

------3 years later------

Since a considerable time had passed, the sudden change of leadership that had occured within the Syndicate became the new norm.

The old boss and a few others had decided to leave the Syndicate, while the rest of the men stayed.

Jin had no problem with them leaving at this point as they weren't a threat. Furthermore, for the last three years, he was focused on one thing only.


On this fine Thursday afternoon, Akizawa, the man who had initially welcomed Jin into the Syndicate, was sitting at the desk where the old boss used to.

In Jin's absence, he was the 'boss' of the Kageokami-kai.

In front of him was a man in a white double breasted suit with a cape attached to it. On the man's hat, was the letter 'Q'.

Sweat ran down Akizawa's face as he looked at the man.

"S-sir, our boss is currently in training. It would be best if you don't disturb him."

Veins popped out the sides of the man's head as he heard this. Since when had a mere Yakuza Syndicate dared to say this to them?


The man cut the desk in half, causing Akizawa to roll backward to prevent getting cut in half himself.

Surprisingly though, Akizawa didn't seem too scared of this man, in fact, if one looked closely enough, they could see a hint of annoyance appearing on his face.

Akizawa got up, dusted off his suit, cleared his throat and said, "Sir, I would not recommend breaking things while you're here, the boss will not take kindly to it."

The man squinted his eyes at Akizawa, confused about his strange behavior. But he had no time to be hanging around trying to figure out the situation here.

This was just one Syndicate they had under their thumb. All he had to do was get the annual payment they owed to keep their Syndicate running.

"Why do you guys like to make things so hard? Sigh. You know what? Take me to your boss so I can see him myself."

Akizawa was about to deny him again, but thinking about the potential consequences of that decision made him a little uneasy.

He was just a normal man, there was no reason for him go against these crazy people with superpowers.

"Then, I wish you the best of luck, right this way, sir."


Within the training room, which was just a large basement under the Syndicate, there was nothing but darkness.

There no lights, no windows, no vents, no drains, nothing.

Just pure darkness.


Suddenly, a flash of purple light shone for a brief second.


The purple light flashed again, this time it occured twice.


Now, the light had begun to flash more rapidly, sporadically.


Within moments, the entire room was filled with this purple light, more than that, the source of the light revealed itself.

It was a primordial force of nature, one so destructive that it was revered as the father of elements.

Of course, it was lightning. Purple lightning.

It was so potent that the air itself vibrated where ever it traveled.

The purple light illuminated the entire room, revealing its dilapidated state.

The scarred walls, the charred floors, even the color of the room looked...drained.

That wasn't the only thing the illumination revealed though.

At the center of this destructive field of lightning, was a man.

His spiky, light pink hair followed his every movement as his orange eyes darted across the room.

Sweat dripped off of his shirtless body as he ceaselessly swung his sword, causing arcing lightning to emerge with every one.

This was his first cursed technique, one of two which he had awakened within his first year of training.

It was also around that time which he had discovered cursed energy, a power so similar to his original that he thought that it was fate that brought him there.

Cursed energy was a power that was sourced from negative emotions. Jin's original power was from an otherwordly, almost living energy called 'The Force.'

The Force had two sides, one light, one dark.

And if one couldn't have guessed by now, Jin was a master of the dark side, which granted him many abilities some might consider unnatural.

In fact, when Jin wasn't a being that was born naturally. He was artificially made by the Axis, using the DNA and souls of 6 different heavily gifted wielders of the dark side.

Sheev Palpatine.

Galen Marek.

Anakin Skywalker.

Tenebrae or as some might know him, Vitiate.


And lastly, Revan.

The souls, minds, and bodies of these warriors were all captured in death and used by the Axis to create what he considered the ultimate warrior.

That was how Jin was born. An amalgamation that somehow formed his own mind, spirit and personality considering the type of warriors used to make him.

So, it was no surprise that Jin would be very familiar in controlling negative emotions.

That's why when he awakened his cursed technique, it was no surprise that it was a variation of Force Lightning, an infamous dark side ability, which he had honed to its absolute zenith in his past life.

After those events, Jin just continuously trained for the rest of the time, culminating in the three years that flew by.



Jin quickly sheathed the sword, causing all the lightning around him to stop.

The only lights that could be seen in the darkness were his eyes, looking towards the door of the room.

"I still have a long way to go. Compared to my past self, the amount of lightning i can generate right now is paltry. Tch. That's enough for today."

Jin gripped his sheath, put one hand in his pocket and sauntered towards the entrance of the room.

That's when he suddenly sensed two presences coming towards him. One was Akizawa, the other was...

"A sorcerer. This is my first time sensing someone else adept in the use of cursed energy."

A wide grin slowly emerged upon his face as he opened the electronic doors to the training room.

"I suppose I'll wait for him here."

Several seconds passed by before Akizawa and the sorcerer came around the corner.

Seeing Jin already standing outside of the room, Akizawa almost lost his wits.

"Boss! I didn't mean to disturb you! But there is this-"

Jin raised his hand.

"It's alright, Akizawa. You may leave."

Akizawa bowed deeply and ran back into the elevator, thanking his lucky stars that he wouldn't be around to experience what was about to happen.

The man didn't say anything as he stared at Jin. There was a clear expression of shock on his face.

"A curse user...? Or a cursed spirit...? Why does your cursed energy feel so evil?!"

Jin raised an eyebrow at this comment. His cursed energy felt evil?

'Hm. Maybe it's just something other people can feel. It feels just fine to me.'

The man drew a pair of knives from his waist and got into a fighting stance as his cursed energy flared up.

"Wheww...so that's how another sorcerer's cursed energy looks."

Jin was impressed. This man was clearly skilled. At least more than the normal humans he fought before.

The man was surprised by Jin's words but said nothing. He was going to figure out what was going on with this anomaly one way or another.

"Get ready."

Without hesitation, the man rushed at Jin with his daggers in a reverse grip.

"Such speed!"

The man moved like blur as the daggers arrived at Jin's throat in almost an instant.

He was sure that it was his victory, as there had never been an opponent who could dodge or deflect his knives when they were that close.

Even the strongest of his organization couldn't do that.


But Jin was too seasoned of a warrior to fall so easily.

Jin leaned back and easily dodged the attack while unsheathing his blade in one smooth motion.


In the next moment, the man noticed something strange.

His arms were gone.


His legs followed suit.

This all happened in the time the man was still in motion rushing at Jin with his knives.

With the next move, Jin stabbed the man through his torso and embedded him into the wall as if he was a piece of cloth.


Blood flowed from all his limbs ceaselessly as the man struggled to speak, but it was to no avail.

His life flowed away from him too quickly.

"Hm. I didn't expect a sorcerer to die that fast. Especially since he was from that place Akizawa called 'Q'. Disappointing. Maybe he was just a grunt."


Jin whisked the blood off of his blade and sheathed it, walking away from the scene as the man's torso fell to the ground.

"That was underwhelming. I think it's time I go out into the world and find the one's who call themselves the strongest. Maybe they might be in another city all together. Hm, I wonder what cursed techniques exist here? I wonder what cursed technique the strongest has? It's all so....exciting."

Jin's orange eyes flared as he made his way into the elevator.

It was time to make his official entrance into the world of Jujutsu.


Bet no one can guess what his second cursed technique is. It's not something anyone would think about and definitely not the ability that would make the most sense with force lightning.

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