

[A/N: So before we begin this chapter go vote on the poll, it will decide Sasuke's waifu, it will end tomorrow, and if you are wondering where Sakura is she exists I am just too lazy to write about her she doesn't do anything anyway until Shippuden so yeah ig it's fine ]

"Kabuto just as you said that Cid kid was interesting, to say the least, and he also seems to possess a mysterious kekkei genkai," said Orochimaru while looking at his faithful subordinate Kabuto

"I told you, Lord Orochimaru, though I couldn't meet them during the exam, I think you must have gotten what you came for," said Kabuto

"Of course, and I suggest you do not try to fight Cid Gojo in combat," warned Orochimaru

"Huh what do you mean by that, Lord Orochimaru," said Kabuto

"Cid Gojo, he is different from the likes of Hiruzen Sarutobi, he is a cold person, and his power is what you would call truly evil, facing him I felt like I was fighting the Nine tails," was all Orochimaru said before disappearing in smoke

"Now I really wanna meet him," said Kabuto


"How is it, does the curse mark still cause you pain?" asked Hiruzen seeing Anko clutch her neck where the Curse mark situated

"No not really, thanks to you it's much better," said Anko

"I don't understand why Orochimaru came to our village anyway," said a Chunin

"Yeah, what will a ninja of that caliber be doing here," said the other Chunin

"that kid," muttered Anko 

"He is after Sasuke right," said Hiruzen making Anko look at him and nod

"Mrs Anko we have confirmed that a total of 21 participants have passed the exam," said a Chunin

"According to the rules we will have to hold a round of preliminaries first, first time in five years," said the Chunin again

"Now for the time being, we will continue with the exams as planned," said Hiruzen

"We should also keep an eye out on his movements as well," said Hiruzen


"First of all, Congratulations on finishing the second exam," 

'There were 78 ninjas who took the exam, frankly, I am surprised that even 21 passed, I expected to be under 10,' thought Anko

"Wow, look Sasuke's team passed too," said Ino

"Yeah, If we passed I think they should also pass because he is on their team," said Shikamaru

"And Choji stop looking at Akamaru and wipe that drool," said Shikamaru

"Well Kakashi looks like your team lucked out huh," said Guy while looking at Kakashi

"For your information guy they broke the Chunin exam record so yeah try again," said Kakashi

"All right you win this one Kakashi, but don't worry my team will definitely crush yours because your team lacks my team YOUTHFUL SPIRIT," said Guy

'So that is Guy-sensei's rival, Kakashi Hatake based on looks alone Guy Guy-sensei stands no chance,' thought Tenten

'Guy-sensei, he looks so cool he is like so cool that I can't find out a single cool thing about him but that is because I haven't fully embraced the Dao of youth after I do that I will finally understand Guy-sensei's profound wisdom of youth,' thought Lee [A/N: Dao means path or way, so here Lee means way of youth]

'Cid you're here, beware because I will crush you, I will never lose again,' thought Lee as he remembered his loss with Cid

'that bastards here, you were Lucky you didn't find me in the exam, but don't worry I will destroy you, with the secret technique of the Hyuga clan, I have cultivated it to supremacy, you can never beat me,' thought Neji like a youthful young master while looking at Cid

'It hard to believe that so many are left after the second test, and most of them are rookies that must be why they fought so hard to recommend them,' thought Hiruzen while looking at the senseis of the Rookie Nine

"Alright Listen, Lord Hokage is gonna explain the third exam to you better listen careful maggots, and you too," said Anko saying the last past while looking at Cid

'Wait we are maggots but Cid isn't a maggot, wtf is going on here could it be that Cid is the main character and I am just a side character,' thought Sasuke

"First before I tell you what the third exam entails I want to explain something about the test itself, listen closely its something all of you need to understand," said Hiruzen

"I will tell you the true purpose of these exams," said Hiruzen

'True purpose? wait could it be Grandpa Hokage can't take it anymore and has decided to make me the Hokage, No Grandpa don't worry you can have your seat for 2 years,' thought Naruko with a silly grin

"Stop daydreaming idiot," said Sasuke

------Stop bullshit about wars later---------

"Lord Hokage before you speak please allow me Hayate Gekko to say," said Hayate while bowing

"So be it," said Hiruzen

"So before we conduct the third exam, we need to have a preliminary to the third exam," said Hayate

"What do you mean preliminary?!" said Shikamaru reaching his breaking point

"Sensei I don't understand why even have this preliminary." said Naruko

"There are you see, too many people, perhaps because the first and second exams were too easy, so to cut down the number we will have a preliminary," said Hayate

"As you should know guests are coming in the third exam," said Hayate

"So we can't have long pointless matches and our time is limited as well," said Hayate while coughing

"Of course, if you think you are not in top condition or deem yourself ineligible for the exam you can drop out now," said Hayate

'Why does he look like he will die the very next second,' thought Cid

"Excuse me, those of you who wish to drop out speak up now," said Hayate

"Sensei Cid wants to drop out," said Sasuke 

"Hey Baka when did I say I want to drop out," said Cid in response Sasuke just stuck his tongue out

"Please do not take this exam as a joke," said Hayate

"Is he a robot," asked Cid out aloud

"I don't know, he looks like his wife beats him every night," said Sasuke, listening to a conversation between the two youngsters everyone except Hayate couldn't help but chuckle

"The Preliminary exam will begin immediately, so please answer quickly," said Hayate

"Immediately we haven't even been given time to rest," said Kiba

"Man what a drag," said Shikamaru

"This is why I told you guys to conserve stamina," said Shikamaru while looking at his team

"Hey Lord Hokage can't we get some food," asked Choji

"Hey Sasuke you fine," asked Naruko seeing Sasuke clutch his shoulder in pain

'Hmm, need to ask Kakashi to do something about this or Hiruzen that guy probably stole a couple of Jutsus from Uzu,' thought Cid

"Looks like what I feared has come true," said Hiruzen

"So what do we do with him," asked Ibiki

"Of course, we take him out of the exam, hand him over to the Anbu black ops, and let them keep him locked up, we have to keep that seal under con-," 

"Uh huh, and he will just listen to you right Anko?" said Kakashi coldly

"Kakashi just because he is your student doesn't make you take this side on such matters, you can't just save him here," said Anko

"It seems there has been a misunderstanding, the one I am saving is not Sasuke Anko it's you," said Kakashi

'Me? What does he mean-,' thought Anko as she saw a blue pair of eyes watching her

'It's him that Kid,' thought Anko

"You see it too write, if you so much as touch Sasuke, killing you would be a mercy," said Kakashi

"Let the boy take the exam, As long as Naruko and Cid exist, he will never be like Orochimaru," said Hiruzen

'I have failed you Itachi,' thought Hiruzen

"I give up," said Kabuto

"Ok you can go on and step back," said Hayate

"Anything special about him," asked Hiruzen

"Nothing really, except that he was a survivor of the battle at Kikyo Pass," said Anko

'Sorry Naruko and Cid, I wished I could stick around and play a little longer,' thought Kabuto as he started leaving

"Now then does anybody else wanna quit," said Hayate while coughing

"Sasuke should we tell them," asked Naruko

"No they already know," said Cid and shut Naruko up

"Lord Hokage should we really let him take the exam," said Anko in worry

"Hmm, if Sasuke shows any sign of the curse mark, you will step in," said Hiruzen

"But-, fine," said Anko knowing she couldn't argue with the Hokage

"Alright then, let's get started, this round will consist of one one-on-one individual combat at full battle intensity, this is not the regular spars you do with your teammates," said Hayate

"There are 20 of you remaining, that means 10 matches, the surviving 10 will be eligible to take the third exam," said Hayate

"As for the rules there are none, you fight till one dies or concedes defeat or is rendered physically incapable of continuing the contest," said Hayate

"Naturally those who are losing are urged to concede defeat lest they get fatally injured," said Hayate

"Of course, in certain circumstances, I will intervein so that we can save as many lives as possible," said Hayate

"Now onto the matches," said Hayate


"For the first match we have Sasuke Uchiha vs Yoroi Akado," said Hayate

"Alright then everyone other than the two opponents, clear the area and move to the upper level," said Hayate and everyone obliged, except Team 7 who stayed still

"Woah Kakashi-sensei," said Naruko seeing Kakashi walk towards them

"Thanks," said Cid looking toward Kakashi, 

"No problem I don't want my Student to fail or else how would I face guy," said Kakashi with a smile

'He is just like me when I was younger, cold on the outside but warm on the inside,' thought

"Sasuke don't use your Sharingan," said Kakashi as he walked toward Sasuke

"So you know about it, Cid was right yet again," said Sasuke

"If that mark on your neck gets out of control, your life could be in danger," said Kakashi

"Just so you know, if it gets to that point I will have to step in and stop the fight," said Kakashi

'Stop the fight, this Mark responds to my chakra, so I will have to fight him on pure taijutsu, huh,' thought Sasuke but then he smiled this didn't go unnoticed by Kakashi

"Looks like staying with Cid has a positive effect too, he is taking this as a challenge," said Kakashi

"Battle begin," said Hayate

As the fight started Yoroi fired off several shurikens toward Sasuke who countered them with a Kunai

'AHH Already,' thought Sasuke as he fell down from pain

"Take this," said Yoroi as he ran towards and grabbed Sasuke, Sasuke was not idle as he threw several Kunai towards Yoroi and then grabbed Yoroi in a deadlock

"It's over," said Sasuke

"Oh really," said Yoroi as his hands got covered in a blue hue and touched Sasuke

'My body, he is absorbing my Chakra,' thought Sasuke

'I need to get out of hear,' thought Sasuke as he used all the physical strength he had to remove him from Yoroi's grip

"Oh, so you are not so weak after all," said Yoroi

"You can absorb Chakra through contact," said Sasuke while huffing

"Don't try to buy time, I will end this in an instant," said Yoroi as he ran forward toward Sasuke and tried to grab him by the hair but Sasuke just dodged

"Hey Sasuke, if you don't beat him in under 1 minute you are gay," said Cid


"Blah Blah the timer is ticking," said Cid

"Tsk," said Sasuke as he started dodging Yoroi's attack with superspeed

"Huh where did he go," said Yoroi not finding Sasuke anywhere, but then Sasuke ducked and kicked Yoroi in the face

"Hey I will sue you, that is my move, you need to pay me," screamed Rock Lee

"Don't worry I will give credits, but from here on out it is completely original," said Sasuke as he and Yoroi were flying vertically, he put his finger on Yoroi's back

"Here we go," said Sasuke but then the Cursed mark started affecting him

"Hey Sasuke 10 seconds are left," said Cid

"Lion COMBO," said Sasuke as he did a 540-degree kick on Yoroi making him faint

"How much time was left," said Sasuke 

"3 seconds," said Cid

"Huff, huff, HAHA in your face," said Sasuke

"Hey probably copied it using his Sharingan when I fought Cid," muttered Rock Lee

'This kid, the youth inside him is quite shaky, He should have fixed his foundation,' thought Guy

"Sasuke you need to come with me," said Kakashi and Sasuke obliged

After that, the matches were the same as canon except for Gaara fighting Ino, The Last Match was Rock Lee vs Cid Gojo

[A/N: Is it just me or webnovel's has been acting out for the past few days]

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