry had meant about Professor Snape reading his mind and his rejection of reporting to detention.

Deciding that discretion was the best tactic right now, Harry said, "If you will excuse me, I really need to get my wrist fixed. Perhaps you should send Parkinson up to see Madam Pomfrey too. It looks like she passed out from the pain. It's not good to deny students proper medical attention."

Snape was seeing red by this point. He had just been played, by Potter no less, he was sure of it. "You two will report to the Headmaster's Office as soon as your arm is fixed. Take Parkinson up to the Hospital Wing with you." He spun around and headed off towards the Headmaster's Office in a towering temper.

"Come on, Harry. I'll bring the pug." Hermione said as she levitated Pansy in front of them.

They both knew hat the entire school would know of both encounters by dinnertime.

When they reached the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey was nowhere in sight. 'How backwards are these people?' Hermione fumed angrily to herself. Seeing the portrait watching them again, she walked over to it and said, "Go fetch Madam Pomfrey. Harry Potter is injured and needs assistance."

Without a word, the portrait walked out of the frame, leaving it empty, to find Madam Pomfrey.

Turning to Harry, Hermione said, "Watch that painting and the door please. I would like a quick word with our friend here."

Harry nodded and leaned his back against the empty canvas, effectively blocking its view of the room, and kept his eyes on the door. He stretched his senses out to their maximum to warn him if someone was coming and wondered what Hermione had in store for the Parkinson bint.

Hermione Ennervated Pansy, after taking her wand, and quickly clamped her hand over the girl's mouth. The fear in Pansy's eyes gave Hermione a bit of a rush. She leaned in and whispered in a harsh tone, "If you so much as look at either of us again, I will make this broken leg seem like a vacation." Not seeing the response that she was looking for, she grabbed Pansy's broken leg with her other hand, and squeezed as hard as she could, before hissing, "Do you understand?" Pansy's muffled squeals were like music to her ears.

Pansy nodded her head in agreement, willing to do almost anything to make the pain stop.

"Good." Hermione stepped back and stunned the pathetic girl in front of her.

Harry had watched the scene with a sense of pride. He thought to himself 'Was this how Hermione felt when I took out Malfoy?' He stepped over to her and said. "Thanks you. You were brilliant." Tilting his head slightly to the side, he focused on something far away and said, "Someone is coming."

The return of the portrait to its frame preceded Madam Pomfrey's arrival. In an officious voice, the portrait said, "She should be here in a moment."

When the matron finally arrived, she was a bit more businesslike in her treatment of Harry than usual. Harry knew that this was because of the article in the Prophet, but it still hurt.

When she was finished fixing Harry's arm, she asked, "What happened to Miss Parkinson?"

Hermione looked into Madam Pomfrey's eyes and said, "She picked on the wrong person."

There gazes locked for a second but Madam Pomfrey did not seem to want to ask who Miss Parkinson had picked on.

"Thank you for fixing my arm, Madam Pomfrey." Harry said sincerely before they turned to leave.

"You're welcome, Mr. Potter. Do try to be more careful in the future." As she was mending Pansy's broken leg, she wondered what Miss Granger had meant when she said that Miss Parkinson had 'picked on the wrong person.' She decided that she would find out what happened when the girl awoke in a couple of hours. She busied herself tidying up the Hospital Wing until her puttering interrupted when two students came in seeking medical care, causing her to forget her plans.

As Harry and Hermione were making their way to Professor McGonagall's office, Harry asked her, "Do you know how the second task finished?"

Surprised by his question, Hermione said, "Oh. Yes, I do. Parvati and Lavender filled me in last night before bed. Viktor finished first in just under one hour and received forty-eight points. Cedric came in next just over the one-hour mark and earned forty-five points. Fleur retrieved her hostage but was waylaid by the Grindylows and had to be rescued. She received 25 points. You received thirty points for making it back late with me."

"So, I'm in third place then?"

Yes, just above Fleur. Krum is in first, followed closely by Cedric."

Harry said quietly, "I'm just happy that you are okay and that I'm still alive. I could care less about the points, but I think that I wouldn't mind winning this blasted tournament if I can. That would really tick whoever put my name into the Goblet of Fire if I did that."

They finally arrived, and knocked on Professor McGonagall's office door. When they heard their head of house call out, "Enter." They stepped into the room to ask her to attend the meeting with Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Snape.


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