
Dungeon mishap 2

Thaddeus Ironwood, the Vice Director of Solarium Academy . With his imposing stature and a beard as rugged as the mountains of the northern range, Thaddeus commands respect and authority wherever he goes.A seasoned warrior-mage, Thaddeus honed his skills on the battlefield before transitioning to the world of academia. His weathered face tells tales of battles fought and victories won, but his eyes gleam with the wisdom of a scholar who has delved into the deepest mysteries of magic.

But now his face had a frown.

He arrived in front of the dungeon gate looking at Sarlin and Eldryn with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Sigh he sighed and spoke Why do you have to cause Such a big commotion in front of the dungeon gate in a time like this.

Vice director I Sarlin was trying to explain but. The director cut her off.

Look I know you two have a history and you two don't like each other much now but that is something private but this is the academy ground's . Don't bring your private matter here. Don't act like children. Your adults behave like one. You're teachers behave like teachers . Become a good role model for the students. Vice director Thaddeus looked both Sarlin and Eldryn in the eyes and said " You two are talented. I know that your More talented than me in my youth .

So don't waste it like this.

Both of them said sorry to the vice director.

Don't be sorry learn from your mistakes .

That's the sign of a smart man or woman.

Yes sir.

I will keep that in mind Sir.

Thaddeus smiled good now he looked at the thread parson Doctor Gabriel .

Sorry doctor Gabriel, you had to see that.

No no you don't have to be sorry it was nothing.

Eldryn looked at Sarlin one more time and then said to the vice director I will excuse myself.

Ok .

Thaddeus looked at Eldryn's departing feger and then looked at Sarlin and asked is everything ready.

Sarlin responded Yes.

Good. The senior students that were selected by the student council.

There in the resting building.

Are the group's been finalized.

Teacher Eldryn is the one incharge of that. . don't he informed you earlier?

No he came, argued you scolded us and then he left.

Sigh Thaddeus sighed again why does this feels more taxing than the battlefield .

Thaddeus took out his phone and called Eldryn.

"The number your calling is currently busy now. please call "

His number is busy.

Sigh should I just take retirement but that god-damned director won't let me sigh, 😮‍💨

Eldryn was talking to someone in the phone. The other parson was asking him a question.

Are you sure about this.

Eldryn replied Yes.

Ok . Please put the group's according to the plan that was given to you. And give the wrong phone to Ryan Davies .

Are They fully informed? Eldryn asked.


Can they handle that barbarian by themselves.

Yes it shouldn't be a problem to make sure he doesn't use mana in his life again.


Call End .

Eldryn looked at the screen of his now dark phone he could see his reflection

There was a ruthless glint in his eyes.

The screen lit up again another call.

Hello, yes sir.

Yes group's are ready.

Yes sir I am coming.

Ok .

Call End.

In front of the gate of the dungeon.

Sarlin was looking at the students there were 10 group's .

at first 3 groups would enter and then 3 and then 4 .

Doctor Gabriel was beside her asked who were you thinking about.

Sarlin looked at the students and pointed to one.

There a young man with white hair and dark eyes was with two girls chatting animatedly.

Gabriel asked can I meet him.


I just want to know him.


She shouted Kevin.

Kevin who was chatting with the girls paused looked at where Sarlin and Gabriel was said something to the girls and spirited towards them.

Sis why did you call me.

How many times did I tell you not to call me sis in public.

Sorry sorry Kevin apologized with a awkward smile and said miss Sarlin, do you need something?"

Sigh Sarlin sighed softly and said no I just wanted to introduce you to someone.

Who saying that Kevin locked at the Man behind Sarlin he was of average height had black hair and wearing glasses like a doctor.

Pointing at the Man behind her Sarlin said this is Doctor Gabriel sterling, a greatly appreciated psychiatrist and my friend.

Hi saying that Gabriel put his right hand forward for a handshake.

Putting his own right hand forward meeting and grasping the other Man's hand in a handshake Kevin replied hi I am Kevin stone.

Gabriel smiled and said

I have heard lots of praises of you from Sarlin.

Looking at the hand that was grabbing his own Kevin replied while thinking is it mana that I'm filling from his hand.

Looking at where Kevin was looking Gabriel let go of Kevin's hand and said with a smile I hope you can clear the dungeon well.

Okay while saying that Kevin locked at Sarlin.

Sarlin responded ok good luck remember what I said and always be vigilant ok .


Then you can go now.

Looking at Kevin's departing feger Gabriel said not bad .

Yea .

10 minutes later the dungeon was ready to be explored.

Thaddeus In Front of the dungeon gate looking at the students vice director Thaddeus spoke with authority.

this is your first time entering a dungeon. Do not be overly excited, stay in order if something comes up, consult with the senior students, accept their advice and work as a team. If something happens use your dungeon watch or phone to sand distress signals to other groups.


Ok , students shouted back.

Good .

The staff then ask the 3 groups to come forward according to the plan.

Than 1 by 1 the group's entered the dungeon.

2 and a half hours later the staff suddenly detated an anomaly in the Dungeon's signal .

They hurriedly called out to the teachers that Ware here.

Sarlin responded first being the closest to the dungeon followed by Eldryn.

What happened.

We don't know the dungeon suddenly became unstable.

Why did you detect anything?

Yes according to the energy signature it suddenly plummeted down like it was sucked away somewhere.

The dungeon it's another staff shouted.

It's what.

It's about to exact everyone.

The Dungeon gate flashed and 13 students were standing there outside the dungeon gate looking confused and shocked.

Seeing this Sarlins' heart skipped a beat why is there 5 student's missing were they trapped in the dungeon and who is the student that is covered in blood looking at at him closely Sarlin found out he was extremely pale it looked like someone had drained all the blood of his body looking at his face Sarlin found out isn't that.

Ryan Davies,😱

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