
The Shelby is on

Apollonia's heart raced as the cool breeze of twilight caressed her skin, intertwining with the heat emanating from their entwined bodies. The moonlight cast a soft glow over the Sicilian countryside, illuminating the farm fields that had become their secret sanctuary. She could feel the hardness of Lorenzo's muscles through his uniform, his strong hands exploring the curves of her body, sending shivers down her spine.

Lorenzo's lips were like fire on hers, hungry and insatiable, as if each kiss was their last. His left hand traveled up her thin dress, resting on her supple thigh, while his right hand cupped her breast, gently squeezing the firm mound through the fabric. Apollonia moaned into the kiss, arching her back, silently begging for more.

Emboldened by her response, Apollonia's trembling fingers began to explore his body as well. Her fingertips danced along the buttons of his uniform, one by one, revealing the tanned skin beneath. Her palms yearned to feel the hard muscles she knew lay beneath the fabric. Her breath hitched as she finally reached his bare chest.

Lorenzo and Apollonia shared a passionate kiss, their lips entwined for a while. Finally, Lorenzo pulled away, catching his breath. "Ti piace?" he whispered in Italian, his eyes searching her face. (Do you like it?)

Apollonia blushed but couldn't help smiling. "Molto," she breathed, her heart still racing. (Very much.)

Lorenzo smiled and gently caressed her hair. "Bene. Spero che possiamo essere più... intimi, ma siamo qui fuori e dobbiamo fermarci." (I'm glad... I hope we can be more... intimate, but we're out here in the open... so we should stop.)

Apollonia's cheeks flushed even deeper, but she didn't protest as she reached up on her tiptoes to claim another kiss from him. Their lips met again, this time more urgent, as if trying to make up for the time they knew they wouldn't have together. Reluctantly, they parted after a minute.

"Andiamo, ti accompagno a casa, Apollonia. Non posso permetterti di camminare da sola in questo momento..." Lorenzo said, his voice firm. (I'll send you home, Apollonia. It's too dangerous to walk outside now...)

"Non preoccuparti, sto bene..." Apollonia insisted, but her voice lacked conviction. (Don't worry, I'm fine...)

Lorenzo shook his head, his expression resolute. "No, non posso lasciare che cammini da sola in questo momento." (No, I can't let you walk alone right now.)

Apollonia hesitated, but she knew he was right. The world they lived in was too dangerous, especially for a young woman like her. She sighed, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips. "Va bene, grazie." (Alright, thank you.)


As Lorenzo and Apollonia walked together, they couldn't help but notice the appreciative glances from a group of Allied soldiers nearby. At first, their eyes lingered a bit too long on Apollonia, but as soon as they spotted Lorenzo's rank insignia, their expressions changed. They were quick to avert their gazes, muttering under their breaths.


"Damn it. Figures she'd be with an officer with such rank," one of them grumbled.

"Yeah, life's not fair," his friend agreed, casting a jealous glance at the couple.

Another soldier, an American, piped up, "Hey, fellas, if you're really desperate, we could always find some... other company."

"No thanks, I'm not into that," one of them replied, making a face.

Lorenzo pretended not to hear their conversation, focusing instead on escorting Apollonia safely through the dimly lit streets.

As Lorenzo watched Apollonia get scolded by her father, he couldn't help but frown. The man seemed to notice him, a foreign soldier and high-ranking at that, and quickly retreated inside without another word.

Lorenzo sighed, turning to leave when he spotted the three Shelby brothers approaching him.

"Well, well, look who's here," Arthur said, a smirk plastered on his face. "Didn't expect the mighty Lieutenant Colonel Lupo to be shagging a bit of a skirt on this godforsaken island."

John snickered along. "Definitely a hot one, she is."

Thomas, always the more level-headed of the three, shot his brothers a warning glance before turning to Lorenzo. "Oi, cut it out, you two. We're 'ere to discuss business with Sir Lupo, not to piss 'im off." He gave Lorenzo an apologetic look. "Sorry about them, Sir Lupo. We've come to a decision."

Lorenzo's expression softened slightly, but only just. "About bloody time," he muttered. "So, what's it going to be, Shelby brothers? Are you lot in or out?"

The Shelby brothers exchanged glances, weighing the risks and rewards of working with a high-ranking American officer like Lorenzo Lupo. They knew it was dangerous, but the offer he'd presented them with was too good to refuse.

"We're in, Sir Lupo," Thomas finally said, speaking for all of them.

Lorenzo's lips curled into a thin smile. "Good choice, Shelby. You won't regret it." He lowered his voice, leaning in closer. "Your job will be to use your connections within the British army to acquire certain... items for me. Weapons, ammunitions, medical rations, anything you lot can get your hands on. Deliver them to me, and I'll see to it that they... disappear. In return, you'll receive a generous cut of the profits."

The Shelby brothers exchanged glances, their eyes shining with both trepidation and greed. This deal could make or break their post-war prospects, but the risk was immense.

"Aye, we're in," John said, mirroring his brother's excitement and apprehension.

Arthur, ever the hothead, didn't even try to hide his excitement. "When do we start, Yank?"

Lorenzo's smile widened. "I'm glad to hear that, Shelby brothers. You'll receive your first list of 'requests' tomorrow morning. And don't disappoint me, or our arrangement ends."


Early in the morning, John Shelby slipped into the shadows, making his way to Lorenzo's tent. Ben McDonald, Lorenzo's XO, emerged and handed him a folded piece of paper without a word. John took it, glancing around to ensure they weren't being watched, before hurrying back to the British camp.

Thomas and Arthur waited anxiously for their brother's return. As soon as John handed over the list, Thomas scanned the items they were expected to acquire. Guns, ammunition, all high-value targets that could get them hanged if they were caught.

"Right," Thomas said, rubbing his chin. "We'll need to be careful with this. I'll take half the lads and go through the armory tonight. Arthur, you'll distract the guards while I'm inside. And John, you'll keep watch."

His brothers nodded in agreement, well-versed in their roles.

"Danny," Thomas continued, turning to their most trusted man, "I want you to lead the second group. You lot will target the quartermaster's tent. We'll only take what we need, understood? We don't want to raise suspicions."

Danny saluted. "Yes, sir."

As the night fell, the Shelby brothers and their men set to work. Thomas and his team moved like ghosts through the camp, avoiding patrols and sneaking into the armory. Meanwhile, Arthur caused a commotion at the mess hall, drawing away the guards' attention. John kept watch, his heart pounding in his chest.

Inside the armory, Thomas's hands shook ever so slightly as he picked the lock on the ammunition crate. Sweat beaded his brow despite the chill of the night. Beside him, Danny and his men were doing the same with the weapons cache. They had to work quickly, but they couldn't afford to be careless.

Outside, Arthur's distraction was in full swing, with pots and pans clanging and soldiers rushing to see what the commotion was about. John's gaze darted between the armory and the approaching guards, his heart in his throat.

Finally, with a click, the lock gave way, and Thomas breathed a sigh of relief. He and Danny's team worked in practiced silence, carefully selecting only the items on the list and stashing them in their bags. They couldn't afford to take too much, lest they arouse suspicion.

As the last item was tucked away, Thomas signaled for his men to retreat. They ghosted out of the armory, blending back into the shadows just as the guards started to return to their posts.

"Bloody hell," John breathed, wiping a hand across his sweaty brow as they reunited in their hideout. "That was too close."

Thomas nodded, examining the haul. "Aye, but we got what we came for." He glanced at his brothers. "Now comes the hard part. We'll deliver this to Lupo's man tomorrow at the usual drop-off point. And remember, not a word to anyone."


In the dead of night, Lorenzo and his twenty trusted men, including Max and Patrick, waited at the designated drop-off point. The air was thick with tension as the minutes ticked by.

"Boss, do you think they'll show?" Patrick asked, unable to stand the silence any longer.

Lorenzo didn't even spare him a glance. "They'll be here," he said, his voice firm.

The other soldiers exchanged doubtful glances, wondering why their leader had so much faith in the Shelby brothers.

Finally, a group of ten men emerged from the shadows, and Lorenzo's men tensed. However, they relaxed when they realized it was the Shelby brothers and their men.

"About time," John drawled, he and the other men dropping a heavy duffel bags at Lorenzo's feet. "Here's your loot, Yank."

Lorenzo's eyes glinted in the moonlight as he inspected the contents. "Good work, Shelby brothers. You've done well." He handed over a small satchel of coins, which Thomas took warily.

"Make sure this is worth it," Thomas said, his voice low and menacing. "We're risking our necks for you, Yank."

Lorenzo chuckled, "Trust me, Shelby, it'll be worth it."

"You'll get the full payment tomorrow night, after we've sold this to my contact," Lorenzo said, his voice low and even. "Trust me, it'll be a generous sum."

Thomas, Arthur, and John exchanged glances before nodding curtly and disappearing back into the shadows.

Lorenzo knew the Shelby brothers wouldn't be easy to fully befriend, but he had a plan. He would secure their force by marrying into their family, his mind settled on Thomas Shelby's younger sister.

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