
The Gods of Exandria

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Elysium... A plane that was the home of the Dawnfather, Pelor. Trees encompassed the entire exterior of the realm of Pelor as in the very centre of this verdant orchard of varying exotic fruits sat an immensely tall and wide tower-fortress that dominated the sky of the realm. Beams of what seemed akin to sunlight drenched downwards onto the land in warmth comfort, all sourced from the very top of the tower which was untraceable to anyone that wasn't a god.

And here I stood, in the middle of this transcendent bastion... Amidst the very gods that had helped to shape the world of Exandria. Seventeen Gods, all of them staring at me, some with curiosity and intrigue. Others looked malevolent and seemed to wish me ill-intent. The one that was most evident before me was the god of the Sun, Pelor; Or as he was mainly known, The Dawnfather.

An aurora of sunlight and potent radiance bathed the area surrounding his head as he was adorned in golden armour that shone with as much intensity as his powerful aura. Blinking I soon saw through the haze and witnessed the bald head of the man inside, his eyes burning plasma as his strong jawline and masculine features were set into a guarded stance. Hundreds of Angelic beings hovered around in the skies as I ignored them and began to scan the other deities assembled before me.

Avandra, The Change Bringer... A beautiful looking woman with wind-swept hair that shifted between silver colours and copper-esque hues. Her body was stunningly proportioned, every aspect of her looking balanced and powerful. 

Next to her was an elf of questionable gender, the hair on this figure glimmering in multi-coloured spectrums. Eyes of deepest velvet and purple sometimes glanced at me but also turned to the family that it was a part of. Many of them were meeting one another once again after a very long time... Corellon, the Arch Heart, God of Arcane Magic and the Arts, that is what this figure was.

Scanning further I soon saw the massive body of a platinum dragon. Gold lined the distant wings as bright blue draconic eyes glared down at me in caution and foreboding. Wisdom oozed from every centimetre of this dragon as it's expressions were easily some of the most contemplative that I had seen. Beside this dragon was a figure that looked like a matronly woman of advanced age who had parchment-coloured hair that draped down her back, her robes floating out into scrolls of varying descriptions. Ioun's presence was fainter than the rest but seemed to show the capacity and power of her domain over knowledge.

Beside her two other figures stood relaxed. Kord the Stormlord with his wild and ragged looking body and hair, storms raging around him, just standing there with a casual uncaring expression. And, Melora, The goddess of Nature who was together with Erathis, the Lawbearer. Melora was currently in the form of a woman with bronzed skin and beautiful flowing locks of naturally curly hair that caressed the exterior of her leaf-seashell dress. Speaking of Erathis, she was a goddess of extreme seriousness. Her jawline was as sharp and to the point as justice was supposed to be. Eyes akin to those of a mortal were adorning her face but still they were gleaming in righteous justice. Melora and Erathis stood close together and showed some small intimacy despite the setting, something that gave me hope for my plight.

 Before I could continue with my observations a man of pure devilish red colouring, eyes of blazing lava and horns as wicked as any description of Satan ever was, spoke in a swooning, caressing, slithering tone. Confidence marred the entirety of this being, or at least he made it seem like it was.

"We should just kill her... This is foolish. She is but a bug to us, why worry over a pathetic ant such as this?"

Turning my head in his direction I noticed some of the gods that surrounded him... betrayers, ones who had turned against their kin in the hopes of killing all of the mortals. The idea was stupid, had to admit, but what irked me the most was the betrayal they had inflicted on the prime's despite the mortals being their kids; in a way.

Asmodeus The Lord of the Hells, Bane The Strife Emperor, Gruumsh The Ruiner, Lolth The Spider Queen, Tiamat The Scaled Tyrant, Torog The Crawling King... Ps: Tiamat was not my mother, this was an inherited name as far as I could make out.

They looked all exactly like their titles made them appear to be. Asmodeus was devilish and Satanic. Bane was a horrible figure marred in blood as his golden noble attire slowly dripped in blood and sung out in cries, his hair and features plain. Gruumsh was horrifying, his figure that of a tortoise person with hooks and chains dangling from him, his eyes revelling in the pain as insanity twitched just behind the thin veil of personality. Lolth showed herself as a halfling, blended in shadow even amidst the sunlight as her form was completely unreadable beyond her 'species'. Tiamat was more blasé with her form as the massive form of a five headed dragon soared above me, their eyes glaring down at me in hatred. 

Torog was different though... he was, a worm of immense size that seemingly was squished into the space that we were all in. A human face, bald, sat on the front end of the worm and snarled at me incessantly, the form disconcerting in its entirety as the sheer aura of disgusting retched reality-filled malady slimed out of the form.

"We shall not kill her, unless she is a threat."

The booming voice of the Dawnfather settled all disgruntlement between the different brothers and sisters of his. Angels of varying descriptions swooped backwards at his voice and set a perimeter. Asmodeus turned his head and gazed over at me for a second until turning back to his brother with a small smile of acknowledgement.

"Very well, you know best... Don't you?" It was obvious the master of lies was fucking with the Dawnfather in some shape of spiteful loathing, most likely referencing past incidents and actions taken by Pelor.

"At least you know." They were fucking catty it seemed... Huu, it made dealing with Ruphia seem much more pleasant. 'I bet somewhere she just sneezed!' My observations continued as this discourse amongst them continued, Ioun joining in a few second slater as she called for a prim and proper way of speaking towards me. It was a nice gesture by the kind-looking god. She smiled at me after that, which I smiled back at her before turning to look at another god.

Sarenrae, one of the kindest gods in the entire pantheon. Healer of many and the one who was betrayed during the calamity, many of her followers being killed and wiped out; her power waning into irrelevance for a long time until Pike Trickfoot helped her. She was stunningly gorgeous. brown skin melded with soft golden dresses as her eyes softly shone in healing light, laurels sitting upon her golden-brown hair. She looked on at me in kindness, her true emotions shown to me by just a glance at her magnificent face.

There were only a few gods left now, one being Sehanine... The Moonweaver, mother of most of the fae and Goddess of Love, Trysts and the Moon. A shimmering moon sat behind her head as the light radiating off of it, coalesced around her in silver hew. Her skin is pale like moonlight, and her hair flows in endless waves of stardust. It was an entrancing sight, especially amidst the floating white-silver silks that danced around her delicate form. Moradin was another, the God of the Forge and Dwarves. Funnily enough he was a dwarf man... Except, his skin was coloured like the deepest depths of a volcano, his veins a magma-like colour as his eyes and beard were as like fire itself. Honestly he was kind of intimidating, his entire exterior looking much more metal than the rest. 'Heh, a blacksmithing joke...'

As my eyes turned to the next figure a bright shining light collapsed towards me, the annoyance of Pelor blasting into my ocular sockets. Honestly, I could kind of get why Asmodeus was being such a dick to him...

"You will listen to me, outsider, stranger... One who seeks to invade into our realm."

Ioun sighed and rolled her eyes as she simply sat in mid-air, her scrolls forming the shape of a regal seat. All of the betrayers also winced at the annoyingness of their 'brother'. The only ones who were unaffected were the Arch Heart, Sehanine and Moradin. Coughing in slight annoyance I used my eyes to see straight through his light and stare back at him.

"Look, Mr. Sun God... You don't intimidate me, kay?"

Asmodeus chuckled as Lolth, Ioun and the Lawbearer all followed suite. It seemed my 'defiance' was unusual and barely did anyone ever achieve a retort to his words while he used his powers, except for them of course.

"I find your tone slightly insulting. But I will let it slide. What is it you have come here for?" Everything turned silent in a moment... I was getting god-damned used to this response, it seemed to be a fucking theme whenever I turned up. May as well call me the god of silence or conversational awkwardness.

|Heh, noted.|

'Shut up you!'

"Well, before you rudely snatched me up, I was conversing with some very intelligent men to see if I could save my people and nation."

"So you intend to invade...?"

"Are you fucking deaf? I said, save... Not 'invade'..."

Veins on his bald head expanded somewhat as he was getting enraged by my comments. The other gods however were loving it, Ioun was stone cod faced now but I could still see a small cracking of a smile. Asmodeus was outright cackling, like a mad man as he glanced between me and Pelor like I was the biggest comedian. The rest were varying degrees in-between those two outcomes.

"You disrespect me in my own home...?!"

"Okay, look, calm down. I didn't mean to wound your pride or anything. I am simply trying to save my people."

He calmed down for a few moments at the apology. I continued.

"We come from another multiverse. This multiverse that I come from, is currently about to be invaded by an extradimensional force called 'Chaos'. It will eat our entire Planet, Galaxy, Universe and Multiverse for breakfast... Thus, I am using my powers to save my people and the ones I love."

Sympathy could be seen by me from Sarenrae and Sehanine as they began to converse with one another. Asmodeus yawned as Lolth snickered off to the side. Pelor was completely unemotional as Melora and Erathis also had a small convo. 

"Why must you come to our world?"

"Because it is the only one I had connections to, outside of my home world."

"So you come here seeking refuge from this 'warp'... Interesting. What can you tell me about this, entity, or dimension?"


Thus I spent the next hour sharing the details. I was getting real tired of all this bullshit by the end, the other gods simply sitting there without a care as they summoned thrones and such... A feat I couldn't achieve as my magic was currently sealed by the Arch Heart. Fucking Gods, of course they were fucking annoying in the most petulant ways. Some read my mind every now and again but most of the time my thoughts were my own, the sensation didn't make me feel happy though... I was seriously considering beating them up when I became a god in future.

"Okay. Then, if this is the case... Why should we help you? What would we gain from this?"

"Followers...? I mean it'd be millions of more mortals entering onto the planet and learning of you. Potentially they could even teach you some things..."


They all laughed at that comment, except for one singular goddess that I hadn't seen yet. A thrumming in my chest began as my mouth turned dry. My pulse quickened as the entirety of my body tensed at the sight of her.

White porcelain in the form of a mask covered her face as a robe of raven feathers swept out around her. Loneliness wept out from her as the distance created by understanding death was present all over her. Her figure, although concealed looked utterly spectacular, akin to gazing upon Shuna's and Milim's bodies for the first time. I don't know what it was but my powers breached the Arch Heart's grasp as my eyes zoomed through the mask and completely saw her face, a beautifully sharp and eloquent set of black-silver eyes met mine. Sharp jawline met with soft feminine features in a destructive but alluring mixture. Lips as lush and beautiful as the most verdant jungles was imprinted in my mind as the rhythmic beating of her heart and power also was recorded deep in my heart.

"She has breached my magic binding somehow..."

Flames gathered in Asmodeus's hands and shot out towards me before the others could stop it... But I didn't even look at it as I just wished it back onto him with the aspect of teleportation. In a moment of unexpected violence he was banished back to where he was originally chained, the fires of the nine hells. Just as others began to activate their powers The Raven Queen stepped forwards, all the others stopping as she took initiative. Their rage was quelled quickly as well by the appearance of Asmodeus as he came back freely.

"Who are you... Why do you seem so much like, him...?"

Everyone of the gods frowned, even I was confounded by what she was saying. That was until she touched the side of my head and memories started to flow through the entirety of my brain. Infinite Mind was activating at overtime, as it began to morph slightly from her exposure to me.

Conversations, loving talks... Jovial jokes, interesting discussions... between me and a mortal woman at some point in the distant past. A different form than the one I possessed. A male form that was the pure epitome of death and ruled over many of my kin. The memories of two bright lights in a space beyond reality, one called Tiamay and Garya... My parents. Tears gathered at the edges of my eyes as my second personality merged with my mind... The collective memories of all of the souls I had sent to the afterlife, into the cycle of reincarnation... Water spilt down my face freely now as I grabbed her hand, my soul reaching out for her. My name was Silvius, in this pantheon, when i was a god. My name was now Silviana and, my parents were still alive... meaning, all of our parents may still be alive...

"My dear. I am sorry to leave you with such a burden."

The porcelain mask came off as she revealed her face to everyone for the first time since she first took up the moniker of the goddess of death. Tears marred her face as well before she simply dropped her head onto my shoulder and embraced me heavily.

'Fuck... This is so odd...'

|So you finally figured it out... Honestly it was such a fucking spot of luck that someone from Exandria found you like that.|

'Hehehe! Well I am still me despite the memories. I am not going to go back to my old gloomy self!'

|Good! Your wish when you faded away was to reunite with your parents and become someone new.|

'My parents didn't place any restrictions on you... I did. Haha, they just helped me become a mortal so i could live on!'

'Thanks Morgan.'

|Seriously, it was a massive problem... Still, I owed you for all the help you gave me!|

'Fucker, you didn't slip once!'

'Wait, those wishes? Did they even matter?'

|Yeah. They did, but you chose the most powerful things you could given the fact that they decided to limit you from becoming a God without effort.|

The entire pantheon of Exandria was shocked and aghast as they saw one of them hug the random stray that had 'invaded' their world... And seem happy doing so and without being coerced. Heh, it was fun to see my brothers and sisters squirm like this...

'Ooops that is the sadistic side of my soul's memories coming out.'


I hope this was cool... A lot to go through! Please check out Critical Role! it is really cool and interesting. I say this because some people have said they have no clue what this is about or from.

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