
Grand Festival 10

"THE GRAND FESTIVAL IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!" Professor Ferdinand announced, his voice resonating with authority and excitement.

Inside the S Class classroom, the top students—now perhaps the top eight, as the twins were still considered missing—stood a few feet apart from one another.

The room's setup was unusual, designed for a larger number of students, making the gathering feel even more intimate and intense.

Professor Ferdinand, a senior professor and the head of the night department, stood before them. He stroked his freshly groomed beard, a smile playing on his lips.

His assistant, Professor Yuki, stood beside him, her gaze sharp and assessing as she looked over the students.

Crossing his arms, Professor Ferdinand had a proud look on his face. It was not unlike that of a proud father, or perhaps more fittingly, a proud grandfather who had become teary-eyed watching his grandchildren inherit a small part of his strength.

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