
chapter 08 virgin love juice ( 18+)

On the other hand, Lily was standing outside the study room of the head of the family . Butler Wang was standing outside and he asked him Lily , is there any news, has the little mistress woke up . then Lily said yes uncle Wang she is just wake up .

When Butler One came to know that his little mistress had woken up, he was very happy and said that then we have to give this information to the head of the family as soon as possible. Saying this he knocked on the door of the study room .

Knock... knock...

five people were sitting inside the study room The three husband of the head of the family Luo sha and Luo sha's her eldest son . They were in the room and discussed various things . By looking at their faces it could be clearly seen that their focus was on investigating a very serious matter .

The head of the family luo sha was sitting on the main seat , her son was on the side and her husband were on the remain seats .

Luo feng said to his mother , "Mummy, do you think that whatever information Surya gave you is correct , if the Kakuba tribe wants to kill our little daughter , then we will have to keep a lot of security . "

Before Luo sha could give her answers to her son , they heard someone knocking at the door, the head of the family Luo sha , called out to come inside .

When Butler Wang came in, he took in the serious situation inside the study room and without saying much , he just bowed himself 90 degrees and said My heartiest greetings to the head of the family . I just came to say that , Lily is outside the study room . she said that the youngest mistress of our family has woken up .

When the head of the family heard the words of butler Wang, she became very happy and laughingly said, 'Well, today I heard something good .'

After saying this , she started looking at his three husbands , her eldest son sitting in front of her .

What a sorrow , if my youngest son were alive today , he would have been able to see how much his daughter has grown .

Seeing that his wife started getting worried again Luo sha's eldest husband said that you should forget about her , now she will not come even if you worry about her . As his father , I still miss him but remembering him will only make us feel sad, so we have to forget about him .

Now we should think about his daughter. Saying this he started looking at his eldest son Luo feng .

Luo feng understood why his father was looking at him , that is why he also coughed and said , Mom . Dad is telling the right point . So let's see what condition the Luo qiki right now , and should I inform the doctor also ?

Luo sha had understood what her husband and her son wanted , that is why she did not insist too much and she said , okay , call the doctor , we cannot ignore the youngest and only girl of the family like this .

Saying this , she stood up from her chair and said , I am going to qiki's room now . If you all also want to see her , you can follow me .

Over there in Luo qiki's room , situ yi was still licking Luo qiki's pussy . The speed of licking his pussy was increasing and increasing because Luo qiki was still a virgin , that's why her virgin love juice is too much beneficial for situ yi .

Ever since he tasted this thing , he has become crazy about it . He could not bear to leave it because as soon as he said it , he felt as all the spiritual power in his body was boiling . He understood that if Luo qiki's virgin love juice is so powerful . If he daily drink it . he would quickly become powerful .

That's why he reluctantly removed his mouth from Luo qiki's pussy and said, "This love juice of yours is very tasty and very useful. It gives a lot of strength to my body. If I drink this every day , I will be very happy." I will become stronger sooner .

But if you lose your virginity then its miraculous quality will be lost but not that if you lose your virginity then you cannot make me powerful but if you use this virgin love juice to make anyone enter into your harem . If you want , give him a little drink and he will become very powerful in the future because it makes anyone body base so powerful .

After birth , some people do not have the power of cultivation on their body and some people have the power of cultivation on their body , but if they consume even a small amount of your virgin love juice , then that who person will not even be able to cultivate . he would also be able to do it , this is your beneficial of this virgin love juice .

At first , when Luo qiki saw that her pussy was not being lick anymore , she got very angry , but when she heard about the situ yi , she thought it was very unreliable matter .

That's why Natasha said , then if I lose my virginity , it will be very troublesome and if I keep my virginity , then how will I get Yang qi from boy's . If can't sex with them and how will I become powerful ?

Thank you to all of you that you all tried to read my book. If you all liked the book then please do not forget to comment and if you found something bad then tell me where did you find it bad. Thank you.

kristeechamuacreators' thoughts
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