
Chapter 144: Areopagus Hill

"A wonderful weather for a heated battle,"

Shinoa nodded, looking at the sunny sky.

We were in Athens, and I could already sense the folded space on the Areopagus hill and the divine energy trying to hide.

"I see terrorists."

 Clark said, looking directly toward the hill.

"Yeah, and warheads,"

Kara added that she was also using her X-ray vision.

"I counted thirty-two of them…"

"Not too many compared to larger countries, but enough to start World War III,"

I remarked.

"Ra's al Ghul, I am ready to go with you and be your right hand even in the face of a g-god,"

Talia suddenly said, but wavered slightly at the end.

She had learned why I went to this place and to deal with the Olympian god Ares.

She had learned a lot about gods and magic since my return.

"You don't have to do this, you know that."

I looked at her.

"It is my duty to protect… to be by your side."

She understood that protecting me might not be possible.

"Alright, then change clothes."

I took out a case with a costume from my dimensional ring that I had created specifically for her.

"This suit is made of God Metal. It will make you a superhuman. Don't let me down."

 I told her and created a small house nearby where she could change.

"Administrator-kun has set his eyes on her?"

Shinoa immediately chimed in with a grin.

Meanwhile, Talia looked at the case and then back at me, and it was clear she was thinking about something…

Then I felt her emotions of embarrassment and joy but she didn't show them.

"She is an assassin."

Diana replied, echoing her sentiments as she went to change.

"I prefer to fight face-to-face rather than poison in a glass."

She expressed her feelings.

"She was born the daughter of the head of the League of Assassins, so from birth, she literally had no other path."

I replied to Diana.

Soon, Talia emerged in a tight black suit that didn't look like it could protect against tank shells at point-blank range.

Our team was generally ready to move.

Areopagus Hill was a kilometer away, and I felt divine attention as we approached.

"Who are these dressed-up clowns?"

A terrorist said.

"Damn, that's Supergirl! Don't you watch TV?!"

Another terrorist paled and ran away while the first one froze, clearly pondering his words.


A missile hit us, exploding against Superman's chest who just raised an eyebrow at it.

As we continued walking, they noticed us and prepared a bit.

"Well, we weren't planning on sneaking in quietly. Kara, Shinoa, I'm counting on you. Talia, cover them if needed, and complete the mission."

I said, and they nodded while rushing forward.

Immediately, the screams of terrorists and the sounds of explosions were heard.

Shinoa caught a flying shell from a Panzerfaust shot and redirected it back while in the air.

Kara was darting through the rocks, breaking all the terrorists' communication terminals with her body.

They were smart and tried to ensure that all these shells didn't fly too far, as a city and civilians were around the hill.

The hill was fenced off, but if a missile flew farther, it could kill innocent people. I had already thought of this and set up a barrier.

"They're expecting us."

We walked a bit further, and I felt us pass through a veil of divine magic.

We immediately saw a large palace that hadn't been there before. And in our path stood two gods...

"Look, brother, that's an Amazon."

A tall man said this with blond hair, orange eyes, and divine weapons in his hands.

"I see. They always bothered our father… Let's deal with her and find out where Themyscira is."

The other one nodded to him.

These were Ares' sons—Deimos and Phobos.

"We know about your monstrous plans, and the gods themselves have sent me to stop you."

Diana said, pointing her sword at them.

"But you have a chance for redemption, something your father doesn't have. Surrender and do not interfere with us."

"Haha, it's been a long time since someone made me laugh like that. I think father won't mind if we enslave you,"

Deimos smiled.

 "Oh, I felt that burst of anger from you. Hmm, and also... Do you have feelings for one of the two walking beside you?"

He realized.

After all, he was a god and could feel emotions, being the God of fear and terror or something like that.

"Mind your own business. Attack!"

She leaped, swiftly reaching Phobos, but he raised his sword with amusement in his eyes and blocked her strike...

Phobos' smile quickly vanished as the force of the blow dragged him across the rock for dozens of meters.

"You're strong. No wonder Father is interested in you."

He said.

"Brother, will you handle the other two?"

"Someone has to,"

Deimos said while pointing his hand at us... then Clark's pupils widened.

In the blink of an eye, he clenched his fist and stood beside him, punching him into the rock and continuing to hit.

Each punch shattered the nearby rocks and created a local earthquake.

Deimos was trying to frighten us with divine magic.

An ordinary person would have experienced paralyzing fear and possibly died from a heart attack.

"What the... brother!"

He raised his divine rifle towards Superman and fired, but I stopped the bullet with my fingers, causing Phobos' eyes to widen in shock.

"Don't mess with your opponents."

I shook my finger... At this moment, Diana's lasso wrapped around his hand to yank the sword away.

The next moment Diana left a bloody gash on his chest with her sword.


Diana shouted and, with a well-placed kick, struck him in the side, causing his face to contort in pain as he flew into the palace.

Superman had already come to his senses and stopped beating him... who didn't look very well.

"You were pretty rough with him, Boy Scout."

I said, approaching Clark.

"I... I saw the death of all my loved ones..."

He swallowed hard.

"But it was just a nightmare,"

He exhaled and clenched his fist, his eyes returning to their usual hue rather than the recent red.

"Ποιος είσαι!"

Deimos exclaimed, looking at Superman with some fear. In the next second, he teleported through a shadow to a pillar.

"Father will destroy you! I-I won't give up, Decay!"

He shouted, pressing his bloody hand to the ground... and a divine symbol appeared, and a creature with thin limbs and a long tongue emerged.

"What is that?"

Superman asked, quickly flying up and dodging him.

"Hmm, an artificially created being... they're called Gorgons in their pantheon. Be wary of its strikes, as they are magical."

I advised.

Superman was slapped in the face and sent into the city.

The barrier was meant to block projectiles, not bodies...

"I'll be back..."

Deimos said it with a clear intent for revenge and tried to teleport through the shadow again, but it didn't work.


He tried to teleport again because he wasn't sure what to do. Then he saw my smile, and a "Hammer of Light" fell from the sky and hit him.

It was literally a construct of light resembling a hammer that sent him into oblivion.

"One down..."

I looked at Superman who had flown back into the sky and was fighting off the creature.

"I think he'll manage... probably... Shinoa, help Clark. That creature has magical roots, so it's hard to harm it with physical strikes."

I said this to her through the communicator.

I could handle everything myself, but my "team" needed to recognize the real danger in the world and deal with it.

After all, I wasn't lying when I talked about a Justice League-like team, but my own.

They needed to gain experience in collaborative operations.

Meanwhile, Diana tied Phobos up with her lasso and beat him up, but it wasn't easy for her.

Soon, the main culprit appeared Ares himself.

As soon as he stepped from the folded space into the real world, divine power filled the surroundings, pressing on the minds of ordinary mortals.

He radiated divine power, which was fueled by war and violence and made him even stronger.

He towered over Diana who looked like a lost girl in his presence.

"You were sent by father? Ha! Such a weakling?"

Ares said it arrogantly.

"Ares, surrender! You bring destruction to the world,"

Diana said, standing before him with unwavering confidence.

"What arrogant words from an Amazon. Daughter of Hippolyta, am I right? You resemble her... just as weak. And I bring only... WAR!"

He exclaimed, spreading his arms wide, signaling Diana to launch forward faster than the human eye could perceive.

She didn't hold back this time as she would in a sparring match with Superman.

Even when she fought me and lost over and over, she never went all out... but now she did.

She was going as fast as Clark's flight for a moment, and her swing with the God Metal sword was directed right at Ares's neck, but he easily blocked it with his hand. 

He then hit her in the side, sending her flying through a rock.

"Not bad... Father, did you seriously send someone like you after me?"

He said it with a smirk.

"I'm disappointed..."

"Don't underestimate me!"

Diana charged again, shield and sword at her ready.

Meanwhile, Kara and Shinoa joined Clark in fighting the summoned creature Decay.

Deimos had taken a beating from Shinoa's scythe that she used to "Sever," and he was now bleeding in a pit made by his own body.

However, Decay continued to attack Clark.

They devised a strategy to lure Decay higher together, using lasers and breath attacks.

Decay was almost immune to physical damage... but Decay experienced true pain when Shinoa appeared with her enhanced magical scythe.

She pierced Decay's chest with her scythe, then severed its head, causing a magical explosion in the sky that scattered the clouds.

"That was... impressive."

Clark admitted this while descending.

"You all work too carelessly."

Talia said with a grimace, having dealt with many terrorists and ensured the nuclear warheads couldn't be activated.

"Everything worked out, and that's what matters."

Kara said it with a smile.

"Tsk, all this power, and it's all in vain."

Talia muttered.

"Is something bothering you? With Tony-kun, you're sweet and quiet, but here you've decided to show your character?"

 Shinoa asked.

"I don't like your childishness. You've destroyed everything around, even the rocks, when all we needed to do was deal with the terrorists."

Talia said, piercing the head of a terrorist who ran out with a bomb strapped to his waist.

"You... a killer and a criminal, you make my blood boil."

Kara said, lowering herself towards Talia.

"Why does Tony even deal with you?"

"Maybe he prefers brunettes over brainless blondes?"

Talia raised an eyebrow.

"You bitch..."

Kara clenched her fists, her eyes reddening as if she wanted to laser Talia's head off.

"It wasn't necessary to kill everyone,"

Shinoa added looking again at the body at her feet.

"You're all such children..."

She smiled, making sure Tony wasn't around.

"Do you know what these 'innocent ones who took the wrong path' were up to? Slave trading, drug trafficking, extortion, rape, organ trafficking, child kidnapping... and that's not even half the list."

"It's not for us to decide who lives or dies."

 Clark spoke up, but he said it without much fire.

"And to whom? To God? So God said His word, right?"

They all understood who she was hinting at.

"Why does he even bother with these chickens..."

She glanced again at Shinoa and Kara, continuing to clear the area.

"I don't like her..."

Kara grumbled.

"The Administrator-kun just didn't fuck yet... That's why she's such a bitch. Although I hope that won't happen..."

Shinoa said it casually.

"God... I don't want to hear this."

Clark said, looking towards the commotion. "

"Is... that... A god?"

Superman's pupils dilated as they all felt what seemed like invisible pressure on their shoulders.


Kara exclaimed to fly to help Diana.



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