
3.Material Girl.

The Oklahoma house is a big old schoolhouse. It had long hallways with lots of rooms along them. The house was six stories high. There was a wing that curved around the back of the house. This wing was my design and was mostly decorated by me and Mimosa.

Although the house had six floors, as did the wing, Mirella had never really concentrated on this house at all. I knew I had a couple of floors to decorate. I had learned to enjoy decorating houses, although, at one time, it seemed like all I was doing was fixing up the wings. I usually had plenty of time to live in and decorate a wing if Mimo got a heat.

This house differed from the others in that I hadn't recovered from a single shed session here. Well, sort of, but my initial recovery had never happened here. I only had wonderful memories of this house. I was looking forward to getting into the wing.

Since we had never really lived in this house with Adam and Charles, they didn't have access to it. This had been one not so much lived house, as we seldom had been in Oklahoma as a pack. I had been here a lot when I had pulled gigs and done my sniping tours too. 

Technically, Charles was supposed to have access to every wing at one point, as he had been a sort of the pack leader, but I had been a bit more clever and hadn't changed the access system. If the need had arisen, it would then have been changed, but as the need never arose, the wing remained protected. 

I wanted to keep my house, my wing, so to speak, a private place of my own, and after that heat, I was pretty sure that no one would mind that. I had learned to appreciate my peace, and my safety over the years. As a jaguar, my dominant species, I was a loner. I had here quite a library of my books too and it was one thing that I had intended to do. Read and laze around. 

Throughout this new chapter in my life, as I called Damon's release and Mariella's arrival, I had been going on a road trip or something from time to time. I had, in fact, completely rebuilt the access system to this wing of the house. I knew there was plenty of room for everyone to be in the house, but, as always, I wanted my privacy. My nest, my cave, so to speak, and I knew that the rest of the pack would appreciate that I was not always around.

This wing was perfect. I replaced the heavy fire doors with sliding doors. This wing may not have been as protected from intruders, especially now that Damon was a wizard and an energy being, but there was pretty good privacy here.

I had talked to Mimosa about it, and Mimosa didn't want to live in the wing anymore. Mimosa was to a lion in her main species and there we had again, one more thing that in reality separated me from the rest of them. My dominant species was not the same as theirs. 

She also wanted her aquarium on the public side. I moved them days ago. Mirella never had time to make an aquarium or even a greenhouse here. The only room Mirella and I did, just the two of us, was the girls' room. Mimosa was happy with this new way of life. She was a witch too, a wolf witch and a powerful one too. It was good that she had a good time, too.

The girls' pleasure room had a large circular jacuzzi in the middle of the room, a few tasteful lounge chairs along the sides of the room, and even a five-person bed with a water gel mattress. Its atmosphere was seductive, calm, comfortable, and a little naughty, too.

In the back of the room were tall cupboards with a considerable selection of dildos and various stimulants, electrical equipment in others, and one cupboard were substances, stimulants for topical use, some even in my teeth. This room was always occupied when the special tickle was on. There was that naughtiness factor on the wall full of whips, lashes, floggers, and daggers, too. For a little sharper play. 

Now, there would be no tickle because the heat was about to run out. Whoever would come into that room would know straight away what there was supposed to be doing. We had just arrived at the house on an island, ready to move to Oklahoma, and all of us were in the downstairs kitchen. I was sitting at the table planning what I was going to do. Slowly, the rest came to the house. We were still on the island. My heat had ended with its drama and whatnot. It had been one of a kind, too. Now, it would be my time. My time.

I would not advertise it to Damon because, well, he's Damon, and he takes his alpha male role pretty fucking seriously sometimes. Damon walked into the room. I had got up and was just about to make some more coffee when he came up to me. He suddenly pressed me against the wall and kissed me. His hands, so skilled they knew how to light me up just right, roamed along, my sides, my stomach, my breasts, touching my nipples, spilling back down my lower stomach, and from there to my ribs.

The kiss seemed to last forever, and when Damon broke away, I noticed a small, smug smile playing on his lips. I'm done with lust. I can take it. Then Damon went and kissed all the other women in the same way. The wolves were about ears flat and tails tucked away. I didn't make any coffee while I controlled myself.

I knew that sometimes after a heat, there can be afterglow; there's no need to encourage it. It just wants to say, you'll still be fucked a few weeks after the heat. I had the plan of my time planned already and I wanted to have some peace, read my books, laze around, and not be in this sometimes passionate mess of pack life.

All this drama and jealousy. Possession and oh, really the breeding. Mariella had told me why it was important for me to breed. To get those little munchers, cheetah wizards and they would start to munch those triple shells out of my tissues, keeping me safe, too. The more I let Damon breed me, the faster those wizards might be conceived and the more we would get those, the faster I would be fully shell-free. 

The men teleported us effortlessly into the yard of the Oklahoma house. I went right in the front door with the others. Mariella and Damon went off to explore the common areas. Mimosa went to check on her fish with Adam, Charles, and Shadow. Adam and Charles were already very demonstratively chasing the wolves. Yay.

As I saw Damon and Mariella heading to the upper floor in search of the main bedroom, I smiled to myself. This was just one more house that we had not dedicated room with Damon, so there was not much to rob from me. The wing was situated back of the house and it was not visible from the front yard and only part of the main rooms. In those that had a view of the backyard. I was not sure did Damon even knew in which houses we had wings or not. 

With men busy with wolves, I'd be off duty. I walked calmly to the door leading to the wing. Now, it was mostly a wall; it wasn't nearly as visible. It looked like the house only had a wall at that point. There had been a wall, and that wall had been dismantled when the wing was built.

The door leading to the wing had been originally a heavy, distinctive safety door, but not anymore. If someone weren't looking in the backyard, they wouldn't even know to look for the entire wing or its entrance. I secretly hoped Damon wouldn't pay attention, either.

I went to the wall and pressed my finger to the scanner. A small panel slid out. I lifted the inside of my right wrist to the scanner so it would read the microchip embedded in my wrist. The door slid open silently as the light turned green. I stepped through the doorway and began to walk up the stairs.

I was going first to the top floor because there was the kitchen, my greenhouse, and my library, too. Well, the six flights of stairs were easy to walk up. They were designed so that the stairs were not too high. I knew that the orchids in my greenhouse would need tending at some point, but I had time.

Mariella and Damon would soon find a bedroom or room, and the wolves were probably already fucking. It would take them at least two weeks or more. I reached the top floor. Here was the kitchen. My favorite place in the entire house. My dominion.

The kitchen was enormous, and one side of it was very well-equipped. This was the side of the kitchen for baking and desserts, and the other half was dedicated to cooking. The kitchen also had a huge fridge, which you walked into, and a freezer. Appliances were top-notch and roomy, easy, and energy saving too.

Tile floors had muted pastel shades, windows were enormous and gave a pretty view of the grounds, and my lovely table seated maybe six. It was actually an antic table, but it was in use for me. Rose quartz was a material in the working area, and the walls were painted light blue and they had tiles in them, too. Off white. Curtains onto windows were crocheted, patterns of flowers and vines. I had here crocheting computer, and I used it to make these curtains. They were pastel violet, too. 

Then, there was a flash freezer on the dessert side, which quickly made things freeze. I went to the fridge and had some food. I was starving. Then I went to make my rooms. After that, it was again time to eat.

I put the rooms in order. I hadn't had time to tackle the aquariums yet, let alone the greenhouses. I'd already done a bit of work on Mirella's floors earlier. They were still pretty empty. Medbay was great. That was also upstairs. There was a CT machine, an MRI machine, a state-of-the-art operating room, a surgical robot, and a really big medicine cabinet. I had my library here too, and it was secured again with my fingerprint and that ID chip. It was also pretty well hidden. 

This was the house where I shipped all the drugs I'd ever gotten from the pharmaceutical facilities. Either sourced by myself or supplied by the flea dealers. Drug jar after drug jar was on shelves that numbered several dozen. Somewhere in between, I would have taken the time to browse the medicines, which were now on my agenda.

I had here my trusty analyzer, the only one with its AI which had learned so much of me over the years and was really reliable with drug interactions and me. It was almost as good as Damon, sometimes even better, and a hell of a lot more trustworthy. I gave a sample of my blood, writing about breeding or making reserves, and the machine asked a few questions.

Colin had told me it was important to tell everything to this machine, and I had told it about that shed session, Damien's torture sessions, everything, so it was up to date on me. Sometimes it wanted other fluids too than just blood.

There were lovely patient beds, too. The sides only came halfway up, and there were no chains or restraints of any kind. The mattress was an air gel mattress that felt like sleeping on a cloud. I was focused on the perfect patient beds because I had spent much time in them. 

The bed linen was comfortable, as were the pillows, and the whole ward was equipped with a large cupboard full of pillows and bed linen. There was also a chute of laundry to the basement laundry room.

The most wonderful room I was looking forward to going to was situated on the third floor. The blood room. It had the most wonderful, sinking mechanism chairs you could ever find. I had blood in there. I had a division demon, a fire demon, several demon kings too, angels, archangels, werewolves, witches, and even an elemental. And other bloods, too.

The most enjoyable thing was to take different blood, make a mixture of them, and then just sip them in the chair at your leisure. I had five-liter crystal pots and crystal mugs there. You have to allow yourself a little luxury. Those chairs were just about perfect as they could be, too.

My life was as perfect as it could be. No one noticed me at all. I had all the peace that I needed and I was reading at night books from my library. There were so many of them. I assumed again that Damon would keep from me a long pause and not want to be near me, so I had a few rooms spruced up for Adam and Charles too. I had for Charles a few little surprises too.

One day, when wolves would want to go outside and romp around, I could do some seduction and once again get these two in cuffs, helpless and naked, before me. I reminisced about that one Christmas party, well, time before that. The part had been ok but when it ended, up with me being kidnapped and the rest of the pack drugged for a week; it was not so an excellent memory either. 

I sat in the chair and sighed as I remembered how Rob had been ready to become a father. Her wife Fiona had been almost to the term expecting their son. Taylor. I wondered how old Taylor was now. There have been so many years gone by since he was born and also when Rob was killed. I killed him; he asked for it, but still. I did it. I got out of my funk and noticed that I was kinda hungry again. Fine, I gotta soon go to find something to eat.

I'd now been working in my wing for three weeks and had had time to sip enough blood a few times. When it was going well, it was going well. I had eaten my way through the fridge, though. My hunger announced itself now a little more. Fine. I was thinking whether should I cook or not. 

Usually, the fridges downstairs were already linked by the magic house, but that was also in progress, and as there was no access to the wing, this one was not linked. I knew that somewhere in between, I'd have to sneak into a local farm.

I took some food from the freezer. Mirella and I had made some food somewhere in between, and we froze it. I continued to rearrange my self-decorated bedrooms. I figured I'd probably get to the aquariums soon. First, I had to make a nursery here, too, and then go out to eat because I was hungry and still rejoicing in that. So I went to eat, and I digested the meal and ate. It was delicious—fish roast. Pollock with bechamel cheese gratin, pink mash, and lots of that sauce. All roasted in the oven to the absolute perfection. 

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