
Chapter 27 upgrade

A/n( go check out Reverend Insanity the insidious demon and Reverend Insanity ten venerable chaotic war. The latter can only be found on scribblehub, also the author of jade light plans to write another ri fic and upload it soon.)

Once again I'm in this empty space.... I should bring in some furniture at this point. Thinking about my previous matches really gave me some good understanding of my capabilities.

In my first match with the distraction from my variant self and stealth scale. I was able to end the match swiftly, as for the second match it reminded me to be humble, and that my defense is not up to par with certain attacks, and my last match made me realize two things. One that my recon and tracking is trash, had I been able to locate her I could have just executed cut the head off the snake tactic right off the bat, and two although my speed is high my movability and rate at turning is trash.

Just like how Chu Du was faster than Fang yuan but he couldn't catch up since he could just turn to evade him. Caiji was able to do the exact same thing to me. My speed was faster but all she had to do was have her bulls turn at certain points to throw me off. If I was able to control where I want to go I would have been able to reach her yellow bull and bull beast kings way quicker.

Jab gu was best to attack, reach a destination fast, or runaway quickly. Had Caiji's beast been flying beasts then I would have struggled even more. So my recon gu and a gu to help my moveability. I had long looked for gu that would help me in that but it was no easy task.

Strength path had never flourished so many useful gu that were in the story have never be refined, and human path gu are rare and expensive. I had already found two gu that would help with my movement, both were human path gu and would work well with my gu set, but again they'd be too expensive for me right now.

Maybe I should try to ask for one of these gu as a reward from Initel. As I was thinking so I wondered what was taking her so long. It felt like a day had already gone by since I've entered the blank space. Not even her will was here to keep me company or for me to ask questions too. Well I know of one way that makes time go by quick. I sat down and took out a bag of primeval essence stones from well stored gu and began cultivating.


I lost track of time as I was cultivating, it wasn't until I felt air and the smell of trees that I opened up my eyes. I was back at my courtyard in Hu clan.

Initel[ sit down Shu, it's time I give you what you've asked for.]

Initel was already sitting down in a chair with her legs crossed. I made my way to the other chair across from her and sat down.

Initel[ To think that'd you'd win all three matches and here I thought you'd only win at most 2.]

Shu[ I was very fortunate that my instincts and my variant selfs were so useful.]

Initel[ I'd say so too, I wasn't sure if Celine's killer move Deep Sleep would affect your variant selfs. Good thing it didn't, no one really expected you to win that match. So many people got upset with that fight, well that's what they get for betting so much on her.]

Her killer move is called Deep Sleep? Hmmm what a good appropriate name for it.

Shu[ No one will bother me because of this competition right?]

Initel[ No one would dare try, this competition has many restrictions on the immortals as well. At most a one or two immortals in our clan may try to poach you, but unlike me they'll probably try to do so by having you marry into their branch.]

I shuttered at the thought of being forcibly wed to someone.

Initel[ but they wouldn't dare do so forcibly, well at least not themselves.]

Shu[ What?]

Initel[ well they themselves can't do much since they have to consider their position and reputation, but what about their mortal family members? Aren't they free to go after whoever they want "romantically"]

She put heavy emphasis on the word romantically.

Initel[ But don't worry about it to much, if anything its a good thing]

Shu[ How could some people eyeing me like a piece of meat be a good thing?]

Initel[ Because when people try to sway others to their side they usually do so by offering up some goods. Most of the time they let you get a few freebies to temp you.]

Shu[ So your saying I should take what I can before they realize that I'm not interested in joining them?]

Initel[ well at the end of the day its up to you to decide whether or not to accept bribes or to abandon your kind caring master and to join the talent poachers.]

I let out a big sigh as I thought about people hassling me in the future.

Shu[ May I please get my reward now lady Initel]

Initel[ But of course]

She opened up her palm and inside was a golden lady bug.

Shu[ I don't recognize this gu, is it the talent raising gu?]

Initel[ It's doesn't matter what it's name is just activate it while its in your aperture and your talent will increase.]

I took the golden lady bug and put it in my aperture as she told me to and then activated it. The lady bug flew to the center of my aperture, as all of my light silver primeval sea essence was absorbed into the gu. It then began to shine brightly till it exploded spraying a golden liquid all over my aperture walls. The walls absorbed it and it glowed lightly as I felt a change in myself.

Soon my primeval sea essence returned ever so slowly, but I wanted to know what grade it was at so I started to absorb some primeval essence stones. With time I was back at 50% full but unlike the past where it would no longer increase this time it started to fill up more. I was soon at 70% full which is a B grade talent, but it didn't stop there as it kept rising. It went all the way to about 85% full till it stopped filling up.

Shu[ A grade? What was this gu that it could raise my talent from a 50% C grade talent to an A grade talent at 85% full primeval sea essence level?]

Initel[ Don't worry about it, just be happy that your now an A grade talent.]

Certainly I felt a sence of relief now that I no longer have to worry about hitting a wall while cultivating.... but something felt off. My instincts was warning me about something, it wasn't about something urgent like in a fight but something small like I was being watched..... no not that what could it be? No matter what it was it couldn't have been good my instincts have never failed me in this life and in this world it meant even more.

Initel[ Well with that over I'll be leaving now. I've got alot of things to do]

Shu[ Wait lady Initel, could I get more gu as my reward for this competition?]

Initel[ Don't be greedy, though I'm very pleased with your performance theirs a limit to what I can give you. Increasing your talent is a huge reward, not to mention if I did I would get in trouble with the immortal who's managing the clan, and I've already got a warning earlier. He wasn't happy that I gave you so many body enhancing gu for such a simple mission. If you didn't win all your matches I'd probably have to pay a penalty. If you want anything else from me you'd have to truly earn it, but it will not be through a direct mission from me. I've got alot of resources to deal with, so you'll be on your own for a bit.]

Shu[ ok, I understand lady Initel. I'll try to get these gu through my own means.]

Initel[ Good, if you need me talk to my will.]

With that said she left and so did that sense of worry I felt. Was she what my instincts were warning me about? It doesn't make much sense as to why though. Good thing it wasn't a life or death type of warning otherwise I'd be screwed. All I know is that I should continue to grow stronger.

With my strength increasing my peace of mind would be better. From my aperture I took out a tick with only four limbs but its back end was made out of rocks and another tick with a back end that looked like a mushroom cap. They were rockman strength and mushroomman strength, it's time I complete my variant self killer move.

As I was in the middle of using these gu my human self walked up to me.

Human self[ Ji's at the door and with someone else.]

Ji..... what's she doing here, shouldn't she be digesting her gains from the competition? Don't tell me she here to try to recruit me to her branch. I made my way to the door where sure enough Ji was there and so was a half merwoman with dark green hair and eyes to match. She was short about 5ft max and she was very curvy but not fat. She honestly wasn't bad looking she'd be a easy 8 and a half to 9 if she didn't have a scowl on her face.

Ji[ Shuidi finally you answer this is the fourth day we've came looking for you.]

Shu[ Fourth day? But I just got back from the competition didn't you also just get back?]

Ji[ huh? You just got back? I got back almost two weeks ago.]

Shu[ ..... Two weeks? My master kept me in a space right after my last match. I don't know how long I was in there.]

Ji[ that explains alot then, anyways let me introduce you to our senior. This is Fuile she's a rank 4 elder in my family.]

She extended her hand and I shook it.

Shu[ Hello senior, my name is Shuidi Zhide Hu.]

Fuile[ I know I've been told alot about you, I'm not gonna lie I was a bit upset that we couldn't find you these past four days but if it was because of your master and the competition then it seems I was upset about nothing. Is it alright if we come in to discuss about why we were looking for you.]

Shu[ Sure come on in]

I lead them to my courtyard and as they sat down I brought out some tea and cookies.

Fuile[ what a wonderful courtyard you've got here.]

Ji[ right its so bright and relaxing, these pretty trees are called mirrored willows.]

Fuile[ no wonder he's rumored to never leave his home, its lovely here.]

I sat down after serving them and decided to get straight to the point

Shu[ So what could a rank 4 gu master want with a rank 3 initial gu master like me?]

Fuile[ we need capable gu masters for a very dangerous mission.]

Shu[ And what kind of mission could that be?]

Fuile[ the complete extermination of a demonic clan.]

A/n( anyone willing to guess the gu I want my mc to get. One was mentioned in the story and is a human path gu, as for the other its one I thought of myself)

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