
Chapter 70 - Burning

Vell had taken a torch from one of the walls and threw it at the mutilated irathy.

The mage's garb caught fire instantly, and soon the inferno consumed him entirely.

Simultaneously, Sonder returned to her brother's side, silently gripping his lifeless hand.

As she held onto his hand, a profound emptiness began to eat at her soul. Her heart felt like a stone plummeting into an abyss of despair. However, as her teardrops splattered onto her brother's cold hand, a spark of something else ignited within her. It was no longer just grief that filled her, but a seething rage.

"Vell," Sonder called softly, her voice echoing through the haunting silence of the laboratory, only to be interrupted by the crackle of fire.

Vell spun around to face her, his gaze burdened with concern.

"What's your plan?" He questioned, aware that something troubled her. "Your quest could end here. You've discovered your family's fate and its cause. I have the power to lay you to rest, freeing you from any further pain or sorrow."

She remained seated, silent, for what felt like an eternity.

Everything was simply too much.

Eventually, she managed to turn her gaze toward him.

"No," she stated, her voice resolute, "I don't want to die."

"And what do you desire?" he probed.

"I want..." She had to think, "I want to avenge them. I want to avenge all of them." Her hands swept across the room. "Everyone that died at the hands of the irathy through their inhuman means. All the ones that were treated as nothing test subjects. I want to ease the suffering of their families and friends."

His brows furrowed. "And how will you do that, Sonder? Irath is the strongest nation in the world, even with its small size. The world should consider itself lucky that they turn inward instead of out, for most countries would fall before them."

"You're the Dread Mage. With all I've heard and seen, shouldn't you be capable of obliterating a nation with a snap of your fingers?" Her voice echoed with desperation.

"I won't murder on your behalf, Sonder."

"You already did!" She rose to her feet, shouting at him.

He couldn't help but look upon her with a sense of pity, for how insignificant she appeared, even in her fury.

His response was calm: "I did it for my own reasons, not for you."

She shoved him, tears streaming down her face. "Then what am I to do? How am I supposed to get my revenge?"

"Is this truly the path you wish to follow?" His gaze was scrutinizing.

There was another significant pause before she responded.

"I have nothing else left."

I guess that's basically the end of this arc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

SolomonCliffcreators' thoughts
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