
Inner World

Of course, Alden knew he wasn't entirely free. He was still contracted to an Asteron, after all.

…A being whose intentions remained unknown. 

Still, the young man allowed himself to be a little dramatic. 

There was no harm in that, right? 

However, it was a little strange that his Sponsor had not made contact yet. 

Usually, most Champions received a communication from their Asteron as soon as they accepted the contract. 

Thus, Alden's situation was a little unusual. 

Exhaling, Alden slowly calmed down and shook his head.

He would deal with that issue later. For now, he wanted to inspect his core. 

The young man promptly closed his eyes. 

Turning his attention inwards, Alden sensed a black orb rotating silently at the centre of his navel. Mana swirled and danced as if attracted to it like a magnet. 

He felt his mind slip into its lightless expanse. 

Every mage had an inner world. It didn't have much use in the beginner ranks, but Alistair once revealed that one's inner world had an important role to play later on. 

…As he stared at his inner world, a jolt of recognition ran through Alden's mind. 


An endless plain stretched as far as the eye could see. The sun bathed the land in its fiery glow, causing him to feel like he was looking at a burning sea. 


This was the same place he had seen in the dream. 

However, in the next moment, Alden realised there were some differences. 

For example, no cracks or large depressions ran through the ground. Furthermore, at the tip of the once forlorn mountain stood an imposing citadel, its edifice hewn from a heavenly material as dark as night. 

With a thought, Alden's vision zoomed in on the regal fortress. 

Its ancient walls, fortified defences and imposing battlements made him feel a sense of awe. 

Curious, the young man sent his mind into the towering structure. 

Instantly, he was greeted with a sprawling corridor, and numerous light fixtures attached to the walls at regular intervals. 

Following the wide passageway, Alden continued walking. As he did, he found there were multiple murals etched into the stone. 

The first picture depicted two beings, one emitting a nebulous radiance, while the other seemed to devour whatever light was effused. 

The second picture depicted the light and darkness clashing, deep shadows and nebulous luminescence intertwining to form a breathtaking scene. 

The third, and last mural, depicted the tenebrous void and glowing brilliance fusing and becoming one. 

Staring at the three murals, Alden's awe deepened. 

A minute later he broke out of his daze. 

Shaking his head slightly, he pressed on. 

The corridor seemed to stretch and stretch until finally, Alden came across a descending staircase. 

Walking down the stone steps, with the light of more light fixtures illuminating his descent, he watched as the flawlessly hewn stone turned rough and ragged as if it had been hastily crafted. 

…Which was a strange incongruity compared to the rest of the citadel. 

Frowning, Alden soon reached the end of the staircase and came face to face with a door forged of ancient iron. The passage of time here seemed especially apparent, countless scratches and blemishes marring the metal like a patchwork of scars. 

What could have caused such marks to appear on the surface of the timeworn ferrous?

Alden did not know. And since he probably wasn't going to find out anytime soon, he stepped through the door. 

The lock could not keep him out, for he was the master of this place. Nothing could escape from him in this inner world. 

The first thing that greeted Alden was a dim cell. Squinting through the gloom, he spotted numerous mottled chains lying on the floor. 

They appeared strangely taut… an ominous premonition flooded Alden's mind. 

In the next moment, his eyes widened. 

As his pupils adjusted to the light gloom, Alden found a shackled figure leaning on the far wall with their eyes closed. From what he could discern, the mysterious individual was a man. 

The mottled chains bound his arms and legs.

Coiled around his neck, was the final shackle. 

As Alden's gaze roved across the man, he felt all the colour drain from his face. 


Dirty-white hair… 

Pale skin…

For the second time, Alden found himself staring at a reflection of his future self. 

Only this time, he wasn't inside a vision. 


This was very much real. 


'How can this be?' 

Alden paced. 

He was currently outside the inner world, walking back and forth between the two walls of the Outpost. 

Ignia followed, thinking it was some sort of game. 

Only it wasn't…

Alden's features hardened. 

Seeing his future self once could have been considered a fluke. But twice? Surely that was no coincidence. 

Just what was going on? 

How could two different versions of himself exist at the same time? Wouldn't that affect the chronology of events too much?

Never mind chronology… if his future self was indeed from another timeline - Alden was almost a hundred per cent sure that was the case -, wouldn't that have profound effects on his own timeline? 

Alden groaned and rubbed his temple. 

Countless theories bounced haphazardly inside his mind, each one trying to form a clearer picture based on what little information he had. Eventually, however, he settled on one that seemed more plausible than the rest. 

'Was the reason I received that strange vision because of 'him' being sealed in my core?' 

Alden wasn't sure, but he felt there was a connection between the alarming dream and the fact his future self lay shackled inside his core. 

He sighed, sensing a headache coming on. 

Why did everything have to be so damn complicated? 

He hadn't even been a mage for more than an hour, and already he felt like he was going crazy. 

First, he discovered the Asterons weren't as benevolent as they first seemed. 

And now, the very person who enlightened him about the nefarious intentions of the otherworldly beings' was bound inside him. 

'Crazy. This is all just crazy.'

Alden didn't quite know what to do.

Was he supposed to wait until his other self woke up so that he could grill him for answers? 

The only problem with that, though… was that there was no telling when that would happen. It could range from a few days to a few months, to even a few years. 

Alden wasn't sure. 

What he did know was that the wait would be torture.

He sighed once more, shaking his head to remove any unnecessary thoughts. 

Whether he received answers, his immediate goal didn't change. 

He had to journey back to the Sanctuary and reunite with Celeste. 

For that to happen… Alden knew his newly awakened powers would play a vital role in helping him return home. 

His eyes flashed. 

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